Chapter 513 18 vs. 80?
Even Li Chenyu's objection of crying, making trouble, and hanging himself was useless, Cheng Yimo insisted on going to war, Li Chenxue would not die, and the murderous thoughts in her heart would not be quelled until the matter of the year was not settled.

Li Chenyu had no choice but to look at her with resentful eyes, and saw that she had a cold face and a hard heart, and finally compromised, and sadly moved down the order, "Qin Huo, Minister of the Ministry of War, listen to the order."

"The minister is here." Qin Huo knelt down in the hall.

"I order you to send 60 troops to assist King Thunder to support Yucheng, and to take the head of Li Chenxue and drive the Crescent Kingdom out of our border."

"...The minister obeys the order." Qin Huo hesitated for a moment, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, and then he accepted the order.

"The Minister of the Ministry of War, the Minister of the Ministry of Households listen to the order."

"The minister is here."

"I ordered you to lead the ministers of the Ministry of War and the ministers of the Household Department to cooperate and negotiate to be fully responsible for the food and grass. You must not be sloppy. If there is any delay, you will be severely punished!"

"The ministers obey the order."

Ever since, his dear daughter-in-law just left him to go to war!

Li Chenyu stood on the city gate, watching the army go further and further away, his heart also ran away.Staring at the awe-inspiring figure with tears in his eyes, his heart was filled with tears: Woohoo!Five days later is the day of getting married...

Seeing the emperor was heartbroken, in order to avoid getting burned, the smart ministers all made expressions of reluctance, nostalgia, regret, and grief, only that idiot Zhao Xia murmured with disdain, "It's not that I'm going to die, it's just a mess. It's like going to a funeral... Ouch!"

Before he could finish speaking, Li Chenyu kicked him to the ground, jumped on him, grabbed his hair and beat him fiercely.

Right and equal courtiers rushed up to fight, shouting while pulling: "Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Your Majesty, please be merciful..."

"Master Taibao is getting old, you should be more considerate..."

Zhao Taibao was beaten, and with his temper, if the other party was not the emperor, or the prince, he would have to rush forward to fight him to get back the spot!But the other party is the emperor, even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to fight the emperor.But he was not reconciled to just putting the flag down like this, rolled his eyes, and caught sight of Yan Wenshu standing aside watching the play, thought about it, and regardless of his old face, threw himself in front of Yan Wenshu and began to cry loudly, "Grand Master! You have to be the master of this Taibao..."

In public, Grand Master Yan is the teacher of a country; in private, Grand Master Yan is the emperor's grandfather.

If you want to say that the person who can make decisions for Zhao Taibao in the current court is none other than Yan Wenshu.

Grand Master Yan lived up to everyone's expectations and really made the decision for Zhao Taibao, "Your Majesty, before leaving, Lord Lei Ting told you to take good care of the first prince and the second prince. At this time, the two princes should get up, and you should also go back to the palace." Return to the palace to serve The grandparents of the two sons get up!
The wise and great Emperor Mo Yu, who was still domineering just now, suddenly froze.Li Li's dragon robe that was crumpled by Cai Qing, stepped on the dragon chariot with a limp, "Go back to the palace!" His voice was weak.

Cai Qing, Prime Minister on the right, cast a glance at the Grand Master, and said hesitantly, "...Aren't we going too far?"

"Excessive?!" Zhao Taibao screamed, pointing to the scars on his face, "Look at the scars on my face, do you still think it's excessive?"

Cai Qing: "..."

The young official looked at the powerful adults in the DPRK with a 45-degree angle, and looked up at the sky sadly: shouldn't it be that the husband is fighting outside, resisting foreign enemies, and praising the country; the wife is at home doing housework , raising children, serving in-laws?But why... there is an illusion of yin and yang being reversed! ?

Yimo led an army of 60 and cavalry of [-] all the way to the south, heading straight for Yucheng.

The army traveled for seven days, and as soon as they ordered to set up camp and rest, they received an urgent letter for help from eight hundred miles from Yucheng.

"General, the crescent moon army is preparing to attack the city in three days. General, please go to Yucheng for support." The dusty general handed over the letter anxiously, wishing that the 70 army could grow wings overnight and directly cross Daxingling Arrive at Yucheng, and drive those bastards from the Crescent Moon Kingdom out of the border of Chengtian.

Yi Mo took the letter and asked solemnly, "How many thousands of soldiers are there in the city? How many people are left in the enemy army?"

