Chapter 502
"Your Majesty, now is not the time to be sad. The Emperor's 'illness' has come on suddenly, and the Taishi and the others probably haven't heard the news yet. We have to find a way to send the news out so that the Taishi can prepare early. "Aunt Ji stepped forward and reminded in a low voice.

Yan Xie suppressed the pain and sadness in her eyes, suppressed the panic in her heart, regained her previous wisdom and wisdom, and thought carefully, "Su Mu is the chief manager of the inner room. If it is true that Xiao Anzi said that he took refuge in Li Chenxue, then this The palace is probably full of eyeliners. As long as we make any movement, they will know about it. We need to be cautious about sending news out of the palace, otherwise..."

"Your Majesty, let the servant go, the servant will surely pass the news to the Grand Master." Xiao Anzi volunteered.

"No, you can't go, you are someone close to Su Mu, if you leave, Su Mu will soon suspect you."

Aunt Ji also hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, let the servants go."

Yan regretfully shook her head, "You are my personal nurse, and if you suddenly disappear at such a critical time, they will definitely become suspicious."

Aunt Ji was full of anxiety, "The sender is not only a small person who will not arouse suspicion, but also someone we can trust... But at this time, the situation is uncertain, the enemy and friends are unknown, where can we find such a person... "

Xiao Anzi suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed happily, "Mother, I have a good candidate for this servant."

"Who?" Yan Xixi and Aunt Ji looked at him together.

Half an hour later, Xiao Anzi secretly brought someone into the Hall of Kunyi, "Ma'am, what do you think of this kid?" He pulled out a three-year-old child in eunuch uniform from behind.

The child had clear features, red lips and white teeth, and a bun face that was pink and soft, looking very cute.The dark blue inner attendant was a little too big for him and didn't fit him very well. The loose trousers were trampled under his feet, which made him look a little nondescript, but with those bright and bright eyes, he was so cute and cute.

Xiao Anzi had taken a fancy to his pair of dark and watery eyes at the beginning.Eyes are the windows to the soul, and one can tell whether a person is smart or dull from his eyes. The first time Xiao Anzi saw this child, he thought he was a clever and clever kid.

And Yan regretted seeing this child for the first time, and immediately felt a little horrified.

Aunt Ji was also dumbfounded in surprise, "Mother, mother, this, this... this child really looks like you!" Especially those eyes.

Yan regretted staring at the child's face with piercing eyes, "He and Xiaoyu only look alike, and he was carved out of the same touch as Xiaoyu when he was a child."

Xiao Anzi pushed the child beside him, and said in a low voice, "Quickly greet the empress."

"...Er Mao pays respects to the empress."

The little Ermao was pushed back by Xiao Anzi, he gave him a dark glare in displeasure, and in his heart scolded the dead eunuch's ancestors for eighteen generations, and then reluctantly knelt on the ground Greetings to the noble lady.

In other words, why did the little Ermao return to work under Xiao Anzi? This story is a long story, so let's make a long story short.

After Xiao Ermao fainted from hunger that day, the people arranged by Xiao Anzi carried her into the palace.After entering the palace, Huzi and other children who were sent to the palace were very excited, because they not only put on beautiful clothes, but also ate delicious food that they had never eaten before.They were all happy that they would no longer have to suffer from hunger and cold, and even cheered with joy.Only Ermao sat on the sideline sullenly, frowning and thinking hard. Is it worth giving up the "brother" who has been with me since birth in order to have enough food and clothes?
not worth it!

So Ermao decided not to sell himself, not to enter the palace, he planned to leave.Before leaving, he found his good friend Hu Zi and invited Hu Zi to go with him, but Hu Zi was frightened of hunger, and he never wanted to go back to the old days of starvation and cold.Ermao respected Huzi's choice, he decided to go alone, but before he had time to leave, someone ran away before him.But the man was unlucky, he was caught by the guards, and was finally beaten to death with a stick.

With the lessons learned from the past, Er Mao didn't dare to bring up the idea of ​​leaving easily, but he didn't want to become an eunuch, so he racked his brains to come up with a plan to hide the truth, and the two of them, Li Daitao, stiffened, and let him clean himself. old master.Then Er Mao settled down in the palace as a fake eunuch.In order not to be found out, he actively asked to work in the hands of Eunuch An.You must know that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Forgive him, no matter how shrewd Xiao Anzi is, he would never have thought that there was a "fish that slipped through the net" hidden under his nose.

"Mother, don't look at Ermao, who is only three or four years old, he is smarter and more sensible than six or seven-year-old children. In addition, he is too young, no one will believe that you will send a three-year-old child to deliver a letter , so it is most suitable for him to handle this matter."

When the critical moment came, Xiao Anzi did have some brains.

Aunt Ji also felt that this method was feasible.

Yan Xixi observed the child kneeling in front of him, seeing a cunning flash in those clear and bright eyes, she knew that this was a clever and intelligent kid.With a slight sigh, this child is destined for her, and he liked her from the bottom of his heart the first time he saw her.Sending the letter was a narrow escape, and she was reluctant to send the child to his death, but in this situation, only this child could do it.

