black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 494 Master, You Don’t Want to Die

Chapter 494 Master, You Don’t Want to Die (2)
"Master?" Xue Qunhong sneered, his eyes full of resentment, "When did Master ever care about me? Before he died, he not only passed on the mantle to you, but also left you the Valley of the Medicine King. You can see what he left for me In the eyes of his old man, I am afraid that you are the only apprentice."

"Brother, why do you think so!" Yao Baicao felt unbelievable, as if meeting him for the first time.

Xue Qunhong put down the medicinal herb in his hand, and a murderous intent flashed in his ferocious eyes, "Master often said that I am cruel and not suitable for learning the art of Qihuang, but if you are kind-hearted and motivated, you will definitely develop his medical skills. But in my opinion Come on, you are cowardly and incompetent!" Distorting his face, he glared at Yao Baicao resentfully, "I am more talented than you, smarter than you, and faster at learning things than you, so why should that old man be on guard against me at all times? Everything is about you!"

Yao Baicao's heart trembled when he saw his wolf-like vicious gaze, and she took a few steps back in fear. After being stunned for a while, she said disheartened and disappointed, "So you still resent Master for resenting me, Even if I leave the Medicine King Valley to you to live in the mountains and forests, it still can't offset your resentment. Half a step into Medicine King Valley."

"What's the matter?" Xue Qunhong turned his back to him, as if looking at him was an eyesore.With both hands clasped behind his back, the index finger lightly squeezes the white jade wrench on the thumb.

"Are you using Gu insects to harm people?"

"This king also wants to know this question!" The cold voice suddenly sounded, and the two people in the room turned their heads in surprise.

Yi Mo pushed the door and entered, full of evil spirits, a cold and stern coercion approached the two people's faces, with a terrifying murderous aura!
"Who are you? How dare you act presumptuously in my Medicine King Valley!" Xue Qunhong sternly shouted.

Seeing the people who came in, Yao Baicao was so surprised to the point of horror, "Madam Cheng, you!"

"This king is Wangchuan Thunder King presenting Yimo, sir, don't remember wrongly." Yimo glanced at Yao Baicao and said coldly.Then a pair of stern eyes shot directly at Xue Qunhong, "Xue Qunhong, this king asked you, but you gave Cheng Yudie, the third son of the Luosheng Wen family, Cheng Yudie, the adopted daughter of the Luosheng Wen family?"

With Xue Qunhong's current status in the arena, whoever greeted him without respect and called him "King of Medicine" would be yelled at by a woman pointing at his nose.Xue Qunhong was narrow-minded, and suddenly became murderous, and his eyes became more serious, "What are you, how dare you pretend to be the prince of the court. Someone, come and beat this crazy woman to death!"

With a stern order, the disciples guarding outside rushed in with sticks in their hands, surrounded by black ink.

Yao Baicao's complexion changed, and she hurriedly shouted, "Brother, what are you doing? She is the prince of the imperial court. If you kill her, do you want everyone in the Yaowang Valley to be buried with her?"

Xue Qunhong snorted, extremely arrogant, "In my Medicine King Valley, not to mention the prince or the emperor, you have to lie down obediently! Besides..." Looking around the disciples in the room with cold eyes, he snorted arrogantly, "What? Your lord, she's just a bitch who doesn't know how to respect or what is important, she's causing trouble in my Medicine King Valley, so it's understandable for me to beat her to death with a stick!"

"Brother, you, you..." Yao Baicao trembled with anger, this is a reckless disregard for human life!
"I won't let you do this!" Yao Baicao roared, and was about to run to save someone, but suddenly her body seemed to be exhausted, her legs fell to the ground with a sharp pain in her chest, and she opened her mouth. Just spat out a mouthful of blood.

With a pale face, Yao Baicao looked at Xue Qunhong in disbelief, "You, you actually poisoned me!?" His eyes fell on the jade wrench on his hand. He always knew that his senior brother had hidden it in the jade wrench. The poisonous habit, I never thought that one day it would be used on him.

Knowing that he was really poisoned, Xue Qunhong was relieved.Averting his eyes and not looking at him again, Li Mou looked at the woman who was surrounded by people but still kept her face, and sneered, "Hit me! Hit me to death."

As soon as he finished speaking, an afterimage flashed across the room, followed by the sound of crashing to the ground.

Yi Mo stood proudly in the middle of a pile of corpses, his eyes were full of fierceness and hostility, as if a demon descended, and when he raised his hand, someone's head fell to the ground.

Xue Qunhong was shocked to find that the disciples who fell on the ground all had the same expression, dazed!

I don't even know how I died!

He was so dumbstruck that he pointed at her tremblingly, his eyes full of horror, "Aren't you poisoned, how can you still use force?!"

Xue Qunhong was about to go crazy, he couldn't believe that his favorite and most useful power-eating powder would fail.You must know that he can be plundering and arrogant in the martial arts world, all thanks to the colorless and tasteless Devouring Powder.For those who have internal strength to protect the body, as long as they inhale a little bit of Qi Gong powder, they will lose all their internal strength.

