black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 480: A Crazy Man Resenting a Woman

Chapter 480: A Crazy Man Resenting a Woman (1)
Eunuch Boots directly revealed his identity to the proprietress of Junzilou, and Diexian had to pack up and dress up if he didn't want to, and followed him to meet the current Crown Prince.

"The concubine is a butterfly fairy and pays homage to His Royal Highness the Prince." The woman entered the door, full of blessings to pay her respects.

Everyone in the room focused their eyes on the woman.

Die Xian was originally born with a natural beauty, and after careful grooming, she became even more glamorous and moving.Exquisite face, beautiful facial features, clear and moist eyes yet bright and enchanting, she is wearing a pale pink fairy dress with lotus leaves flowing down the floor, with a few flowers embroidered on the skirt, and butterflies dancing among the flowers.Really like a butterfly fairy, beautiful and light.

While everyone was looking at Die Xian, she was also looking at the people in the room.Qingmei's gaze swept across the others and finally landed on Li Chenyu's body. The expression that was so arrogant that he didn't care about it was suddenly replaced by amazement.

Yes, it is indeed amazing.

Anyone who sees Li Chenyu for the first time will be amazed!

With his extremely handsome face, deep black eyes, evil and charming demeanor, and his handsome appearance, it is easy for people to overlook his brutal and ruthless methods.Especially when a woman sees it, it is like a hungry dog ​​seeing a meat bun, unable to move its eyes away.

Even Die Xian, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, is no exception, secretly looking up at His Royal Highness the crown prince obsessively.It was the first time she had seen such an incomparably handsome man.

"Girls are free. Eunuch Boots, show Miss Diexian some tea." Li Chenyu behaved very kindly and elegantly, even his smile was full of the warmth of a spring breeze.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." Die Xian smiled shyly, moved lightly with lotus steps, walked to the vacant seat and sat down, gracefully raised her bare hand and stroked the hair next to her ears, her posture and expression were incomparably graceful and elegant.Although there was a bright smile on his face, he was extremely troubled in his heart.I really regret that I didn't dress up meticulously before I came, I just tidied up my appearance hastily and came here.She should wear that gorgeous and graceful golden fairy dress, her favorite butterfly jewelry, and the most beautiful King Butterfly makeup... Nervously pinching the hem of the dress, what should I do?She is so ordinary now, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely not like her.

Just when Die Xian regretted and was so nervous that she was about to cry, Li Chenyu said, "Miss Die Xian's dance is really good." There was self-evident praise and appreciation in his tone.

Yi Mo's body was tense, his hands under the sleeves were clenched suddenly, and his chest was sore and swollen uncomfortably.

Being praised by His Highness the Crown Prince, Miss Diexian was ecstatic, she raised her head impressively, the excitement and joy flashing in her eyes could be seen at a glance, the next moment she seemed to realize that her behavior was too bold and blatant, and she bowed her head shyly like a well-bred lady , whispered softly, "If Your Highness likes it, I would like to dance only for His Highness."

A bitch is a bitch after all, no matter how much you pretend to be a lady, you can't hide the viciousness on your body!
This is definitely Yi Mo's heartfelt voice.

For some reason, she suddenly felt furious and unstoppable, wishing she could slap that bitch who seduces men all the time to the sky!

At this time, a big hand reached out and held her hand tightly. The wide and thick palm completely wrapped her hand. The palm was warm and dry. The warm temperature spread from the palm to the back of her hand, and the breath penetrated into it. There seemed to be a warm current in her body to let go of the pent-up air in her heart, and she immediately felt much better.

Li Chenyu squeezed Mo'er's hand, felt that her body was no longer stiff, and heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at Miss Diexian, and said in a very puzzled way, "I don't like this prince very much..."

Liar!Yi Mo gave him a blank stare, and if he didn't like it, could he call someone in?

In order to show his innocence, the crown prince hurriedly disregarded the relationship, "Ahem, I really don't like it. But the third son Feng really likes it. I called the girl here because I saw that the third son Feng has a bit of admiration for the girl. This prince I just want the beauty of being an adult."

Well? !Fengyuejin was stunned again, and looked at the kind-hearted monk Wen Nuo in confusion, asking for an explanation, when did he fall in love with Miss Diexian?

Wen Nuo sighed softly, clasped his hands together: "Amitabha. The wind benefactor praised this female benefactor with a dance..."

Feng Yuejin burst into tears, is this also called admiration?
The crown prince ignored Feng Yuejin's funeral expression, and actively and enthusiastically acted as a matchmaker for the two of them, "Since Mr. Feng and Miss Diexian are in love, then the crown prince will make decisions for the two of you. Well, choosing a date is worse than hitting the sun, Tomorrow you will arrange the wedding."


The two parties were stunned for a moment.

Wen Nuo and Yi Mo: "..."

Eunuch Boots covered his face and knelt down.Father!You are so tough!

The crown prince personally decreed that he would accompany him throughout the entire process of hiring, receiving the bride price, and getting married. In the eyes of others, this is such an honor.But from Feng Yuejin's point of view, he was so depressed that two or two little blood stuck in his throat and couldn't get up and down. What the hell is this?
Ever since he saw hope in Feng Yuejin, the crown prince has been keen to match and give marriages to others. In less than three days, all the unmarried young talents in the capital have belonged, even the single beggar at the temple street in Dongcheng. With a dumb bride with missing arms and legs.

Facing such a handicapped woman all day long, the beggar boy's face is full of tears every day, woo woo woo!He wants to protest, beggars also have dignity, he likes Cuihua the little maid next to the second lady of Wang Yuan's family on the street, how can he match such a woman casually!
It can be seen from this that the crown prince's troubles have caused many idiots and resentment towards women.

Therefore, in the past few days, the sky above the capital city has been shrouded in dark clouds, and the strong resentment formed a beam of light reaching the sky beyond the sky. Even the Buddha Yunyou of the Western Paradise had to detour in fear when he passed by here. It can be seen from this that Not even Buddha can save you!

In the East Palace, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was not disturbed by foreign objects, and was still excitedly flipping through the pamphlets, drawing a circle for those who got married, and two circles for those who had two wives, "The son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has Yes, the grandson of King Zhennan is here, Captain Xiaoqi..."

Fifteen, who was hidden in the dark, was sweating profusely. Every time the prince drew a stroke on the pamphlet, his little heart trembled. You know, he secretly obtained this pamphlet from Yun Lingzhi. I have to go back.

The crown prince is very satisfied with this booklet, all the young talents in the capital are not lost, and the information on each talent is very accurate.Seeing the place full of interest, the prince made a sound comment from time to time, "Why is this man's name called Qin Shou? Qin Shou, a beast, his father must have enmity with him, otherwise why did he give him such a foolish name? ...Ah, this is even more extreme, Fenggou, mad dog? Boots, bring me an apple..."

(End of this chapter)

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