black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 500 Serious Illness

Chapter 500 Serious Illness (1)
The faint voice carried a terrifying awe-inspiring aura!
Sun Jinxu's whole body tensed up, and he suddenly realized that he was thinking too naively, thinking that he could save the foundation of the villa by pleading for mercy?Then there will be no crime of copying the family and exterminating the clan in this world!

Sun Jinxu left with a gloomy expression.But Xiaotao was left behind.

Yi Mo looked at Xiao Tao who was standing timidly in the corner of the room, smiled, and waved to her, "Xiao Tao, come and sit."

Xiaotao glanced at the incomparably noble Crown Prince in fear, and then at the little bun next to Yimo, but in the end she couldn't resist Xiaoyeyan's cute and cute appearance, shrugged her shoulders, tiptoed, and slowly moved to Yimo's side .Then he looked at the crown prince hesitantly, seeing that the majestic and majestic Highness had no cold face, he hurriedly sat down next to Yi Mo.After sitting down, I couldn't wait to pinch Xiao Yeyan's bun face, Shui Lingling's eyes were full of excitement, "Miss sister, this is Xiao Yeyan, so cute...It's grown so big, I want to When I hugged him for the first time, he was only as big as a little wild cat, and his little face was still wrinkled like a little old man... I think he liked to piss on me the most back then, so I slapped him every day I have to change three or four clothes, and sometimes I even drag my stinky poop onto my bed, very mischievous..."

"...A man and a woman can't kiss each other." Ye Yan patted her hand off with a livid face.What shit and pee, he was still young and ignorant, okay?Did Yu talk endlessly as soon as they met, did he deliberately want to embarrass him?snort!

"Ah, she's so cute even when she's angry, I really like it!" Xiao Yeyan stepped on Xiaotao's cuteness with her serious expression, and she screamed with joy.If Yeyan was so cold and serious to others, it might make them feel afraid, but to Xiaotao, who had seen him crawling on the ground with his bare butt, she would only think he was so obedient, cute and cute!
Cheng Yeyan: "..."

The crown prince is indescribably happy to see the boy deflated, nemesis!Nemesis, he approached her enthusiastically, looked at her with hopeful phoenix eyes, and said with a smile, "Since I like him, how about giving him to you to raise?" His daughter-in-law is gone. You must know that the daughter-in-law belongs to him alone, and no one can separate her!
"Huh?" Xiao Tao was dumbfounded.

The prince was afraid that she would dislike him, so he kept talking about Cheng Yeyan's advantages, "Don't look at his black face, he is actually very easy to support, just give him a pair of chopsticks and a bowl of rice. Raise him, and he looks pretty good, you can pick up a cheap son and raise him..."

Cheng Yimo Cheng Yeyan: "..."

Xiaotao was terrified by his eager eyes, and retracted her hand in fear, and said, "This, this...isn't it good."

The prince suddenly slapped the table angrily, "What's wrong!"

Xiaotao was taken aback by his furious majesty, frowned, stared at Yimo wanting to cry but didn't dare to cry, and said in an aggrieved voice, "Miss sister..." Woohoo!She doesn't want to raise other people's sons. No matter how well-behaved or cute other people's sons are, they are not as good as her own.

"Li Chenyu, why are you crazy!" The cold voice seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, revealing a biting chill.

The crown prince raised his head, and was glared at by two pairs of vicious eyes, one large and one small at the same time. He shrank his neck very spinelessly, and admitted his mistake softly, "Hehe... Mo'er, don't be angry, I'm joking, I'm joking... Yan My son is my own son, I am not willing to give him away easily." It is not easy to give him away.You must be cautious when sending it away in the future. It is best to send it away and never come back. The most important thing is that you will not be discovered by your daughter-in-law!
"Mom, he's not my father, right? Grandma said, my father is a short-lived ghost who died 800 years ago." Xiao Yeyan looked at him gloomyly, and wanted to give me away and want to be my own father ?Dream it!

Of course, Yi Mo put his son first, patted his head, nodded and said, "Well, your grandma is right."

"..." The crown prince burst into tears, being rejected by his wife and son, he really failed in life.

"Cough, cough." The prince glanced at Xiao Tao, who had already been fooled, lowered his head and straightened his sleeves twice, and then taught Xiao Yeyan seriously to change the subject, "Yan'er, your bad habit of running away from home What's going on? I ran away twice in less than half a year, and I still have to pay in the future? It's really outrageous!"

Cheng Yeyan glared at him, what do you mean twice?Obviously only once, okay?Ye Yan looked at his mother aggrieved, wanting to accuse him of slander.

Yi Mo's face also became cold because of Li Chenyu's words. He rubbed the top of his hair with his fingertips, and looked at him seriously, "Mother also wants to know why you ran away from home." Could it be because she punished him to face the wall? Thinking about it, not convinced?Then run away from home?If so, it's really outrageous.

"Mother." Ye Yan panicked when he saw his mother's unhappy face, and called anxiously, "Mother, I know I was wrong, and I will never be so reckless in the future...Mother, don't cough, cough, cough... ..." He suddenly coughed violently, his face flushed red and purple.

So scared that Mo quickly patted him on the back, and asked worriedly, "Yan'er, are you alright?"

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay." With a sigh of relief, Ye Yan's complexion improved a lot, and a tinge of blood appeared on his originally pale face, which looked much healthier than the weak one before.

Looking at his face, Yi Mo was a little dazed. She felt that the current Yan'er was a little different from the Yan'er in the palace, but she couldn't tell what the difference was.

Ye Yan saw his mother looking at him with a serious face, thinking that she was still angry at him for running away from home a few months ago, so he tugged on his mother's sleeve carefully, "Mother, Yan'er I really knew I was wrong. Yan'er shouldn't have sneaked out of the mansion with the golden ring, otherwise she wouldn't have been injured by the traitor. But Yan'er was able to return to her mother safe and sound, thanks to Doctor Yu and Die... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Fifteen rushed in with a face full of panic, and reported in a startled voice: "Your Highness, something is not right! News came from the capital that the third prince forced the palace to rebel—"

Qianlong Palace, the emperor's bedroom.

"Eunuch Su, I have something to ask to see the emperor, please go in and report to me." Minister Ke Heshe of the Ministry of Punishment stood outside Qianlong Hall wearing a purple-red crane official uniform.

Su Mu raised the whisk in his hand, and greeted him with a smile, "Lord Ke, it's not that the old slave doesn't pass on the transmission to you, but the emperor is so sick that he can't even get out of bed. The imperial doctor said, for the sake of the emperor's dragon body You must rest. Mr. Ke, I beg you as an old slave, just let the emperor be quiet for a few days, and don't bother the emperor with those messy things."

"Is the emperor really sick?" Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, Ke Heshe immediately raised his heart and asked nervously.

Su Mu immediately turned cold, "Master Ke, what are you talking about? Isn't the emperor really sick, can you still pretend to be sick? Master Ke was here at the court this morning, and the emperor's imperial edict has been issued, can it still be a joke?"

(End of this chapter)

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