black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 483: A Crazy Man Resenting a Woman

Chapter 483: A Crazy Man Resenting a Woman (4)
Yun Shi raised his eyebrows, feeling that his master was a little unreasonable, and the young master of light gray was not yet of marriageable age, so how could the crown prince give him a decree to marry him.

Cough, hello, Aunt Yun, it's not that your master is worrying about the sky, but that His Highness the Crown Prince is too unreasonable to play cards.

After a while, the servant came back with a face full of panic, "Twife, concubine, it's not good! Ouch—" When entering the door, he stumbled over the threshold, fell and ate shit, and didn't get up for a long time.

Jingyang was anxious to hear the result, couldn't sit still, rushed to his side, squatted on the ground and looked at him regardless of his image, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Is the light gray dead or disabled?"

The servant twisted his face and said in pain, "No, I married a wife..."

"Ah?!" This time even Yun Shi couldn't believe it, and exclaimed in a high voice, "Master Light Gray is only nine years old!"

The servant's face was full of insiders: "His Royal Highness gave him a child bride..."

Jingyang fell to the ground in a daze, and after a while of silence, covered his face and wept bitterly, woo woo woo!She just wants to marry a daughter, why is it so difficult——

Yi Mo returned to the mansion after finishing her official business, and seeing the mansion crying into a mess, her brows were furrowed, and she asked Yun Lingzhi who was following her, "What happened?"

Although Yun Lingzhi was not there to see it with his own eyes, he also heard some rumors, coupled with his observations, he immediately guessed a general idea.He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "It's about your marriage."

When the word 'marriage' was mentioned, Yi Mo had nothing to say, she came quietly and returned secretly, she didn't want to be caught by the mother who already thought of her son-in-law as crazy.

When Yi Mo returned to the courtyard, Ya Zhu led a group of maids and servants standing at the door to greet him, "My lord."

Yi Mo took off the cloak and handed it to Yazhu, and entered the room with Yun Lingzhi, "How is the investigation going?"

Yun Lingzhi took the tea handed over by the maid, took a sip, felt a little strong, put it down in displeasure, and pursed his mouth, "The boss of the gambling shop has confessed everything. It is true that he and the man named Qian Huan conspired to defraud Yu Yu. Wen Chen, the boss also takes money to do things, and he doesn't know anything else. But..." He blinked playfully, with a charming look, "But he knows where Qian Huan is. I have already sent someone to look for it. I believe it will be impossible. How long will it take to follow the clues to find the mastermind behind the scenes."

"It's about..." Yi Mo was about to speak, when he raised his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a dark golden goshawk circling in the sky outside the window, and frowned slightly, the letter eagle that Qinglong sent her a message?He got up and walked to the window, put two fingers to his lips and blew a sharp whistle.

The signal was sent out, and the goshawk gave a long cry, then swooped down towards her, and landed firmly on her raised arm.

Yi Mo took down the letter box, and handed the goshawk to Ya Zhu to let her carry it down and feed it.Yun Lingzhi leaned his head over and looked at the letter paper in her hand curiously, "The news from Yilou? What is it?"

Yi Mo did not avoid him, and opened the letter paper, on which was the news that Sikong Zhongtong, the general of the Northwest, fell to his horse and died.

Yun Lingzhi was stunned: "Huh? The general Changsheng on horseback fell off the horse and died? This is a big joke!" The general who fought was trampled to death by the horse, just like his own weapon wiped his neck It's just as novel, "Isn't it a frail scholar who can't lift his shoulders and lift his hands, who fell to his death from a horse? Hmph, this is so ridiculous, who would believe it! Anyway, I don't believe it..."

Yi Mo glanced at him coldly, without saying anything, raised his hand to beckon Bi Yuewu who was hiding in the dark, "Go and bring Ning Youshu to me."

"Yes." Bi Yuewu bowed and saluted before disappearing into the room.Yun Lingzhi was secretly amazed.

Ning Youshu is still the head of the Dali Temple, but he has not been a fool in the past three years, and now his influence in the Dali Temple cannot be underestimated.

Bi Yuewu was very fast, and brought Ning Youshu within two cups of tea.

"Master." Ning Youshu saluted respectfully.

The cry of 'Master' shocked Yun Lingzhi, and he couldn't hide his surprise on his face.Although Ning Youshu's reputation is not as famous as Guo Tingyi, the youngest and most promising minister in front of the court, Mr. Guo, but he has heard a little bit of it. He is said to be another impartial, strict and unselfish official after Feng Chengyi, the official of Dali Temple. He is quick, and judges cases like a god, and is quite talented in strategizing. Such an official is destined to have a bright future in the future.

Unexpectedly, he was actually the king's man.

Thinking about it carefully, Yun Lingzhi suddenly came to his senses.That's right, although there are not many people like Ning Youshu who have both ability and political integrity, there are also many. Many people were buried because they didn't meet Bole, but Ning Youshu got the chance because he helped Feng Chengyi in solving the case once. Appreciate entering the court as an official.If there was no help from the prince behind this, he would not believe it even if he was killed.

"En, sit down." Yi Mo nodded to signal him to sit down and talk, and then handed him the news from Yilou.

After Ning Youshu read it, he had a score in his heart, and he tentatively asked, "Could it be that the master wants Mr. Guo to win the post of General of the Northwest?"

With a solemn face, Yi Mo muttered, "Sikong Zhongtong's death must not have been accidental. No matter whether others want to weaken He Zong's power or he sacrificed an arm to protect his body, we must hold the 40 troops in our hands." Here, without anyone noticing, they will grow their own power."

"Master Guo? Which Master Guo? It can't be the one I think." Yun Lingzhi couldn't calm down anymore, jumped on his feet, pointed at Yimo and screamed, "Ah! How much eyeliner did you arrange in the court? Are you still there now? Want to control the imperial court's army? What are you going to do? Rebel? Force the palace? Seize the throne?" Speaking of forcing the palace to seize the throne, Young Master Yun's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Let's rebel, let's force the palace .A woman is the emperor, No.1 through the ages, we will definitely be famous in history! Ahhh, I never thought that Yun Lingzhi would also be famous in history one day, ah, I am excited to think about it..."

Ning Youshu: "..."

Yi Mo gave him a supercilious look: "Crazy?"

Young Master Yun raised eyebrows at her, "Please forgive me, I'm too excited." Excitedly looked at Yimo, then at Ning Youshu, blinking his eyes, "What are we going to do now? Planning how to rebel? Should we kill the emperor first or the prince first? I think we should tie up the queen first. The queen is both the emperor’s daughter-in-law and the prince’s mother. We should hold one and restrain the two. The emperor and the prince are both held. Of?!" said with joy.

Yi Mo finally couldn't bear it any longer and kicked him away.Then the sleeves were rolled up, and the strong wind swept by the majestic internal force made two 'slaps', and the windows and doors were closed tightly.

The troublemaker left, and the two of them were finally able to talk about business.

Sitting behind the desk, Yi Mo said while picking up a pen while writing something, "In your opinion, who is more suitable for recommendation, Yu Qie or Feng Chengyi."

Ning Youshu pondered for a while, then replied, "Master Yu is more suitable."

(End of this chapter)

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