black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 501 Serious Illness

Chapter 501 Serious Illness (2)
"No, no, that's not what I mean by being an official." Ke Heshe hastily explained, "I'm just surprised that the emperor was fine yesterday morning, why today..."

Su Mu said melancholy, "Don't say it was yesterday morning, even the emperor was well last night. Hey, the emperor's illness came on urgently. He suddenly fell ill when he got up and went to court this morning, which scared the old slave... hey"

A dark look flashed across Ke Heshe's eyes, and he turned a bitter face, and raised the paper in his hand in embarrassment, "Eunuch, the emperor is sick and doesn't deal with government affairs, so what do you think I should do with this paper?"

"Master Ke is really confused." Su Mu gave him a meaningful look, "This morning, the emperor's imperial decree has been stated that during the emperor's serious illness, His Royal Highness the third prince will preside over the government. Lord Ke has a book, so naturally he should go to the third prince." Send it in your hand, the old slave understands such a simple truth, how can the clever Mr. Ke be confused?"

Ke Heshe smiled awkwardly, but said nothing.One must know that the content on his notebook is the evidence of the third prince's privately manufactured weapons passed to him by His Highness the Crown Prince a few days ago, so it was just sent to the third prince?Not to mention that the evidence is gone, there will definitely be a crime of decapitation for slandering the prince!
"Okay, this old slave is going back to serve the emperor, Mr. Ke, please go back." Su Mu turned and returned to Qianlong Hall with a smile.

In the hall, Emperor Qianmin was lying weakly on the dragon bed, his face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and there was a black strand coiled between his brows.This "falling ill" suddenly seemed to be ten years old, with white hair on the temples like frost, wrinkles at the corners of the eyes like gullies, and the dying look seemed to be drained of life, leaving only a gloomy life in it Haunted all over.

Su Mu bowed and walked into the inner hall, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the emperor's current color, he couldn't help being taken aback, and suddenly felt that things were right and wrong.Back in the day, when the emperor used thunder to kill the rebel vassals, and bloodbathed the former prince's rebellious party, how awe-inspiring he was at that time.But now, it is just a sick cat, and it has long lost the ferocity of a tiger.

Xiao Anzi walked up to Su Mu's side quietly and quickly on tiptoe, secretly glanced at the emperor on the hospital bed, quickly lowered his eyes, and whispered in Su Mu's ear, "Master, the imperial concubine has brought medicine to the emperor."

Su Mu took Xiao Anzi out of the inner hall with a blank expression, and went outside the hall to greet Concubine He Guifei who came in all her costumes.

"The old slave greets the imperial concubine, the empress is auspicious."

"Exemption." Concubine He entered the palace gracefully, took the medicine bowl from the hand of the nurse next to her, and stepped back to the left and right. Only Su Mu and Concubine He were left in the huge emperor's bedroom.

Concubine He Gui held the medicine bowl in one hand, and opened the bright yellow curtain with the other to go to the inner hall, "Grandpa Su, has the emperor's condition improved?"

Su Mu humbly followed behind her, "Go back to your mother, the emperor's illness has accumulated for many years, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to get better for a while."

Three years ago, Su Mu began to poison Emperor Ganmin. No, it can't be called poison, it should be called a medicinal diet for strengthening the body.Three years ago, when Li Chenxue left the palace to go to the Crescent Moon Kingdom, he gave Emperor Qianmin a thousand-year-old blood ginseng in front of all civil and military officials in the Golden Luan Hall.Emperor Ganmin was suspicious by nature, and he didn't intend to take blood ginseng, but Su Mu secretly arranged a good show, and Emperor Ganmin changed his mind.Since then, Su Mu has used blood ginseng to cook a bowl of life-prolonging medicinal diet for Emperor Ganmin every day.

Li Chenxue personally gave gifts in front of civil and military officials, how dare she tamper with blood ginseng.Therefore, the thousand-year-old blood ginseng is naturally true. Emperor Ganmin took it for three years in a row, not only strengthened his body, but also healed a lot of unmentionable diseases left by him when he was young.

Few people know that people who have taken blood ginseng for more than two years will be poisoned as long as they smell the dragon blood incense used by the royal family of the Crescent Moon Kingdom.

Concubine He Gui smiled sweetly, and wiped her forehead with a handkerchief. Smelling the fragrance of dragon blood lingering on the handkerchief, her smile deepened, "Is that so? Your Majesty contracted a serious illness from working hard on the affairs of the state, and he was in danger. For my sake, I will bear in mind, Your Majesty should issue an imperial edict early on, lest the princes mess up the court due to the dispute over the throne."

Emperor Ganmin, who was originally unconscious, opened his eyes suddenly, and stared directly at Concubine He Gui with stern eyes, and said through gritted teeth, "Rebels, thieves, sons!"

"Don't be angry, your majesty. Once you are angry, the poisonous gas will be released faster in the body. I am afraid that the ministers will die before you issue the edict. Then our Chengtian Dynasty... will be in chaos." Concubine He Gui sat down gracefully. Next, gently wiped the corners of the emperor's mouth with a silk handkerchief infused with dragon's blood, and smiled gracefully, "Your majesty, for us to inherit the kingdom of heaven, you must take good care of your health. Eunuch Su, go and get the medicine for me." Come, I will personally feed the emperor the medicine."


In Kunyi Palace, the golden phoenix spreads its wings and soars high, surrounded by hundreds of birds and flowers.

In the resplendent and resplendent hall, only Empress Yan sat alone on the phoenix seat. The huge palace was silent, and the atmosphere was so gloomy and depressing that it made people panic.Yan Xixi had a cold and calm face, lightly stroking the jade cup with her pale fingers, the expression on her face was somewhat unfathomable.

Aunt Ji pushed the door open and entered the hall, walked quickly towards Empress Yan with a calm face, "Ma'am, Xiao Anzi is back."

With a finger pause, Yan regretted putting down the jade cup, "Let him in!"

After receiving the Queen's permission, Xiao Anzi hurriedly entered the palace, not caring to kneel down to pay his respects, so he reported in fear, "Master, the emperor's medicine was boiled by Concubine He herself, and she won't let anyone handle it except Eunuch Su." I'm afraid Eunuch Su has already taken refuge with the Third Prince..."

Hearing this, Yan's regretful expression instantly turned serious, "Did you see the emperor?"

Xiao Anzi nodded, "The servant only glanced at it and didn't dare to look any further."

"How is the emperor's situation?" She asked anxiously, the worry in her words was clearly visible.

Yan regrets that the husband and wife of Emperor Ganmin for more than [-] years have affection without love, whether it is love or family affection, they are always inseparable.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Xiao Anzi hesitated and dared not speak. Judging by the Emperor's appearance, he might not live for a few days. How dare he say such words in front of the Empress? !

Yan regretted that all the strength in her body seemed to be taken away, and she fell powerlessly into the phoenix chair.

(End of this chapter)

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