black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 495 2 Mao Enters the Palace

Chapter 495 Er Mao Enters the Palace
"Grandma: Hello, grandma, I'm not your son, I'm Ermao, and I'm your daughter who came here at the end of the way. But I really like you, you are so beautiful, so beautiful Beauty, such a person X, I really want to be your parent-child boy, but God XO person, your eternal one is yours, it will never be true, XX your daughter doesn’t like me, so I don’t There is no need to be here, so I am leaving, don’t be too old for me, I will have a good life and be very happy, because I am going to have my little brother. See you grandma, XX you Sixth day of the day, I will never forget you, the Lord is far away, you will always be X bright and beautiful, and my heart father is safe. Ermao stay X."

Jingyang held a piece of letter paper full of typos, and was dizzy from reading it. After reading it three times, he didn't know what was written in it.She handed the letter paper to Yun Shi, looked up at Ya Ju who was standing aside respectfully, "What else did Yan Er say besides asking you to send this letter?"

Yaju shook her head, "It's gone."

"Is he still shutting himself in the house and not coming out to meet people?" Jingyang sighed, worrying about her precious golden grandson.Why do you say he is so stubborn!

Why!Cheng Yimo was also blamed for this, she said to Ermao before she left that day, 'You are not allowed to enter the house without my order', but she forgot about it later because of Shi Xincao's incident.Because of this sentence, Ermao stood with Xia Shengsheng in the corner of the yard for two days and two nights. It was useless to persuade anyone, and he didn't listen to anyone's words. In the end, he fainted from exhaustion and was carried into the house.Later, when he woke up, he closed the door of the room and played alone. He didn't see anyone, he didn't say a word, he didn't cry or make trouble, and he didn't even eat.Jingyang shed a lot of tears for him, and seeing his thinning face made her heart ache even more.

Seeing Yaju nodding her head and wiping her tears, Jingyang was also exhausted, and sighed sadly with red eyes, "Why do you think this child has a stubborn temper like her mother..."

While comforting the master, Yun Shi looked at the letter paper, Mei Feng frowned and said, "Master, now is not the time to be sad, I'm afraid Young Master Yan ran away from home again!"

"What!" Jingyang was shocked.

Yun Shi pieced together, half thought and half guessed, and finally read out the contents of the letter accurately.

The content of the letter is as follows:
Grandma kisses:

Hello grandma, I am not your grandson Cheng Yeyan, my name is Ermao, and I was picked up by your daughter Cheng Yimo halfway.But I really like you, you are so beautiful, so beautiful, so considerate, I really want to be your grandson, but God's will tricks people, fake will always be fake, no matter what It will not be false.Since your daughter doesn't like me, there is no need for me to stay here, so I'm leaving, don't miss me too much, I will live a good life and be very happy, because I am going to find my little brother.Goodbye grandma, thank you for taking care of me these days, I will never forget you, I wish you beauty, beauty, happiness and well-being forever.

Ermao left a pen.

Therefore, when Bi Yuewu was ordered to go back to the mansion to investigate Cheng Yeyan's whereabouts, he had already disappeared.There is no need for anyone to guess about this coincidence, all 'running away from home' is fake, and being taken hostage is the real thing!
But what about practicality?

It's true that Cheng Yeyan was taken away!
It's true that the little Ermao left a book and ran away!
No one would have thought that there would be two 'Cheng Yeyan' in this world!
And where did Er Mao go after leaving home?

Dirty!None of you can guess.

Er Mao came out of the palace that day, wearing the rough and shabby little padded jacket he wore before entering the palace. He didn't bring any of the gorgeous clothes that Jingyang ordered people to tailor for him, and he didn't have any money. He didn't take it, and took the long sword Yi Mo gave him.He felt that it was very wrong for him to cheat food and drink in the palace, how could he still take other people's money before leaving.

He came out of the palace alone, looking at the vast crowd, not knowing what to do.His mother didn't want him, and threw him like a rag, wishing that he would be picked up and eaten by wild animals.He is not sad because he already has a mother and a family.Although the mother is not as gentle and virtuous as in the book, her image in his heart is tall, omnipotent, and irreplaceable.He really likes her very much, every time she hugs him in her arms, he feels so happy and warm, just because he is greedy for this warmth, he made an unforgivable mistake of pretending to be someone else's child thing!Now he confessed frankly that while he was relieved from the big stone in his heart, he was also saddened, and the warmth he was greedy for has since left him...

He has no face to stay in the palace anymore, and he has no courage to face her disappointed or even disgusted eyes.But he really wanted to see her again, call her 'mother' again, and tell her that he didn't mean to pretend to be her son, he just, just...just wanted to have a mother.

Holding the sword in his arms, little Ermao walked aimlessly. He didn't know where to go until he was too tired to walk anymore, so he found a place on the corner of the street to settle down.After two days, he was so hungry that his face was yellow and emaciated, his face was dirty and unkempt, and he looked like a poor little beggar.

"Ermao? Ermao..."

