Chapter 475 Ink Dyeing
"Mo Liangdi, this is the hundred-year-old ginseng and black-bone chicken soup that the slave specially ordered the kitchen to cook for you. Drinking it is not only good for your body, but also good for the little master in your stomach." Mr. Boots is so polite, what anti-birth medicine? !What a great tonic soup!Anything that is good for the fetus is sent to Mo Ran, wishing she could eat it all in one bite, and give birth to a juicy and fat baby tomorrow.

As soon as he heard the word 'children', Mo Ran turned pale with fright. Then he was startled and angry. In his anger, he swept all the black-bone chicken soup, old duck soup on the table to the ground, and there was a sudden crackling sound.

"Get out! Get out of the palace, everyone—"

"Ouch! Concubine Liang calm down, Concubine Liang calms down. You will make your fetus angry... Take it easy, rest well, and the servants will go out now." Eunuch Boots was afraid that something bad would happen to the child in her belly, so he never dared disobedience to her.Not to mention getting out, even if he was asked to kill himself with a knife, he would have to obey.

"Wait! Where's Yinshu? Go and get Yinshu for Bengong." Mo Ran picked up the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, and threatened him with his neck, "Bengong wants to see Yinshu immediately."

"Yes yes yes. This slave will send someone to find Yinshu." Eunuch Boots was afraid that she would commit suicide, so he didn't stay for a moment, and immediately sent someone to the dungeon to bring Yinshu back.

Yinshu's body was covered with scars, and it was obvious that she had been tortured terribly.She was lifted out of the dungeon in a daze, and then thrown into the house like a rag. Before she could see where it was, she was slapped with a slap on the face, making her eyes dazzled.

When Mo Ran saw Yingshu, he rushed forward with a grim face, raised his hand and slapped her hard, "Bitch! It's all you. It's all you! It's you who caused me to suffer, and you made me suffer so much." !"

Yin Shu was covered with scars all over her body, and knelt miserably at Mo Ran's feet, "Liangdi, everything this slave does is for your own good, how could it be that slave who harmed you?"

Mo Ran raised her foot and kicked her to the ground, pointed at her and regretted, "If you hadn't said that you need to have a strong natal family to support me, I wouldn't have brought my brother to Thunder Palace to propose marriage. If not, brother He won't die in vain; if he doesn't go, I won't be rejected by the prince and neglected here..."

Yin Shu climbed up, hugged Mo Ran's feet with both hands, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, "Liang Di, don't worry, the Crown Prince will not do anything to you? You are pregnant with the Crown Prince's child..."

At the mention of 'child', Mo Ran's face twisted ferociously again, as if he was stepping on a sore spot, and screamed, "What child?! Where did the child come from in this palace——hmm!"

Mo Ran's mouth was tightly covered by Yin Shu.At this moment, Yingshu didn't care about her dignity, no matter how Moran pulled her arm, she pressed her mouth hard to prevent her from opening.Nervously looking at the closed door, she listened for a while, until she did not hear any suspicious person walking outside the door, then she breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered in Mo Ran's ear, "Liangdi, this servant knows you I haven't conceived a child yet. But we still have a chance, right? As long as you work harder on His Highness the Crown Prince and make it real, then not only will you be able to save your life, but you may even be able to give birth to your mother. The noble one becomes the crown princess... You don't need to panic when they ask the imperial doctor to diagnose your pulse. Today, the servants also took a little care when they spoke, and only said that the time is too short to be true. Even if those imperial doctors If you haven't diagnosed the happy pulse, you will say that the time is too short to confirm it based on the principle of caution. Therefore, Concubine Liang, for the sake of your life and the life of your servant, the news that you are not pregnant cannot be spread even if you die. As long as you If you promise not to yell anymore, will this servant let you go?"

Not only was Mo Ran's mouth covered, but his nose was also covered, he couldn't breathe, his face was flushed, and when he heard Yin Shu's condition, he nodded without hesitation.If he couldn't breathe anymore, he would have to be smothered to death!

Yin Shu quickly let her go, before she calmed down, she quickly knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty, "Liang Di, I have offended you."

Mo Ran slapped his chest, opened his mouth wide, and breathed heavily.Today, she was strangled by Li Chenyu and almost suffocated to death, and now Yin Shu covered her mouth and nose, and almost suffocated to death. She couldn't help being afraid of this feeling of suffocation.

Mo Ran looked at Yin Shu who was kneeling on the ground with trepidation, seeing her obedient look at this moment, and then remembering how she almost killed her by covering her mouth and nose just now, hatred came to her heart, and she glanced at the table behind her Looking at the vase on the table, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes.Before she realized it, he picked up the vase on the table and slammed it on her head.

Yin Shu knelt down on the ground to apologize, only to feel a sudden shadow covering her head, and when she raised her head in shock, she saw a huge object falling down.

With a bang, the bottle shattered and the brain exploded!
Seeing Yinshu lying limply on the ground, there was a big blood hole on her forehead, and her delicate face was so smeared with blood that her facial features could not be seen.The hostility disappeared suddenly, and fear crept into his heart. Mo Ran screamed in fright, and rushed to the door desperately.At this moment, there was only one thought in my mind: she killed someone, she killed——

"Open the door, open the door! Help, someone is dead—" Mo Ran slapped the door frame vigorously, terrified.

The next moment, the door opened.

Mo Ran didn't even bother to see who opened the door for her, so she ran out with her head buried.

