black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 481: A Crazy Man Resenting a Woman

Chapter 481: A Crazy Man Resenting a Woman (2)
"Yes, Lord." Little Boots father-in-law handed over the big, red apple.

The prince took a big bite, handed the booklet to the boots father-in-law, and motioned him to turn the pages with his eyes.

The little boots father-in-law was the best at serving the prince. He knelt at his feet, held the booklet in both hands, and lifted it to a suitable position so that he could read it more comfortably.

"Well, the son of Imperial Physician Qin married Miss Chen, and the servant Gu married Lin Yushi's daughter... Huh?" The crown prince restrained his inattention, and looked at Guo Tingyi's name in surprise, "You actually forgot this kid?" gone."

Eunuch Boots glanced secretly, and when he learned that it was Mr. Guo Tingyi, he suddenly felt dizzy, and said cautiously, "Master, this Mr. Guo is Miss Biao's confidant, Ms. Biao probably won't..." Take a fancy to him ?
The prince glared at him, "Is Guo Tingyi young?"

Eunuch Boots nodded: "Young." In his early 20s, he was simply too young among the courtiers who were over half a century old.

The prince sneered, "Do you want to do something?"

Nodding again: "Youwei." Not only is he the minister of the fourth-rank military department, but he is also the most favored minister in front of the palace.

His Royal Highness sneered, "Then do you think you like it?"

Eunuch Boots wiped off his cold sweat and nodded repeatedly.You must know that Mr. Guo is the golden bachelor who is most loved by ladies and gentlemen besides His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The crown prince pretended to lament and sighed, "Master Guo is not young anymore. As the saying goes, there are three ways to be unfilial and have no descendants. Today, the prince will make the decision for Mr. Guo, choose a good wife for Mr. Guo, so that he can continue his Guo family as soon as possible." Bloodline... who should I choose?" I found out the brochure for Empress Yan to choose a concubine for him, and flipped through a few pages. The people on it were almost worthy, and there was only one young lady from the Liu family who had just passed. "This is the Liu family. Miss, you have a good appearance and a gentle temper..."

"Master." Eunuch Boots mustered up the courage to interrupt him, "I heard that Miss Xiangrong likes Master Guo very much."

"Xiangrong?" The crown prince thought for a while, and wrote the names of Guo Tingyi and Yu Xiangrong, "Xiangrong is Xiangrong." As long as it's not his Mo'er, anyone will do.

"But..." Eunuch Boots had a bitter face, "I also heard that Miss Feiyan, the granddaughter of Zhao Taibao, is also in love with Lord Guo."

"What's so difficult about it." The crown prince didn't care, and with a big wave of his hand, he also wrote Zhao Feiyan's name, "You two are such good girls, it's really cheap for this kid."

Eunuch Boots cried, "Master, these two are talented and proud young ladies from your family. I am sure no one would want to be a concubine." Master Fu Yu's most beloved daughter.Their identities are all good, their talents and looks are evenly matched, who wants to be a dwarf for a lifetime!

"It's easy to handle. If you enter the door at the same time, you can be the first wife." The prince removed the order and ordered the father-in-law to supervise the implementation.

The father-in-law retreated, and the prince took the pamphlet and began to look for 'loopholes' again, "Ah, Mr. Song is so inhumane, it's too miserable... Hey, isn't this Huang Sheng, Zhu Zhe! I didn't expect this Huang Sheng On the surface, it looks serious, but secretly, it has an old friend in the brothel... Huh? Even the prince's information is there."

The crown prince's interesting browsing, such as Yushu Linfeng, handsome, unparalleled handsome, and outstanding talent, are all words used to praise him.Seeing these princes couldn't help being happy, but when he saw the back, his perfect smile froze, "What the hell are these things! Huh? When did this prince become a philandering carrot? What is a concubine Ji?" Groups'? Those were all sent by others, okay? Besides, the prince didn't even touch them with a single finger. This is all slander! No heir yet'? Ahhh, here, here, the iron pestle is ground into a needle?! Fucking bullshit—"

Fifteen's body trembled, and he really wanted to rush up and snatch the booklet back, but Su didn't dare.Thinking of the annoying little goblin at home, Shiwu could only be silent.

Seeing that his master was so irritable that he wanted to get angry with the booklet, Shiwu immediately rushed out and hugged his leg, begging, "Master, don't tear it up, this booklet has to be returned by this subordinate."

The prince was so angry that his eyes turned green, he kicked him away, and cursed angrily, "What are these things! How dare you slander the prince so much! The prince not only wants to tear up books, but also people. Go, take that Bring it to the crown prince." The iron pestle was ground into a needle? !Have you ever seen a 'needle' with a thick wrist!

Fifteen was terribly frightened, holding the prince's leg and crying with snot and tears, "Master, sir, you have to calm down, calm down. That man is covered by the Thunder King Taifei, even Miss Biao has to look at him Besides, if you arrest him, we won't get the latest news from Miss Biao..." Woohoo, Yun Lingzhi is covered by Miss Biao, and everything will be fine in the end.But no one is covering him, if this matter is exposed, why won't he be killed on the bed by that little goblin? !
"Woo, don't..."

Seeing that Shiwu was crying miserably, the crown prince couldn't bear it to some extent. He took two deep breaths, suppressed the rising anger, and compromised, "Okay. But this matter can't be left alone, this booklet has to be changed."

Fifteen was grateful and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, change it." You can change it however you want.

The prince picked up the cinnabar pen, blurred all the belittling and slandering words, and then wrote a row of praise sentences behind: Today's prince Li Chenyu has the virtue of "constantly flowing, able to nourish all living things", and has the virtue of "massiveness". The morality of "endless", the smoothness of "everything is washed and clean, and seems to be good at changing", the courage of "flowing to the mountain stream of hundreds of feet without fear", and... this man can be called a model among men, not only resourceful, Brilliant, self-disciplined, and emotionally dedicated...

"Master, my subordinates have something to report."

Just when His Royal Highness was satisfied with finishing the pen, Long Yi suddenly appeared.

Li Chenyu put down his pen and blew on the wet ink, "What's the matter?"

"Long Nineteen is dead. Before he died, he took out a scroll from Sikong Zhongtong." Long Yi presented the scroll.

Now that Eunuch Boots is away, Fifteen has to take the place of Eunuch Boots, take over the scroll and unfold it on the desk.Li Chenyu glanced at him, frowned and ordered Fifteenth, "Go and call Yanshi here."

Fifteen led the order to go out, but he was lucky, as soon as he left the gate of the palace, he met Yanshi who was walking this way.

When Yanshi entered the palace, Li Chenyu didn't say much, just said, "Look at this painting."

"This is the painting of Misty Rain by Duke Li of the former dynasty. Both the artistic conception and the painting skills are excellent..." Yan Shi sighed loudly.

Long Yi reminded him with a dark face, "Yanshi, this painting was taken out by Long Nineteen from Sikong Zhongtong before his death."

Hearing this, Yan Shi asked in surprise, "Long Nineteen is dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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