black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 488: Big Hair Appears

Chapter 488: Big Hair Appears (1)
When Yi Mo and Bi Yuewu rushed to the camphor forest in Shao'an overnight, they unexpectedly missed it.

Mr. Baicao's home is next to the camphor forest. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it is very quiet. Just cross a single-plank bridge, and you will find Mr. Baicao's herb hut yard. There is a fence gate in front of the yard. All kinds of herbs were planted, and a path covered with gravel meandered among the herbs in the garden, leading from the fence gate to the house.

Bi Yuewu stopped a woodcutter who had just come out of the camphor forest to cut firewood, "Brother, do you know where the owner of this thatched hut has gone?"

"You are asking about Mr. Baicao." The woodcutter is simple and enthusiastic. "Are you here to see Mr. Baicao for treatment? Oh, unfortunately, a couple came here a few days ago. Their child was seriously ill and came to see Baicao. Mr. Baicao treated the child. Unexpectedly, the child's illness was not simple. Mr. Baicao didn't even have the medicine to be used. The couple went to seek medicine from the big manor owner, and it may take ten and a half months before they come back."

After finishing speaking, the woodcutter left, and he had to rush home to make medicine for his old mother.Before he left, he still nagged, "Mr. Baicao is a good man, we poor people don't charge fees for seeing a doctor..."

"Master." Bi Yuewu looked at Yi Mo.

Yimo looked at the thatched hut across the river, and then at the stone tablet in front of the single-plank bridge. Under the three big characters of "Baicaoju", there was a line of lower script written, "It's not the owner's lead, but the single-plank bridge."

Bi Yuewu also saw it, because there was a poison expert around him, he still had some eyesight, and he knew that the flowers and plants in the courtyard were not as cute and harmless as they appeared on the surface, and most of them were highly poisonous, or Kind of like death.

Yi Mo squinted his eyes, "Let's go." He stepped on the single-plank bridge first.She has used poisonous insects to take medicinal baths since she was a child. Although it is not said that it is invulnerable to all poisons, ordinary poisons are not bothering her.

After wiping off his sweat, Bi Yuewu was extremely thankful, fortunately, he had the foresight to ask Mr. Li Xiao for a few detoxifying Bai Ling Pills early on.Not daring to delay, he followed his master onto the single-plank bridge.

The two entered the medicine garden with a clear goal, which was to find Shi Xincao.Although Shixincao is difficult to survive, it is not a precious herb, and was found by Yimo in a short while.

After confirming again and again that it was Shi Xincao, Yi Mo unceremoniously pulled it out. One plant was not enough, and he brazenly pulled out more than a dozen plants in a row before stopping.

Seeing that a large pill was empty in a short while, Bi Yuewu suggested guiltily, "Master, do you want to drop some silver taels or something?" If it gets out, how can I have the face to gain a foothold in the court!

"..." The corners of Yi Mo's eyes twitched, and he rolled his eyes at Bi Yuewu where he couldn't see. shoot in.Just as he turned to leave, suddenly, a cold silver light appeared in the corner of his eyes.The moment the scorching eye's light dissipated, a white light flew out from the window and shot towards Yi Mo's face at an incredible speed.

Yi Mo reacted very quickly, he suddenly raised his hand, two fingers shot out a beam of sword light, and the cold and sharp light hit the white light directly.The two did not collide, the white light dissipated, and the silver chrysalis that had been chopped into two fell to the ground.

Looking at the chrysalis on the ground, Cheng Yimo's eyes turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and said two words, "Gu poison!"

Bi Yuewu was startled suddenly, his master had an irreconcilable deep hatred with the Gu poison!
"Master, could it be that Mr. Baicao is the one from back then..." Bi Yuewu guessed.

"Whether he is or not, you will only know after checking." Yi Mo picked up a small jar casually, and put the dead Gu worms into the jar with chopsticks for safekeeping.Then hand the jar and Shi Xincao to Bi Yuewu, "Take the herbs and Gu worms to Wangchuan and hand them to Lixiao."

Bi Yuewu put the things in the bag and put them close to her body, and looked at her with some surprise, "Master, don't you want to go to Wangchuan?"

"Well, this king is going to the Shenbing Villa."

Shenbing Villa
In the underground dark room in the inner courtyard of the villa, Sun Honggeng, the owner of the villa, personally poured tea to receive the distinguished guests who came to the capital, "Master Xiao, please drink tea."

Xiao Dongwei was also polite, picked up the teacup and drank a couple of sips, and said with neither happy nor angry expression, "Master Sun, I am here to remind Master to be more careful. The news of the master's private building of weapons has been leaked, and Master is worried." The imperial court will send people to investigate secretly. In the recent period, I hope that Sun Zhuangzhu will act cautiously."

Hearing the news, Sun Honggeng was astonished, flustered and then flew into a rage, and asked regardless of his identity, "When the owner of the village cooperated with the third prince, the third prince promised the owner that this matter would never leak out. You will definitely not get into trouble. Now you tell the owner that the court has sent people to investigate?!" Fuxiu snorted angrily, "Did the third prince's guarantee be farting!"

Although Sun Honggeng is arrogant and conceited, he also has self-knowledge.Although his Shenbing Villa has a great status in Jianghu, but it is not strong enough to oppose the imperial court.At the beginning, he cooperated with the third prince only for money, and the third prince has repeatedly promised that the matter will not be revealed, but now! ?
Hearing the unclean words in his mouth, Xiao Dongwei's face suddenly became gloomy. He put the teacup heavily on the table, made a muffled sound, and shouted sharply: "Master Sun! Be careful that evil comes out of your mouth!"

Sun Honggeng gave him a vicious look, and sat down angrily. Although he was annoyed, he hadn't lost his mind yet.Not to mention being against the emperor of the court, he couldn't even fight against the third prince, and at most he would complain, and he really didn't go to the point of going to the third prince to fight desperately.

"Then what do you think we should do now? The batch of weapons is about to be cast, should we pour them all into the furnace and melt them to destroy the corpses?!" Don't say they were reluctant, even he couldn't do it.Those weapons are worth tens of millions of taels of silver!
Xiao Dongwei gave him a sarcastic look, mocking his timidity, "Don't say that someone might come, even if someone is in front of you, it's impossible to force the Third Highness to pour the finished weapon into the furnace again!"

"Then what should we do?" Sun Honggeng said angrily.

"Turn away." Xiao Dongwei said calmly, "Transport all the weapons that have been forged out of the Shenbing Villa, as many as there are."

Sun Honggeng raised his eyebrows, "Where are you going?"

"Shengfeng Ridge. As long as you transport your weapons to Shengfeng Ridge, someone will take care of you. You don't have to worry about the rest after the handover."

Sun Honggeng snorted, and replied, "Okay, the owner of the villa will order someone to clean it up immediately, and the things will be transported out the day after tomorrow."

After Xiao Dongwei went out from the secret passage, Sun Honggeng straightened his clothes and came out of the dark room. When the butler outside saw him, he hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Master."

(End of this chapter)

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