Li Chenyu saw her crazily slamming her head into his arms, and bumped into his arms head-on, raised her foot, and kicked her back mercilessly.

"Master!" Eunuch Boots exclaimed, his eyes almost protruding, "Di Liang is still pregnant—"

Li Chenyu looked at him gloomyly, "What a fart! I didn't even touch her, where did she go?"

"..." Eunuch Boots was stunned and found it unbelievable, one must know that this Mo Liangdi had stayed in the crown prince's bedroom, and more than once.You can't justify saying that nothing happened to this young and lonely man.

Suddenly, Eunuch Boots seemed to think of something, and looked at the prince with a strange expression.Could it be that the crown prince was afraid that Miss Biao would be jealous if she found out, so he just refused to admit it? !

Seeing that he looked like he couldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death, the prince was very happy.Is his reputation really so low that even dogs dislike it?Neither of them believed him? !

The prince took a deep breath, suppressing the rising!He had to prove his innocence, otherwise...he would have wronged him too much!
The prince felt wronged when he thought about it, and stared at the woman who was kicked to the ground by him and couldn't get up for a long time with great resentment.If it wasn't for her, Mo'er wouldn't be angry with him, and would have made a clean break with him.The most important thing is that he has nothing with this woman at all...

"Go, find an experienced old lady." Li Chenyu ordered the palace servants, and then ordered them to arrest Mo Ran, so that she would not run around and scream like a lunatic.

Seeing Yinshu died in the house, Eunuch Boots was shocked.The prince casually walked over, kicked Yu Wen's body, turned his head and glanced at Mo Ran who was visibly trembling with fright, and smiled wickedly, "Move the body over and put it next to her. Oh, yes Now, change the corpse into a red dress and wear a pair of red embroidered shoes. The prince heard that wearing it like this after death can raise evil spirits. Dirt! Seeing her staring eyes wide open, she must want revenge, and the prince will fulfill her."

Mo Ran rolled her eyes in fright, and almost passed out.But when he thought about the dead body lying beside her and staring at her, he didn't dare to faint anymore.Desperately opening her eyes wide, she stared at Yinshu's corpse in horror, fearing that if she didn't pay attention, she would turn into a ghost and come looking for her life, "I didn't mean to, I, I didn't mean to kill you... I did not do it on purpose……"

Li Chenyu just wanted to vent his anger, it didn't seem like he really scared her to death, he still wanted to keep her to prove his innocence, "Okay, drag the corpse down." I didn't expect her to be so timid, A dead body had given her a nervous breakdown.

As soon as Yinshu's body was out of sight, Mo Ran's spirit calmed down.When she regained her consciousness, she saw His Highness the Crown Prince standing there like a banished fairy in the sky. The smile on his face made her feel horrified. In an instant, the fear of death shrouded her heart again.She knelt on the ground and begged, "Your Highness! Your Highness! Please let this concubine go, I will never dare again, I will never dare again. Please let this concubine go... Woo Woohoo, the concubine doesn't dare anymore."

Li Chenyu lifted his robe, sat leisurely, took the teacup handed over by his father-in-law, twisted the tea cover with two fingers and picked the tea leaves in the cup, took a breath, but didn't rush to drink, and asked in a low voice , "Don't dare to do anything?"

"..." Mo Ran froze for a moment, moved his lips, but didn't know what to say.In fact, she didn't know what was going on, His Royal Highness suddenly became angry and grabbed her by the neck as if he wanted to eat her.At that time, His Highness was whispering something in her ear, but she couldn't hear clearly because she was too scared.Thinking about it now, it should be related to Thunder King's marriage.

"You don't know? Then let the crown prince tell you personally..." Li Chenyu put down the teacup when he saw her bewildered face, and looked excited as if he wanted to have a long talk, "Speaking of which, in a On a sunny and cloudless day, the crown prince went out to practice, and passed by Wangchuan with the Taifu, and then a group of men in black rushed out. They held a knife in one hand and a sharp arrow in the other, vowing to kill the prince. Putting him to death... At the critical moment, Mo'er stepped forward and saved the prince from the sword... balabalabala." The prince described the process of his love with Yi Mo in detail.

Mo Ran was extremely shocked when he heard it. From the words of His Royal Highness, she knew how much His Royal Highness would never change to Cheng Yimo until death, and also knew how deep friendship Cheng Yimo was to His Highness.

Mo Ran was the only person in the hall who was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked, and everyone else looked familiar, especially the father-in-law with little boots, who rolled his eyes one after another.The prince has told the story of Chen Zhima and rotten millet countless times, and he always tells Miss Biao that he has no regrets for him, but in reality? !
Why!Eunuch Boots shook his head and sighed, he also knew what the prince was thinking, and simply showed off.In other words, I just wish I could announce my beloved girl to the whole world.

"So... for the future happiness of the prince, you must explain it clearly to Mo'er. If this matter is done well, the prince can consider it and let you die more happily." Seeing the old mother bring it, Li Chen Yu waved his hand, "Bring the old lady and her to Lord Lei Ting, and tell the old lady to check her carefully in front of the prince." Suddenly thinking of something, he looked at Mo Ran again and asked, "Didn't you talk to me?" Are other men messing around? Are you still a virgin?"

"...En? Yes." Mo Ran nodded blankly, hesitated to speak, "His Royal Highness, that, if the matter is settled... can the concubine, no, not die?"

The prince stared: "Don't you want to die unhappy?!"

Mo Ran: "..." Thinking of Feng Ya, Mo Ran felt that he should die quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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