Chapter 487

"Cough, cough! Why are you crazy? Ouch, it hurts me to death..." Yun Lingzhi lay on the ground with his face twisted, his internal organs seemed to have been displaced, and he couldn't help moaning in pain.

Yi Mo hugged his son tightly and guarded him like a thief, with a cold face and contempt, "Your integrity is fed to dogs? Even children are not spared!"

"..." The groaning stopped abruptly.The expression on his face was cracked inch by inch, and he suddenly felt the pain in his egg.

Yi Mo ignored Yun Lingzhi's distressed expression as if he had eaten a stool, turned around and put his son on the desk, and looked at him seriously.Thinking back to the book called 'Raising Children to Become a Dragon', the book said that as a great mother, if she wants to educate her son to become a dragon and phoenix, she must care about his learning and growth and the trivialities of life all the time.Yimo coughed, and first asked his son about his studies, "What have you learned in school these days?"

Er Mao turned out the book in the book bag, and smiled back at her, "Three Character Classic."

"Mother, let me recite the Three Character Classic for you. I already know how to recite it. My husband praises me for being smart." Xiao Ermao put his hands behind his back and shook his head. If you don’t teach, your nature will change. The way to teach is to be specialized. In the past, Meng’s mother chose a neighbor, and her son didn’t learn...Mother, how is the child, is the child fierce?”

"En." Yi Mo nodded in satisfaction, and when he saw him proudly raised his head after being recognized, he immediately took the opportunity to teach, "Don't be complacent and complacent, do you understand that arrogant soldiers must lose?"

"Understood." Crispy replied. 'Arrogant soldiers must be defeated' These four words Mr. just said today, and I still said it to my son-in-law Chu.Because today my husband asked him to compete with his son-in-law Chu to recite the Three Character Classic.The son-in-law could not recite half of the recitations at the beginning, but he was still very proud, because he was the fastest and the smartest in the whole school.But after I finished reciting it, my son-in-law couldn't get any better at the beginning, and my husband taught him the words "Arrogant soldiers must be defeated".

After asking about his studies, Yi Mo began to ask him about his life and making friends, "Did you make friends at school... Eh? What's wrong with your face? Why is there a bruise at the corner of your mouth?" He was bruised, and one cheek was still red. After holding his son's face and looking at it for a while, he looked down coldly, and concluded, "Did you fight with someone?!"

Seeing that mother's complexion was not good, the little Ermao was frightened, and subconsciously said, "No."

"You still dare to lie!?" There was unspoken anger in the stern voice.Yi Mo is really angry, let's see what he looks like now?Don't talk about fighting at school, but also lie and refuse to admit it!What's the difference with street vagabonds!If you don't discipline him well now, won't he be turned upside down in the future? !
"Go out, face the wall and think about it! Without my order, you are not allowed to enter the house." After finishing speaking, she left in a very angry flick of her sleeves.

The little Ermao felt wronged, with red rabbit eyes, watching his mother leave, but stubbornly did not say a word.It's obviously not his fault, it's obviously the son-in-law who hit him first...

"Hello? Hey...why..." Yun Lingzhi is a monk Zhanger who is confused and confused. Look at this, look at that, why did he suddenly collapse?
Looking at the red-eyed little rabbit, how aggrieved it was with that expression... Young Master Yun paced over, stretched out his hand to hug him off the desk, and saw his tears falling down one by one like golden beans , I suddenly didn’t know what to do, “You, don’t, don’t cry, if you don’t want to face the wall, then…” He stopped dumbly, and he really didn’t dare to say the word ‘no’, he wanted to Wipe away his tears, "Don't cry, crying is not a penalty to stand facing the wall, it's better to save some strength..." As soon as his hand reached Er Mao, Er Mao waved him away.

Little Ermao snorted angrily, turned around and walked outside.

"This brat..." Young Master Yun muttered angrily, and didn't bother to take care of him anymore.When I went out, I was not surprised to see the unlucky child standing obediently in the corner facing the wall, with his hands hanging by his sides, his head lowered, and there were two drops of water stains on the ground at his feet, which were faintly expanding.

Yun Lingzhi shook his head helplessly, this stubborn temper is really like his mother!
Yi Mo left the yard angrily, and just two steps away, he saw Bi Yuewu walking towards her with a joyful face.

"Master, there is news from Master Lixiao that he has found a prescription to detoxify the prince."

Yimo was stunned for a moment before realizing that Bi Yuewu's "prince" refers to her father.The gloomy mood instantly cheered up, and even the voice carried a sense of brisk joy, "It's been three years, it really pays off!" Li Xiao has spent three years of dispensing medicines and testing poisons, and today he finally found the solution. Law.That's great!

"However, Master Lixiao said that there is a lack of Shixincao, so there is no way to prepare an antidote."

"Shixincao? Where is it? I will find it myself." Now that she has hope, even if there is a rugged mountain road full of thorns in front of her, she will climb up step by step to find the Shixincao.

"I heard from Master Lixiao that wild Shixin grass is extremely difficult to survive, and because of its strong toxicity, few people dare to plant it. Master Lixiao also said that although Shixin grass is highly toxic and difficult to survive, it has high medicinal value, and this kind of Medicinal herbs can only survive in the humid and warm south of Shao'an, and Mr. Baicao, a well-known master of medicine and poison in the rivers and lakes, lives in the camphor forest in Shao'an. Therefore, Lord Lixiao speculates that Mr. Baicao may have Shixincao."

