black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 493 Master, You Don’t Want to Die

Chapter 493 Master, You Don’t Want to Die (1)
Mentioning the word 'Gu Du', Yao Baicao was stunned for a moment, and then replied naturally, "Gu Du originates from Yujiang Island, a foreign country in the East China Sea. We call it Gu Du in the Central Plains, and it is called Gu Du in overseas Yujiang Island. Gu insects. In the Central Plains people’s consciousness, Gu poison is an evil thing, but in Yujiang Island, Gu insects are good medicine, and some diseases can only be cured by Gu insects.”

Yi Mo had a panoramic view of his expression, his deep eyes were inexplicable, and he said softly, "I don't know how the master's Gu insect skills are? I have a friend who has been poisoned by Gu poison, and sometimes he will hurt people unconsciously, sir. Is there a way to save it?"

Yao Baicao's expression changed, and he was both shocked and angry.The first thought came to his senior brother Medicine King Xue Qunhong. Before his master died, he passed on the technique of Gu insects to his senior brothers. He is extremely proficient in learning, because of this matter, he and his senior brother quarreled countless times, and even left Yaowang Valley in a fit of anger.Later he learned that voodoo can not only harm people, it depends on who uses it, some people can use it to harm people, and some people can use it to save people, so he started to study voodoo insects , but he has no talent in this area, and his achievements are still not as good as his senior brother's five points.

Yao Baicao thought about it, and was extra cautious when answering, "Madam's friend should have been affected by the enchantment Gu, but Madam, don't worry, this kind of Gu can only occur once on a person. According to Madam, your friend should It's an attack, and there is no danger of life. Madam doesn't need to seek medical treatment."

"Since Mr. said so, then I can rest assured." Yi Mo picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and asked again in an unhurried manner, "I don't know if Mr. Wu knows who in today's martial arts knows this kind of Gu poison technique? "

"Probably not. After all, this is a foreign art. It's really not easy to learn." Other than him, only people from Yaowang Valley know how to use Gu poison.Although he left Medicine King's Valley, he couldn't watch Medicine King's Valley get into big trouble.

Yi Mo took a look at Yao Baicao, he made up his mind whether it was true or not, he put down his teacup and got up, "Thank you sir for clarifying my doubts, I still have something to do today, so I won't stay any longer." After speaking, he walked out.

As soon as he went out, he met Sun Jinxu and Yueji. Sun Jinxu supported the weak Yueji with tender eyes, "Yue'er, Mr. Baicao told you to get out of bed and move around more, so as to help the recovery of the injury."

"Okay, everything is up to you..." Yue Ji smiled softly.

Sun Jinxu held her hand tightly, as satisfied as if he held the whole world.Smiling slightly, he raised his eyes casually, and when his eyes touched the noble and beautiful figure, he was instantly stunned, the tenderness in his eyes was replaced by inconceivable, joy welled up from the bottom of his heart, and he spoke excitedly, "Cheng Gu... Mrs. Cheng .”

Suddenly, Sun Jinxu felt as if he had returned to that hazy and beautiful night three years ago. When he first saw her, he was astonished.The admiration he had hidden in a certain corner of his heart swept across his entire heart like a flood of beasts. In contrast, his love for Yue'er didn't seem to be so dependent on her!

He subconsciously let go of Yue'er's hand, and looked at the woman across from him happily and expectantly, "Mrs. Cheng, you..."

"Master Sun Er, excuse me. Farewell!" Yi Mo spoke first, and before Sun Jinxu could react, he left the villa as quickly as possible.

In the teahouse not far from Shenbing Villa, Yimo ordered a pot of Biluochun, ordered a dish of sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and sat leisurely.

"Master." A black shadow flickered, and Bi Yuewu suddenly appeared.

Yi Mo held the delicate and small teapot and poured himself a cup of hot tea, "What did Li Xiao say?"

"Master Lixiao said, let the master not have to worry about the old prince's condition. With Shi Xincao, the old prince can wake up within half a month. Master Lixiao also said that the Gu brought back by his subordinates is not the same as the Gu in Mr. Wen San. One, but the technique of raising Gu is somewhat similar, the two should come from the same sect."

"Same family?" Yi Mo looked thoughtfully at the closed gate of Bing Villa.

Not a moment later, the gate of the villa opened slowly, and a middle-aged man in a green shirt walked out of the gate anxiously. He looked around cautiously, saw that no one was watching, and immediately set off for the Valley of the Medicine King. .

Yaowang Valley is not far from Shenbing Mountain Villa, and it will arrive in an hour at a fast pace.There is a Yaowang Inn at the entrance of the Valley of the Medicine Kings. Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows the rules. Anyone who goes to the Valley of the Medicine Kings to ask for medicine will rest in the Inn of the King of Medicines. Entering the valley, the boss will personally lead people into the valley. If the medicine king refuses, he will have to leave angrily.However, as long as you are not afraid of the poisonous snakes, poisonous insects and poisonous weeds at the entrance, just go in there.

Yao Baicao originally came from the Yaowang Valley, so naturally he was not afraid of the poisonous snakes and insects at the entrance of the valley, and he didn't need to report to the steward of the Yaowang Inn, so he rode straight into the Yaowang Valley.

The disciples in Gu Zhong naturally recognized him and did not dare to attack him. The clever disciple quickly dropped what he was doing and ran to report to Yao Wang, "Master, Uncle Baicao is back."

"What?" Xue Qunhong frowned, his resolute Chinese-character face carried a bit of majesty, and when he heard the name of Yao Baicao, a stern look crossed his brows and eyes.

Seeing this, the disciples shook their shoulders timidly. You must know that their master has a bad temper and cruel methods. Whenever something goes wrong, he will vent his anger on the disciples under his seat. The milder ones will be beaten up and get out of bed for a few days. However, there are some serious ones who lost their lives.

Xue Qunhong picked up the herbs in front of him and smelled them, and asked calmly, "What is he doing back?"

"Disciple doesn't..."

Before he finished speaking, the door was pushed open by Yao Baicao.Yao Baicao walked up to Xue Qunhong angrily, and asked sharply, "Brother, are you using Gu insects to harm people again?"

Xue Qunhong waved his disciples to go down, lowered his eyes and pretended to identify the herbs in his hands, and responded calmly, "What are you talking about? Brother, why can't you understand?"

Yao Baicao said heartbrokenly, "Brother, look at what you have become now! Obsessed with interests, hard-hearted, you will never save yourself from death! At the beginning, Master often said the words 'the benevolent heart of a doctor', you said , your current appearance is not worthy of the words 'medical benevolence', is it not worthy of the master who raised you and taught you to pass on your medical skills!"

Although Yao Baicao lives in seclusion in the camphor forest, he knows all the rumors about Yaowang Valley.There are rumors in the world that Yaowanggu's disciples are ruthless and ruthless, and if they disagree with each other, they will make people splash their hearts and blood on the spot.In recent years, they have intensified. Anyone who comes to the Valley of Medicine Kings to seek medical treatment has to ask for high rewards. Those who can't afford the money, even if they die in Valley of Medicine Kings, they will not rescue them!
Yao Baicao is heartbroken for the good Yaowang Valley to become what it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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