Yan regretfully nodded, and handed the written letter to Ermao together with the personal token of longevity lock, and asked him how to deliver it safely to Taishi Yan.

"Do you remember?" Yan regretted touching his head, and gently caressed his brows and eyes with her slender fingers. This child looks so much like Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu's illusion.

Ermao nodded, and replied crisply: "I remember."

Yan regretted seeing that time was running out, so she didn't say any more, and directly ordered Xiao Anzi to take him out of the palace.

Before leaving the palace, Aunt Ji suddenly said, "Wait."

Er Mao suppressed the excitement that surfaced on his face, turned around suspiciously, and was about to ask her what's the matter, but before she could open her mouth, the old woman rushed up, quickly forced a pill into his mouth, The pill melted in water, and entered his stomach before he could react.

Ermao pushed Aunt Ji away and shouted angrily, "What did you give me?"

"Poison." Aunt Ji tugged at the robes he had messed up, and said expressionlessly, "My child, don't blame Mammy for being cruel. You are young and have a fickle temper, and you are easily attracted by good things outside the palace. , thus forgetting your own mission. Mammy did this just in case, and when you deliver the letter to the Grand Master and come back safely and honestly, Mammy will naturally give you the antidote."

"You..." You old witch!Er Mao was so angry that his small chest heaved and heaved, he was not clean, and he would be exposed one day if he stayed in the palace. Now that he had the opportunity to leave the palace, he was naturally overjoyed. He thought he would be free after he escaped from the clutches of the palace. I don't know that this old hag still has such a trick.Really mad at him!
The dark and bloodthirsty eyes stared at her for a moment, making Aunt Ji tremble all over, as if seeing His Highness the Crown Prince in a rage.Aunt Ji's heart trembled, and there was a bit of fear in her flickering eyes. She looked away, waved her hand, and told Xiao Anzi to take him out quickly.

Grand Master's House.

"Grand Master, what do you think should be done with the book in the hands of the lower official? Is it really going to be delivered to the third prince?" Ke Heshe went straight to the Grand Master's mansion after leaving the palace, begging to see Yan Wenshu for advice.

Not only Ke Heshe but also Yu Qingfeng are in the study room of Taishi Mansion, which is exquisitely laid out and elegantly decorated.

Yu Qingfeng said with serious eyes, "Grand Master, I feel that something is wrong with this matter. The emperor's body has always been strong, why suddenly..."

Yan Wenshu's face was serious, and he raised his hand to stop his words. In an instant, there was a faint sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door.

Yu Qingfeng took a tight breath, and only heard Taishi Yan ask calmly, "Who is it?"

"My lord, it's my subordinate."

Hearing the familiar voice, Yan Wenshu gave Yu Qingfeng a wink, Yu Qingfeng agreed, and hurried forward to open the door.An ordinary-looking man dressed in servant clothes stepped into the room.

The man knelt down on one knee and reported to Yan Wenshu, "My lord, the three palace gates of Donghuangmen, Chongwumen and Quexianmen have been guarded by new guards, and my subordinates cannot enter. However, my subordinates learned that the old doctor Lianqiao He did not enter the palace to check the emperor's pulse, but the one who gave the emperor medicine was Lin Que, the envoy of the new imperial hospital."

Yu Qingfeng's face changed, "In the past, when the emperor had a sickness and vomiting, it was the old doctor Xuan Lianqiao who took the pulse..."

"I heard that the old doctor Forsythia had a cold these days and was too sick to get out of bed. Could it be because of this that the emperor sent an envoy from the Imperial Hospital to check the pulse?" Ke Heshe knew what Yu Qingfeng meant. It is suspected that the third prince hijacked the emperor to force the palace.But is this possible?You must know that the third prince is the emperor's own son. If the third prince really did this, he would not only bear the crime of bullying the emperor and treason, but also the crime of treason and injustice of killing his father!
"Master Yu, stop worrying about the sky." Ke Heshe felt that there would be a thunderbolt after thinking about it.

Yan Wenshu gave him a cold look, and said quietly, "Do you still remember how the emperor got his throne?"

Ke Heshe's face turned pale instantly, how did it come about?Killing fathers and emperors, slaughtering all blood relatives, exterminating feudal lords... He suddenly had nothing to say.

While Ke Heshe was silent, the steward of the Grand Master's Mansion rushed to report, "Master, there is a child outside the door begging to see you, saying that he is here to deliver a letter to you." While speaking, he handed the child to his long-lived lock presented.

Yan Wenshu took the Changshou Lock, and when he saw the word 'regret' engraved on the back of the Changshou Lock, his face changed suddenly, and he said eagerly, "Let that child in quickly."

At the same time, unexpected guests also ushered in the right minister Cai Qing's mansion.Wrapped in black clothes, with a black cloth covering his head and a black gauze covering his face, Huang Sheng quietly broke into the Right Prime Minister's Mansion and went straight to the Prime Minister's study.

When he suddenly turned over and entered the room, Cai Qing almost scared Hun'er away!
(End of this chapter)

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