"I forgot to tell you, this king is immune to all poisons." Yi Moke didn't lie to him, except for the strange poisons that are rare in a hundred years, ordinary poisons have no effect on her.

"You, what do you want to do?" Xue Qunhong backed away with a face full of horror, completely losing his arrogance.He has spent his whole life on the art of healing and poisoning, and he doesn't know much about martial arts. In comparison, he can't even fight against herbs, let alone Cheng Yimo, whose martial arts has reached a state of perfection.His greatest reliance was easily destroyed, and the fear in his heart arose spontaneously!

"I just want to ask you something." Yi Mo went to the wooden chair and sat down.

"What do you want to ask?" Xue Qunhong was completely honest.

"Have you ever cast the obsession Gu on Wen Cai and Cheng Yudie?"

Xue Qunhong resolutely vetoed, "No, I have never even heard the names of these two people."

Yi Mo's face was as cold as ever, and it was hard to tell whether she believed his words or not, her red lips parted slightly, and her cool voice sounded again, "Aside from you and Yao Baicao, who else knows the art of poisonous poison?" .”

"Xue Ruxue! My daughter Xue Ruxue." In order to survive, Xue Qunhong betrayed his own daughter without hesitation.His life is almost gone, why do he care about his daughter's life!

Yi Mo lowered her eyes, with murderous intent in her eyes. After a long silence, under Xue Qunhong's horrified eyes, she issued a killing order to Bi Yuewu, no matter whether it was Xue Qunhong or Xue Ruxue, she would not let them go!The hatred that had been silent for three years erupted at this moment, "No one will be left except the herbs!"

The people in Yaowang Valley only know how to heal poisons but not martial arts. Bi Yuewu has the hundred poison pills given by Lixiao. Killing people in the valley is as simple as slaughtering chickens and cows. on the ground.

Yi Modu bloodwashed the Valley of the Medicine King, the crown prince was still drunk, and he was in a deep sleep, so he didn't know how old he was.

When Yi Mo went back, he happened to meet the old man Huang feeding the horses in the stable.The old man Huang glanced at her, and then said to the rouge horse in the shed who was eating happily, "Hey, why don't you have any conscience at all, you still had a hot fight with your wife yesterday, today my wife It's gone, you don't even snort, you still eat and drink enough, you are a heartless thing..."

Yi Mo walked away and didn't hear what he said later, but she always felt that he was pointing fingers at Sang, scolding Huai and insinuating.

Li Chenyu didn't bother her all day, and she didn't think too much about it. She had dinner at night, washed up early and went to bed.

This time the prince is really drunk, so drunk.He woke up in the middle of the night, but he was still drunk, and when the smell of alcohol got on his head, he started to go crazy!
Turned over from the bed, without clothes or shoes, ran to the yard and pointed at God and began to curse: "Cheng Yimo, you heartless woman! You love the new and hate the old! You abandon your husband and son! You have no heart." No lungs! You're not human—"

Hearing his arrogant shouting and cursing, Fifteen was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he almost knelt down to him with a terrified weeping face: are dare to scold Miss Cousin!

The old man Huang, who was sitting on the roof watching the moon, shook his head and sighed in great disappointment, hey... his apprentice is hopeless, and everyone is using alcohol to boost his courage.But he didn't have the courage to borrow wine, if he really had the ability, he should have run into the room, pointed at Cheng Yimo's nose and cursed!
After a while, the crown prince stopped yelling and cursing.The next moment, under the inconceivable gazes of Shiwu and Old Man Huang, he bent his legs, knelt on the ground, covered his face, and wailed loudly, "Woooooo...Cheng Yimo, you heartless, you never Abandoned at the end of the chaos... woo woo woo... You stole my heart, ruined my innocence, and wanted to pat my ass and leave. You don't want to be responsible. Boom... Why is my life so hard? Seeing you like this A heartless heartbreaker..."

Are you still on '嘿嘤'?
In the room, Cheng Yimo's face was so dark it couldn't be darker!

With a firm grip with five fingers, the white porcelain teacup in his hand instantly shattered into pieces.She was full of anger at the moment, her entire chest seemed to be about to burst, she took two deep breaths, severely suppressed the monstrous anger, turned around and went to bed, planning to sleep with her head covered.Unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door suddenly, followed by a presumptuous shout from outside the door, "Cheng Yimo, you open the door for me! Open the door for me quickly, don't think that you can't come out because you are hiding in the room, old man I didn't know you were in the house. Open the door quickly! Open the door quickly! You heartless man! Damn woman, open the door for me quickly. Let me in! I am your man, I..."

Fifteen hid, far away.He was afraid that he would be splashed with blood on his face later, so he wisely chose to stay away from the battlefield.

He stood at the door, peeping through the crack of the door, and saw his grandfather persistently kicking and kicking at the door of the cousin's room, deeply expressing: "Master, do you really want to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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