Chapter 476
In the past few days, the temperature has warmed up, and spring has returned to the earth. The bright and warm sunshine is shining on the whole earth. The earth seems to have woken up from the winter cold. On the dead branches and old trees, new shoots are sprouting, green and clear. A school of vitality.

Such a beautiful spring is the best day for a tryst between men and women.Ever since, the third son Feng entered the mansion with a letter of worship, and Lord Lei Ting disappeared.

Long Shiwu was so anxious that he scratched his heart and lungs, and felt regretful when he thought about it. How could he ignore the important task ordered by His Royal Highness for a bunch of stinky tofu? How could he ignore her weird and profound body just because the prince is a woman? What about martial arts?Look, he disappeared in one shot, so how can he explain to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince? !

Annoyed, he grabbed a handful of hair, looked at the boundless sky, and then at the majestic red wall of the palace behind him, hesitantly, in shock, and finally broke off a branch beside him, holding the branch in his hand, He worshiped the gods and Buddhas all over the sky three times, and secretly said, "Buddha bless you!"

Then he took a deep breath and began to pull the leaves one by one, "Go! Don't go! Go, don't go...go, don't go...go!" Following the word 'go', the last leaf fell with the wind.

Fifteen closed his eyes fiercely, wiped his face helplessly, and finally turned over into the palace as if death was at home, and found Master Yun Ling Zhiyun who was having fun without any mistakes.

When Young Master Yun saw the person coming, his eyes instantly shone brightly, staring at the other person's chest muscles with covetousness and admiration, and smiled alluringly and charmingly, "Here we come!"

Fifteen tigers trembled, and goosebumps appeared all over their bodies. Under the wolf-like eyes, their backs were bent and their bones were broken, their eyes flickered, and their voice faltered, "That, that...Where are you going, my lord? "

"Want to know?" Yun Meiren smiled charmingly, and drove the other men out with a wave of her hand. She stepped on graceful steps, twisted her soft water snake waist, and walked up to Fifteen. Nestled against his broad chest, soft and boneless hands caressed his chest through the thin fabric, drawing small circles seductively, clasping them with little fingers for a while, scratching with nails for a while, attracting Fifteen was so flustered that he almost couldn't help but pounce on her and tear her to pieces.

Seeing that he is clearly a man but gave birth to a daughter, the charming look with a glance and a smile is that the abolished Mo Liangdi is not even one-tenth of him.Suppressing the throbbing in my heart, I closed my eyes severely, and sighed in my heart: O evildoer!
Young Master Yun curled his lips into a smile, and raised his winking eyes, "As long as you obediently stay with my family for one night, my family will not only tell you where the lord is going, but also tell you why the lord is so fond of the third young master who has a stroke..."

Prince's East Palace.

A distinguished guest is welcomed in the East Palace.This guest is so precious, His Royal Highness not only greeted him personally, but also ate, lived and slept together, he was reluctant to let him leave for a moment.

To be treated so kindly by His Highness the Crown Prince is truly a blessing in eight lifetimes!

Because of His Highness the Crown Prince's unpredictable temperament, the beautiful maidservants in the palace in the past did not like to walk around in the Moyu Palace.But since this distinguished guest came, the beautiful maidservants have been rushing in front of the Black Jade Palace, all of them secretly looking at this distinguished guest with jade faces, and then talking privately.

"That young master is so handsome!" The beautiful maidservant in green clothes sighed with admiration.

"That's right, apart from His Royal Highness, I have never seen such a handsome son..." His tone was very excited.

"It's a pity! It's such a pity that such a handsome young master is a monk..." It was extremely regrettable.

A bold maidservant snorted, "What's wrong with the monk? As long as His Highness agrees, I'm willing to go with the master..."

agree!agree!Your Highness is a hundred out of a thousand agree.

As long as the monk nods, let alone you stupid servants, even the three thousand beauties in the backyard of the palace, your highness will not hesitate to ask the emperor to give it to the monk, just beg the monk not to pester him Jia Mo'er is good!
Ever since Wen Nuo finished praying and reciting scriptures at the third prince's mansion, he was dragged and dragged into the East Palace by the crown prince. On the surface, he was discussing Buddhism with the master and studying Buddhist scriptures, but in fact, he blatantly imprisoned Wen Nuo in the East Palace. They are not allowed to go.

The prince, however, deeply imprinted in his mind the sentence that Yi Mo said before he left that day, "Come to the house to find me when you're done." He picked up a chess piece, sneered, and wanted to find Mo'er?Do your spring and autumn dream!
Li Chenyu placed a sunspot on the corner of the chessboard, "When are you going back?" He asked with gritted teeth.Rivals, rivals, nightmares, nightmares.Wen Nuo is Li Chenyu's nightmare in his life.If it wasn't for him, he and Mo'er would have formed a pair of Qinser and Ming; if it wasn't for him, he and Mo'er's children would be running around playing soy sauce; if it wasn't for him... hey!It must have killed his mother, defiled his daughter-in-law, and sold his daughter in the previous life. That's why he has been so entangled with him in this life, even in his dreams.

The crown prince's eyes gradually blurred, recalling the nightmare he had last night, his face immediately turned gloomy.