"Prepare the horse and go to Shao'an." Yi Mo didn't care about anything else, he hurriedly gave orders to the butler, and then hurried out of the mansion, and drove his horse and Bi Yuewu to Shao'an.

Obviously, she forgot that there is a stubborn young son who is thinking about the past in the family.

Except for the two sisters, Yazhu and Yaju, who were handpicked by the prince, even the housekeeper dared not enter the courtyard where the prince lived.But today, the two sisters, Yazhu and Yaju, happened to go home to visit relatives, so until the evening, no one found the little Ermao standing in the corner facing the wall thinking about it.

Under the dark and wide sky, beside the tall and majestic red wall, that small figure looked very lonely and lonely.

At night, when it was time for dinner, Aunt Yun ordered her servants to serve dinner.Princess Jingyang came to the dining table accompanied by two maidservants of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Seeing that there was no one in the hall, she couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Chengli who was waiting on the side, "Housekeeper, where is your lord?"

"If you go back to the concubine, the lord has gone out to do some business." The butler replied respectfully.

"When did you leave?" Jingyang sat down in the main seat and asked casually.She could see clearly that her own daughter was different from other girls, how could those delicate and weak women be able to support such a large family business.Hey... If the daughter hadn't seized the throne by means of thunder, she would have been eaten up by the uncles of the clan long ago.

Yun Shi put the bowls and chopsticks for her, and said softly, "Master, the prince will leave the residence at Shenshi in the afternoon."

"En. Where's Yan'er? Why didn't Yan'er come out to eat?" Jingyang smiled kindly, "Today is the day when he goes home from rest, and I don't know if my precious grandson is fat or thin? Calligraphy and painting, go Tell Yaju to bring Yan'er here."

The old butler was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed, he slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "Damn it! Ya Zhu and Ya Ju are not at the house, the two sisters have gone back to their hometown to visit relatives."

Jingyang suddenly panicked, "Who is taking care of Yan'er?"

"Without the order of the prince, none of the servants would dare to enter the yard." The old housekeeper cried sadly.He actually forgot that today was the day the young master came home.

It's okay now, Jing Jing hurriedly got up, and accidentally knocked over the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

"Master, be careful." Aunt Yun exclaimed.

"It's okay." Jingyang couldn't care less about this, and hurried out, heading straight for the small courtyard where her daughter lived.Passing through the pavilions and pavilions, he saw that the courtyard was completely dark and flickering. He was so frightened that Jingyang almost cried, "Hurry up, go in and have a look..."

"Yes, yes." The old butler led his men, carrying a lantern, and rushed into the courtyard.Pushing away the room where the young master lived, he looked inside and out, not even a ghost.

The old housekeeper's face turned pale, his legs went limp, his eyes went dark, and he just passed out! ?

Immediately, the servants of the palace were in a hurry, "The butler? The butler?"

"Toffee, Concubine, it's not good, it's not good... the young master is not in the house, the young master is gone!"

Hearing that her grandson had disappeared, Jing Jing thought about the previous crimes of the grandson running away from home, her eyes darkened, her feet staggered, and seeing that she was about to follow in the footsteps of the old housekeeper, it was Yun Shi who quickly supported her, and said anxiously, "Master, it's important to find the young master. If there is a delay, in case something happens..."

Hearing this, Jingyang didn't dare to faint, so he quickly ordered the guards to look around, "If you can't find anyone, don't come back. Ah? By the way, Yun Shi, let someone go and say hello to the city guards. The city gate captain also reported a letter, and asked the Yamen's police to help find it..."

"Ah! Master." While Jingyang was speaking, Qinqi suddenly exclaimed, "Young master is there!"

Uh? !

Jing Jing looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a small figure standing stubbornly and alone in the corner, making one's heart sour just looking at it.Jingyang walked over and hugged him excitedly, "Oh, my little baby, why are you standing here alone? Grandma thought you were lost? It's really scary!"

Little Ermao: "..."

He didn't get a response from his little grandson for a long time, Jingyang felt that something was wrong, he lowered his head to look at his face, Baozi's little face was crying like a little cat, not only his eyes were red, but the tip of his nose was also crimson.Tears flowed down from the sockets of eyes, obviously crying very sadly, but stubbornly biting his lips so as not to make a sound.

"What's the matter? Your mother punished you to stand?" Jingyang took the brocade handkerchief Yun Shi handed over, and carefully wiped his face.Seeing his aggrieved and sad face, Jingyang was so distressed, "Did you make your mother angry by being mischievous again?"

Little Ermao bit his lip and didn't speak, just kept shedding tears, as stubborn as a little donkey quarreling.

"Okay, don't cry, let's go and have dinner with grandma. Today the kitchen made your favorite braised pork." Jingyang stretched out his hand to pull him, but didn't.

The little Ermao secretly looked around the crowd, but he didn't see the figure he wanted to see. Lost, he lowered his head again, and softly refused, "I don't want to eat, grandma, you can eat by yourself."

As he spoke, his voice choked up again, "Mother said she was not allowed to leave without her consent..."

Jingyang thought it was amused, "Your mother will go out to do errands, and it will take at least ten days before she comes back. Do you want to stand here for more than ten days?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ermao became even more sad.Turning to face the wall, lowering his head, his little shoulders shrugged from crying.Don't listen to anyone's advice!

(End of this chapter)

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