black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 503 Willing Edict

Chapter 503 Willing Edict (1)
"You, you, you..." Cai Qing stared at the man in black who suddenly appeared in horror, and then shouted loudly, "Come..." Man!

The man in black was the first to cover his mouth.

"Uh, uh." Cai Qing is a civil servant, a scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken, who can't beat a martial artist with brute force, so he can only stare at him with wide-eyed copper bell eyes.

The man in black looked around in a panic, he was relieved when he saw that the guards had not been attracted, and turned to look at Cai Qing, "Lord Cai, don't call me. It's me, it's me, Huang Sheng." Quickly pulled off the veil for him to see clear.

Seeing that it was Huang Sheng, Cai Qing immediately let go of the heart that was raised in his throat, his stiff body softened, pulled off the arm covering his mouth, and complained displeasedly, "Master, I will trouble you later." When you enter the mansion, walk through the main entrance to hand over the greeting card, if you do this again, you will scare me away from my old life."

Huang Sheng married the sixth princess and was already the sixth son-in-law of the dynasty.In addition, the emperor loved Huang Sheng so much, no matter how dissatisfied Cai Qing was, he did not dare to criticize too much.As the saying goes, you can look at the Buddha's face even if you don't look at the monk's face. Besides, there are still three big Buddhas standing behind Huang Sheng.

Huang Sheng laughed dryly, and said embarrassedly: "Master Cai, don't be angry, isn't this a special situation!" A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he slapped his head in annoyance when he remembered the important matter, "Ouch! I almost gave up the important matter. forget!"

Cai Qing sat up straight, straightened his messy temples, and asked casually, "I don't know what's the big deal for the son-in-law to come to me." He deliberately accentuated the "big" character, which was slightly ironic.Who in the court doesn't know that Huang Sheng is notoriously unreliable in handling affairs, and small matters with sesame and mung beans can be turned into big ones in his hands.Just like the last time, when his pet dog Ah Huang couldn’t be found, he sued the fifth prince to Dali Temple with a pleading, saying that the fifth prince stole his family’s Ah Huang and stewed dog meat to eat, but what happened? ?It was the sixth princess who took Ah Huang to the other courtyard in the western suburbs for a walk.

Cai Qing sighed, don't lose another cat or dog this time.

Seeing that he was calm and relaxed, Huang Sheng couldn't help shouting anxiously, "This time is really a big deal. Longtu Pavilion received the news that the emperor was unconscious after being poisoned, and was held hostage by Concubine He in Qianlong Palace. Why even force the palace to rebel."

"What did you say?!" Cai Qing stood up abruptly, shocked.

"Yesterday, there was news from the prince that the stolen goods have been stolen. I think the third prince also received the news, so he jumped the wall and wanted to force the palace to seize the throne." Huang Sheng explained.

After being shocked, Cai Qing said suspiciously, "Isn't the emperor surrounded by hidden guards and Mr. Huang's protection? With Mr. Huang's martial arts, let alone Concubine He Gui, it is impossible for the leader of the martial arts to be under the protection of Mr. Huang." Hold the emperor hostage right under his nose!"

"At the beginning, His Royal Highness went to the Shenbing Villa to investigate the privately manufactured weapons. The emperor was afraid that His Royal Highness would secretly slander the third prince, so he sent my grandfather to assist in the investigation." What kind of assistance is it? To put it bluntly, it is supervision.Huang Sheng thought gloatingly, he had long said that the emperor's suspicion would kill him one day, see, it really did.If he didn't suspect the crown prince, he wouldn't let his grandfather leave the palace, and if his grandfather didn't leave the palace, he wouldn't be taken advantage of by those traitors!
Hearing this, Cai Qing was heartbroken, "The emperor is confused!"

"Ha, what a treason! Dare to scold the emperor." Huang Sheng looked at him with a smile, as if he was holding onto his braid proudly.

Cai Qing glanced at him with a headache, what time is it now, he is still in the mood to smile here!
At the same time Huang Sheng sneaked into Cai's mansion, someone secretly passed the news to King Yunze.

"Master, the third prince rebelled, and Cai Qing is the father-in-law of the third prince. Why did Huang Sheng go looking for him? Isn't he afraid that Cai Qing and the third prince are in the same group?" Baoqin received a message from Wen Xiangge When the news came back, he asked inexplicably.

King Yunze sat down with the clothes on his back, gently stroked the hair sticking to her cheeks behind her ears, and said with a soft smile, "If you can think of this, Huang Sheng will naturally think so too. With Huang Sheng's Temperament, he definitely won't go looking for Cai Qing. Among them... I'm afraid it's the emperor's favor."

King Yunze ordered his maidservant to bring over his favorite blood jade tea set, scooped a little green tea into the cup with a silver spoon, poured boiling hot water, and the misty mist accompanied the curling tea Incense rises.He fiddled with the unfurled young leaves in the cup with silver needles, his movements were gentle and graceful, and his expression was leisurely and serene. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the tea leaves revealed a comfortable and transparent emerald green in the water.Putting down the silver needle, picked up the teacup and smelled the fragrance of the tea, and then smiled comfortably, and said, "It seems that the emperor guarded against this when he bestowed the marriage."

Baoqin was even more confused, "What does the master mean by this?"

"Cai Qing is the father-in-law of the third prince. If the third prince ascends the throne, Cai Qing's status in the court will naturally be unmatched. So you will take it for granted that Cai Qing and the third prince are allies, even if they are not accomplices, they will not help each other. At least you won’t drag your feet and poke the basket. If you think this way, the court ministers will think so too. There are many people who think this way, even Concubine He Gui and the third prince themselves will think so. Naturally, they will think so about Cai Qing. Negligence of precautions." King Yunze sneered, mocking the stupidity of those people, "Don't forget, Cai Qing is a minister personally selected by Emperor Ganmin, so Emperor Ganmin would definitely hold Cai Qing if he dared to make this move. His means of treachery."

Baoqin suddenly realized, his thoughts changed, and he suggested, "Master, why don't we tell the third prince about Cai Qing to show our sincerity?"

King Yunze transferred the brewed green tea to Nishang's hands, shook his head and said in denial, "The third prince was forced to take this step, the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, nothing is for him, and in the end it will not succeed." event."

"Does the master mean to help the crown prince?" Baoqin frowned, and looked at the dull-eyed Nishang.If it weren't for the prince, sister Nishang wouldn't be what she is today.

"No. This king won't wade into this muddy water. I'm just waiting to see a good show." A stern smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, "Although the crown prince is powerful, the third prince is not a good one. A lose-lose end."

"Master!" Miss Yazi from Wen Yage rushed in, her face paled and she exclaimed, "It's not good. General Zhen Guo has rushed into the city with 10 troops."

King Yunze showed surprise on his face, rubbing the rim of the cup with heavy thoughts, staring at the blood jade teacup thoughtfully.

Baoqin and Yazi both lowered their heads and held their breath, not daring to disturb him by making any noise.

After a long silence, King Yunze seemed to have figured something out, and suddenly smiled meaningfully, "I didn't expect that they could even bribe Feng Chengyi. He Zong, Feng Chengyi, King Ning... It seems that they still underestimated the third prince. "

"Master, Mr. Feng is famously impartial and selfless and loyal to the emperor. How could he seek refuge with the third prince?" Baoqin asked in amazement.

(End of this chapter)

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