black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 469: The Prince Out of Control

Chapter 469: The Prince Out of Control (2)
Cai Xuehui looked at the extremely noble woman with complicated eyes, and she didn't know whether it was jealousy or envy.She has been outstanding since she was a child. Whether it is piano, chess, calligraphy, painting or poetry, she can learn faster and better than other girls. No matter who sees her, she will praise her as "intelligent and wise".In order to prove her extraordinaryness, she even helped her father to make suggestions and deal with some minor matters in the court. Although her father said that women should not be involved in politics, she knew that he was proud in his heart, proud that his daughter was as smart and wise as a man , she is also faintly proud of it.But when this woman named 'Cheng Yimo' appeared, all her halos and glory became so ordinary.

She suddenly changed from someone who was admired by everyone to someone who could only admire the existence of others. This kind of gap made her frustrated and unwilling, but also made her helpless.

Today, they are even more incomparable.Her battlefield is in the inner courtyard of the boudoir, and she is fighting for the little heart of the man.And her battlefield is in the court of wind and cloud, and she is fighting for the monstrous power of turning her hands into clouds and covering her hands with rain.

Li Ruosheng is simple, his heart is full of admiration, he holds his cheeks in his hands, stares at his eyes, acting like a nympho, "Oh! She is so handsome, it would be great if she is a man, if it is a man, the princess will definitely Don't marry unless she!"

Yu Xiangrong and the others were stunned, then shook their heads with a broken smile, as expected, they were still children who hadn't grown up.

Ke Qian recalled the past with a sad expression, "I think back then, when the few of us were choosing concubines in the Guerlain Palace, then..."

Cai Xuehui's eyes were blurred when she heard it, and she was obviously lost in memory.That's right, when Guerlain chose the concubine, they were still in the same position, but now it's only been three short years, and the distance between them has become so far away.

Yu Xiangrong saw the two people not far away looking at each other and smiling, and suddenly remembered the rumors that spread yesterday, "Now the news that the Leiting Palace is recruiting a son-in-law has spread a lot. We talked very happily, it seems that good things are going to happen between Fenghao Palace and Lei Ting Palace."

"What! Recruiting a son-in-law?!" Li Ruosheng, who heard such explosive news for the first time, jumped up from his seat in shock, and looked at Yu Xiangrong in disbelief.

Seeing that Ke Qian and Cai Xuehui were also looking at her in shock, Yu Xiangrong raised her eyebrows in surprise, "What? You don't know yet?"

"In the past few days, I've been so pissed off by the new Mrs. Qu, I don't have the energy to inquire about other things." Speaking of that bitch, Ke Qian gritted her teeth.

Cai Xuehui put down her cup and sat upright, even though she was eager and curious in her heart, there was always an elegant chuckle on her face, "Xiangrong, tell us quickly, what's going on."

"I heard that yesterday the concubine of the Leiting Palace invited a matchmaker into the mansion and wanted to recruit a son-in-law. As soon as the news spread, many dignitaries sent posts to the Leiting Palace... What's more, they sent beautiful men directly to the Palace ..."

"Ah! Did the Lord Thunder accept it?" Li Ruosheng was extremely excited when he heard it, and repeatedly screamed to ask Yu Xiangrong to explain it to her carefully, so as to explain everything clearly.

"Absolutely, there are more than a dozen of them, and they are all from official families with clean backgrounds. The young men in Hualou have also moved their minds after seeing them..."

Cai Xuehui and the others were dumbfounded when they heard this, and felt that it was too shocking and unbelievable!
Li Ruosheng was full of yearning, and murmured deliriously, "This is a face-raising man, and he is so upright..." Suddenly, an elite and firm light burst out from his blurred eyes, he grasped his claws, gritted his teeth, and worked hard He made up his mind and said, "I must learn from Thunder Palace!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Yu Xiangrong almost fell off the stool in fright.Ke Qian quickly reached out and patted her face, as if to wake her up, "Princess, calm down..."

Li Ruosheng is a child spoiled by his family, and ten cows can't pull back the decision. He stared at the pair of Bi people in the distance with piercing eyes, and said enviously and excitedly, "Master Feng is famous She is knowledgeable, courteous, elegant and magnanimous, if she becomes the 'Concubine Thunder', she will surely make those princes and young masters live in harmony, and keep the palace's inner courtyard in order..."

Ke Qian, Cai Xuehui, Yu Xiangrong: "..."

Li Ruosheng held his face together, acting like a nympho: "...Ah! The third son of Feng is really more and more virtuous and virtuous, and there is a faint sense of maternal respect..."

Ke Qian, Cai Xuehui, Yu Xiangrong: "..."

"...One is virtuous and dignified, and the other is mighty and domineering. They are really a perfect match, ah!"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was slapped unconscious by the violent slap of the man in black who suddenly appeared.

The man in black appeared suddenly, scaring Ke Qian and the others to turn pale. He opened his mouth to shout "there is an assassin", but before he opened his mouth, he saw a sharp sword hanging around his neck. The cold light made them shut up quickly.

I saw the headed man in black kicking the fainted Princess Ruosheng, gnashing his teeth full of anger, "What a good match! What kind of bullshit Yan, didn't you see that little white face looks so weak, it looks like It's like dying of illness and about to lose your breath..."

Hearing this voice, Yu Xiangrong was puzzled and frowned. This...why does it feel familiar? !

The man in black angrily kicked Li Ruosheng's feet again, and the man in black who was following him was afraid that he would kill someone if he hit too hard, so he hurried forward to stop him, "Master, Lord, hold your feet high, hold your feet high! Feet...if Miss Biao overhears any movement, it will be difficult."

The man in black immediately stopped, and sneaked up to the gate of the plum garden to eavesdrop.

Yu Xiangrong glanced at the man who stopped him, his voice was shrill and harsh, and his brows frowned deeper, and then he looked at the figure of this man carefully, a thought flashed in his mind, as if enlightened, he said in surprise: "Boots, Mr. Boots?"

Little Boots paused. Seeing that he was recognized, he was embarrassed to hide any longer. He took off the veil that covered his face, and saluted the three young ladies in an embarrassing manner. Miss Guo Yu."

Seeing that he was the prince's personal servant, Ke Qian immediately reacted, pointing at the shapeless man lying at the gate of the plum garden eavesdropping, dumbfounded: "He, he, he..."

The father-in-law of the little boot was so frightened that he quickly slapped her finger, "Ouch! Concubine Shizi, this is disrespectful."

Well, there is no need to ask, it must be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who is under one person and above tens of thousands.

Cai Xuehui was calm, and looked down at the sword against her neck, "Grandpa Boots, the three of us are all mentally handicapped women, and we can't stand being frightened..."

Eunuch Boots knows how to be a man, he waved his hand with an apologetic smile, and asked the fifteen others to put away their sharp weapons, "Three aunts, please be quiet, if you disturb the prince opposite, even a slave will be able to die and apologize."

The three nodded and sat obediently in the pavilion.Ke Qian patted her chest with lingering fear, her heart was still pounding.Cai Xuehui glanced at Li Ruosheng who was lying on the ground, and asked worriedly, "Is the princess alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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