In the dream, he and Mo'er were in love with each other. By the way, there was also a cute girl who looked like a bun. The appearance of the little girl was very similar to that of Mo'er when he was a child, especially the small, pink mouth. beep.But those twinkling peach blossom eyes were carved out of the same mold as his.Mo'er was dancing sword in the courtyard, he was playing the piano in the pavilion to add to the fun, the girl was holding round buns and looked at her with adoring face, the scene and the atmosphere were as happy as the three auspicious treasures, envious of others.

After a while, the bun-faced girl was unwilling to be lonely, and grabbed Mo Er's clothes and begged her to teach her how to ride a horse. Mo Er laughed, hugged the girl and turned onto the horse. The whip was raised high and slammed down. Run on hooves.He stood on a small hill, with the silver bell-like laughter of children echoing in his ears, and his heart was full of happiness.The girl raised her angelic smiling face and shouted childishly, "Daddy!".He was about to open his mouth to respond, but another voice sounded first. He stared in shock, and saw a handsome man not far away with a gentle smile, standing with a smile on his hairless head. The whole body is still shining with the Buddha's light, it's not Wen Nuo who is the grandson of the turtle!He looked sideways in astonishment, and looked at the girl again. The girl's appearance had undergone an earth-shaking change, six parts resembled Wen Nuo, four parts resembled Mo'er, and there was no trace of him.Fear and astonishment struck like mountains and seas, and when he was in despair, he saw Mo'er galloping towards Wen Nuo with a festive smile, and shouted loudly: "Xianggong!".

The sound of "Xianggong" was like the nine-day profound thunder, which made his heart throbbing with pain, and at the same time woke him up.After waking up, I sat on the bed in a daze for half a night, clutching my throbbing chest, haunted by nightmares, so I dared not sleep again.

Even thinking about it now, he still has lingering fears.

Thinking about that dream, and then looking at Wen Nuo in front of him, the murderous thoughts in his heart were like wild animals trying to get out of a cage.His eyes were serious and his tone was gloomy: "If it wasn't for the fear of Mo'er being sad, grass should grow on your grave right now."

"I know." Wen Nuo replied lightly.Holding a white piece between the round and shiny fingertips, he watched the chess game, and finally dropped the piece in a blank space.

Black and white staggered on the chessboard.Watching chess and knowing people, Heizi is fierce in killing and attacking, like a giant dragon rising into the sky, arrogant and domineering, rebellious and unruly.Baizi is warm and peaceful, like a ray of sunshine in winter, shining brightly and warming people's hearts.

Wen Nuo looked up at him, with a warm and indifferent smile on his lips, and said calmly, "What is His Royal Highness afraid of? Are you afraid that I will snatch Yimo away?"

"Hmph! What a joke. Is the prince afraid of you? If you can snatch it away, you will flee into the empty door like a lamp!?" Applying the poison, Wen Nuo's face was as pale as paper with a single sentence.

Wen Nuo suppressed the bitterness in his heart, "Since His Royal Highness is not afraid, why should he be so tolerant of the little monk."

Li Chenyu said coolly: "Seeing you, my prince's eyes hurt!" It's not just eye pain, heart pain, liver pain, lung pain, anyway, the whole body hurts.

"Since that's the case, isn't it obvious that His Highness took me to the East Palace just to make fun of it?"

"..." Li Chenyu's face was black, and his heart was boiling with anger. He grasped it with five fingers, and the black chess piece that was twisted on his fingertips suddenly turned into powder.

Seeing this, Eunuch Boots became nervous, fearing that His Highness the Crown Prince would kill Wen You with a knife in his anger, so he quickly brought a teacup and went over to please him, "Master, don't be angry, don't be angry, come! Have a cup of hot tea " Then changed the subject and said, "Fifteen is back, waiting outside the hall to see you, do you want to see me?"

Li Chenyu was taken aback, Fifteen wasn't in the palace to 'protect' Mo'er, come back at this hour, could it be that Mo'er has something to do?After all these conjectures, how could he still have the energy to vent his anger on Wen Nuo, and said anxiously, "Call him in quickly."

Entering the palace on the fifteenth day, the walking posture is very strange.The crown prince was all focused on his Mo'er, so naturally he didn't notice it.

"Master, Miss Biao was invited by Mr. Feng to the Junzi Building..."

As soon as these words came out, the prince was completely angry.

Treating the low table in front of him as Fengyue Brocade, he stomped on it and shattered it, "What a Fengyue brocade! What a Fengyue brocade!" His eyes shot out with murderous aura.

The prince was mad. Ever since he made it clear to Mo'er that day, Mo'er didn't want to see him. Even if he did, he would treat him as if he didn't exist, as if he was determined to break up with him and not communicate with him .Moreover, based on his understanding of Mo'er, it was definitely not a disguise, but a serious desire to find a good man to live with!What does a good man look like in Mo'er's eyes?Read the article, this turtle grandson will know.He did everything possible to hold Wen Nuo back, and 'invited' Wen Nuo to the East Palace, thinking that this would break Mo'er's thoughts, but he forgot that there was a copy of Wen Slut in Prince Fenghao's mansion!

As soon as he heard "Gentlemen's Building", all kinds of "cooking raw rice to mature rice" and "the king's bow hard" popped up in Li Chenyu's mind.

What he was absolutely worried about was not that that bitch Feng would do something to Mo'er, but that his family, Moer, would not be able to hold back against that bitch, because his innocence was ruined by Mo'er's initiative back then. !

The crown prince was both angry and resentful, he waved his hand, and caught the adulterer!
(End of this chapter)

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