Chapter 484
"Why?" Yi Mo raised his eyebrows in surprise, thinking he would say Feng Chengyi.

"Master, even though Jade Mace was demoted because of his involvement in the matter of Ren Qianhe, his power in the court should not be underestimated. Because of this, he was the least implicated in the case of Ren Zhihe..." Speaking of this, Ning Youshu suddenly remembered that when the master brought down Ren Zhihe, the jade mace also helped. He was able to protect himself, he laughed dryly, and said, "...Of course, this is also thanks to your master."

Ning Youshu saw that she was buried in what she was writing, and didn't even bother to give him a glance. He touched the tip of his nose boredly, and then said, "The reason why my subordinates think that Mr. Yu is suitable is because Mr. Feng Chengyi has been a little weird in the past few days."

"Weird? What's so weird?" He stopped writing with ink.

Ning Youshu frowned and thought deeply, "I can't tell. Anyway, he has been out of his mind these days, and his mind is often distracted when he is dealing with official duties. I heard from the boy doing odd jobs in the yamen that one day when he was getting up at night in the middle of the night, he passed by the backyard. From a distance, I saw Master Feng burning paper and lighting incense in the courtyard, as if he was worshiping someone?"

Raising his eyebrows, Yi Mohun said nonchalantly, "Maybe these few days just happen to be the death anniversary of one of his relatives."

"Maybe." Ning Youshu murmured.He didn't tell her that when he saw Feng Chengyi's strangeness, he secretly investigated it. Feng Chengyi's parents were still alive, and his sisters and brothers were still alive, but the anniversary of the death of his grandparents was not these few days.Moreover, who would worship the dead in the middle of the night? !

Yimo put the written letter paper into an envelope, sealed it with wax oil, and handed it to Ning Youshu, "Judging from Feng Chengyi's state, it's really not suitable. Just hand the letter to Jade Mace."


Two hours later, the news of the Northwest General's death spread to the capital, as if a stone was left in a calm lake and stirred up a thousand waves.

In an instant, the entire capital was surging.

Disappointed officials and literati like to get together to discuss current affairs to show their profound knowledge.As soon as the news arrived, the theater and teahouse were full of Confucian shirt students, and they all expressed their high opinions.

Among them, the Donglai Building was the most prominent, where the students gathered together and whispered all kinds of gossip.

"I heard that General Sikong got drunk before he fell off his horse and died..."

"It's a pity, General Sikong is a rare and fierce general..."

"... I don't know who can win the position of Northwest General?"

"My subordinates believe that the position of General of the Northwest belongs to Mr. Guo Tingyi. I heard that Mr. Guo is not only familiar with the art of war, but also skilled in martial arts. He is also the left servant of the Ministry of War..."

"I think the prince of Beijun has a better chance of winning. As the right servant of the Ministry of War, Li Shizi is also the last champion of martial arts..."

Some people admired Li Chuansheng, but others belittled him, "Li Shizi is only thanks to Zu Yin to achieve his current achievements. Compared with Mr. Guo, Li Shizi is a bit less courageous..."

"From my point of view, the post of General of the Northwest will definitely fall into the hands of General Sikong's son, Sikong Shuicai. As the saying goes, a son inherits his father's legacy, and besides, Sikong Shuaicai has a little prestige in the army..."

In the alley only separated by a wall outside the Donglai Building, a low-key but still luxurious carriage stopped in place for some reason.A middle-aged man in his forties in the carriage sat quietly with his eyes down, listening to the voices in the building one after another, he took out the exquisite and small snuff bottle in his sleeve and played with it carefully, rubbing the body of the pot with his thumb, looking down. think.After a while, he put away the snuff bottle neatly, and commanded the boy driving outside the car in a deep voice, "Go to the Beijun Prince's Mansion."

"Yes, master." The young servant drove out of the alley and headed straight for the Beijun Prince's Mansion.

In the Beijun Prince's Mansion, Li Shengbi, the king of Beijun, was doing Tai Chi in a small courtyard. Every move was extremely slow.

At this time, Li Chuansheng walked quickly from the veranda, still wearing official clothes, and he seemed to have hurried back from the Ministry of War.

The butler who was waiting on the side saw him and hurriedly bowed to salute, "My lord."

"En." Li Chuansheng nodded, passed him to his father's side, with an anxious expression on his face, "Father, the Northwest General Sikong Zhongtong is dead."

Li Shengbi's face remained unchanged, as if he had never heard of it, the Tai Chi posture in his hands was as smooth and gentle as flowing clouds and flowing water.Seeing him like this, Li Chuansheng seemed to have found the backbone, his urgent mood gradually calmed down, and he calmly said, "Father, do we have to make some preparations?"

"Why, do you want to be the general of the Northwest?" The voice was thick and deep, and it was really nice.Li Shengbi is now in his forties, but he does not look old, his resolute face can still vaguely see the handsomeness of his youth, his figure is as tall and straight as elegant bamboo and green pine, and the subtle wrinkles at the corners of his eyes are full of infinite charm accumulated by time, clear His bright eyes shone with wisdom, such an image of an elegant and intelligent Confucian general.

"Yes, Father." Li Chuansheng replied honestly.He is a general, so he naturally hopes that he can hold the military power in his hands and go to battle to kill the enemy, and be a good general who defends his family and the country.

"It's a good thing to be self-motivated." Even if it was a compliment, Li Shengbi's tone was flat.He was still practicing Tai Chi, without even looking at his son, he said calmly, "But your self-motivation is in the wrong direction. The position of Northwest General should not fall on you and will not fall on you. "

Hearing this, Li Chuansheng's heart turned cold, and he couldn't accept it and asked him, "Father, why?"

"Our emperor is suspicious by nature. He can't tolerate even three vassal kings who have been inherited for several generations. How can he tolerate a clan that holds military power?" Seeing his son's deeply shocked expression, Li Shengbi chuckled and shook his head. , Thinking: After all, I am still young.

After finishing a set of Tai Chi, he stopped, took the towel from the butler, and wiped the sweat on his neck, "I think how majestic Dong Jinghou was when he helped the emperor win the throne, but now he can only hide At the gate of Wangchuan, if you don’t step out of the gate, you will be a tortoise.”

Li Shengzhen walked towards the gazebo in the courtyard while talking, "Looking at the entire court, the clan is as weak as a mouse, and the relatives are as fierce as a tiger. Do you really think that the people of the clan have no talent or virtue and can't take on great responsibilities?"

Li Chuansheng suddenly realized that all this was the result of the emperor's suppression.The great power of the clan will disrupt the imperial power, but the power of the foreign relatives will at most cause chaos.

At this time, the servant in the mansion came to report, "My lord, Mr. Cai is asking to see you outside the mansion."

Li Chuansheng was stunned, "Which Master Cai?"

"Master Cai Kaixiu, Inspector Censor."

Li Chuansheng suddenly realized that three years ago, Inspector Yushi Zhang Lin was dismissed from office because he was implicated in the case of Ren Zonghe, and Cai Kaixiu was replaced.Cai Kaixiu has no background, but he rose all the way to the first-rank censor, which made Li Chuansheng feel incredible.

Li Shengbi picked up the teacup, blew on the tea leaves in the cup, and mentioned an unimportant matter, "I heard that Cai Kaixiu's daughter is very popular with the emperor, and she was made a virtuous concubine because she was pregnant with a dragon seed a while ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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