This day, Er Mao was so hungry that he was dizzy. He only ate half a steamed bun yesterday, and the proprietress of the steamed stuffed bun shop gave him alms when she saw him pitifully. He didn’t drink any water today. He knew that if he continued to be so hungry, he would definitely starve to death. But he couldn't walk anymore, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.He only felt that his eyelids were so heavy, as if he was sleeping, and when he was dizzy, he heard someone calling him.He opened his eyes weakly, it was a little beggar from the next street.

The tiger pushed Ermao and called him loudly, "Ermao, Ermao, don't sleep, you will never wake up again. Ermao, we are saved and we have food. This big housekeeper wants to buy us to go to his master's house." As servants, we not only have food to eat, but also clothes to wear, and we will never go hungry again..."

Er Mao was so hungry that he couldn't speak anymore, he moved his pale and chapped mouth, trying to say something, but when he opened his mouth, his mouth split open and blood flowed out.Er Mao greedily licked the blood on the skin of his mouth, and only used it as water to moisten his throat. He hadn't drank water all day and night, but now he tasted the taste of blood and felt so sweet and delicious!
With this momentum, Er Mao said the word 'yes', and then passed out.

The big butler in Huzi's mouth waved to the servant behind him, and a young servant in green clothes stepped forward to check Er Mao's breath, and reported to the big butler, "Eunuch An, you are still alive."

Eunuch An raised his orchid finger and ordered in a high-pitched voice, "Take it away."

where to take

Purify yourself in the palace and become an eunuch!
Unlucky little Ermao, you just got kidnapped into the palace like this!

If this is really cleansed, let's not talk about Cheng Yimo, let's talk about Queen Yan, Yan regrets wanting her grandson crazy, if she knows that her dear little grandson was castrated under her nose The little body can't cry to death! ? !

Er Mao was dragged into the palace, and his life was in danger; Da Mao was held hostage by the bad guys, and his life was in danger.The fate of these two brothers is really ill-fated!

When Da Mao woke up, he had already been tightly tied to a pillar. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was slapped severely.


The crisp and loud sound of slaps hovered in the inner courtyard of Mufu, which showed how hard the slap was.

The left cheek swelled and congested at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth.He didn't even hum, but the cold and sharp eyes became more gloomy and sharp, like a man-eating beast, exuding a terrifying murderous aura!

Xue Ruxue was horrified by the menacing eyes, and felt fear in her heart, so she took a step back involuntarily.After reacting, she was instantly annoyed, she was actually scared by a young child and ran back!

Xue Ruxue, who became angry from embarrassment, raised her hand again, her eyes were ruthless, and her pretty face was stern, "Little bastard!"

"That's enough." Xing Sha stopped her, and said coldly, "If you kill him, it will ruin a big event, and the master will not spare you!"

"Go away, you are not qualified to take care of my affairs." Xue Ruxue threw off Xingsha angrily.

"Bengong? After three years as a concubine, do you really think you are a favorite concubine?" Feng Sha sneered coldly, "Since you want to be a domineering concubine, then go to Crescent Moon Kingdom, believe in Wanyue Emperor Yue is also very willing to 'accept' you."

Xue Ruxue showed an ugly look on her face. She used a voodoo technique to confuse the Crescent Emperor to give way to the third crown prince, Yue Lang. On the day Yue Lang ascended the throne, he ordered her to be strangled. If Li Chenxue hadn't rescued her, she might have died in the Crescent Kingdom. .

Seeing her resentment and resentment, Feng Sha sneered again, blaming her for being too stupid.She thought that if she won the throne for Prince Yuelang, she would be honored as a guest of honor and a concubine by the Crescent Moon Kingdom?dream.What kind of person is Prince Yuelang? As early as when she successfully bewitched Crescent Moon Emperor, Prince Yuelang had murderous intentions towards her. If she could bewitch Crescent Moon Emperor, it was hard to guarantee that she would not be able to bewitch Yuelang.As a superior, how could she keep such a monster by her side!
Xue Ruxue knows that now that her situation is over, even her last reliance on Yao Wanggu was wiped out by the damned Cheng Yimo. Now only the third prince Li Chenxue has a chance of survival. If she offends the third prince again, Then she's really at a dead end.

After thinking about it, Xue Ruxue restrained her anger and backed down, "Okay, let him live for a few more hours. I will kill her son in front of that bitch later, so that she can also taste the pain of losing a loved one." taste!"

The two powerful generals under the third prince Li Chenxue, Xingsha and Fengsha, personally sit in the Mufu. The Mufu is full of traps, and they hang the bait of Cheng Yeyan, waiting for Cheng Yimo and His Royal Highness. The big fish was hooked and caught!
On the other hand, when Yimo received Bi Yuewu's reply letter, he was furious.At this time, Yun Lingzhi brought news again, "My lord, Qian Huan has been found, and he has confessed that he conspired with the owner of the gambling shop to assassinate Yu Wenchen, but he said that he was sent by Xue Ruxue, the eldest lady of Medicine King Valley." His subordinates also found out that Xue Ruxue not only has medical skills but also Gu poison. Six years ago, because he saved the life of the crown prince, he was admitted to the East Palace as the crown prince's woman. Later, the crown prince dismissed the harem for Mo Liangdi. After she left, she took refuge in the third prince Li Chenxue."

(End of this chapter)

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