"Back to the general, there are less than 80 left in our army city. The number of enemy troops exceeds 80!" [-] versus [-], each of them can drown them with a spit!
Yi Mo put down the letter and asked the white tiger beside him, "Our army advances at the fastest speed, how many days will it take to reach Yucheng?"

"Return to the master, at least four days."

Zhang Yuelu said, "If there are only [-] cavalry from us, I believe it will be more than enough to reach Yucheng within three days!"

Yun Lingzhi gave him a white look, "Aren't you talking nonsense? One hundred thousand cavalry can arrive within three days, but no matter how powerful our cavalry is, it is impossible to defeat the opponent's 80 army."

Yi Mo's eyes froze, and he ordered: "Zhang Yuelu, Yun Lingzhi obeys the order."

"The subordinate is here." "The last general is here." The two knelt on one knee.

"The two of you followed me and led a hundred thousand cavalry to support Yucheng."


Yi Mo took out the Tiger Talisman, "Bai Hu, listen to the order!"

"Subordinates are here."

Handing the Tiger Talisman to him, "You mobilize 60 troops with the Tiger Talisman, and you must rush to Yucheng within four days."


Yimo planned to lead the cavalry to Yucheng first, and together with the 60 soldiers in the city, resist the attack of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, and delay the time, waiting for the support of the subsequent [-] troops.

Now, only this method is the most appropriate, no one is different.

On the second day, before dawn, Yimo led [-] cavalry to support Yucheng.

When Yi Mo arrived in Yucheng, it was the fifth watch of the night two days later, the sky was full of stars, and the crescent moon was sinking in the west.On the city gate, Tian Suixiao, the guard of Yucheng, wanted to pierce his eyes. He saw the blood-red battle flag of the Thunder King flying in the air from a distance. Weeping with joy, he waved his hands and shouted: "Open the city gate, open the city gate quickly! It's Thunder King's reinforcements!" Arrived—quickly follow the general to meet the prince outside the city gate!"

"Yes, yes, yes..." The life-saving Bodhisattva came, and all the soldiers guarding Yucheng wept with joy.

"My lord, you're here!" When Yi Mo arrived with a hundred thousand cavalry, Tian Suixiao was so excited that he almost threw himself on his thigh and cried bitterly.

Riding on the horse, Yi Mo stared coldly at the people under the horse, "Tian Suixiao, the guard of Yucheng?"

"Yes, it's the last general, and the last general is Tian Suixiao. The last general will see Lord Lei Ting, and the prince is thousands of years old!" Tian Suixiao glanced at the cavalry behind her. Shaking up is like taking Shiquan Dabu pills.I couldn't help but whispered secretly, I used to only hear how powerful the [-] cavalry under the Thunder King were, but now I saw it, and I said that this determination and perseverance are not comparable to ordinary soldiers.

After driving non-stop for nearly three days, they still killed and attacked as decisively and strictly as iron, and no one was slack and tired. With this alone, it is not difficult to beat ordinary soldiers by seven or eight streets and sweep the entire Shu Kingdom.But……

"My lord, there are only, only 80 cavalry, I'm afraid they can't deal with the 80 troops of the Crescent Moon Kingdom..." It's not that Tian Suixiao has no confidence in Cheng Yimo, but is seeking truth from facts.No matter how powerful the iron cavalry is, it is still a mantis arm against an army of [-].

Yi Mo got off his horse, "This king has his own arrangements."

"Tian Suixiao, where is the enemy army now?" Passing through the crowd, Yi Mo led Zhang Yue, Lu Yun, Ling Zhi and others into the city.

Tian Suixiao saw that she was full of terrifying evil spirit, so scared that he didn't dare to say any more, he led her straight to the study of the city lord's mansion, and quickly ordered someone to present a military battle map, pointing to several places on it, and quickly explained Said, "My lord, according to the report from the spies, the crescent moon army is camping in Yuzhou. There are three roads leading from Yuzhou to my city of Yu. You see, my lord, one is an official road, the other is a winding mountain road, and the other is a turbulent river. The twists and turns of the mountain roads are not conducive to the advancement of the army, and the dangerous waterways are even more unfavorable for the army to walk, so the general guessed that the enemy must be following the official path..."

Slim and beautiful fingers slid across the waterway between Yuzhou and Yucheng, like a sharp knife with a cold light slashing at the hearts of the officials.They were so frightened that they fell silent like cicadas, like walking on thin ice!

I heard that the Thunder King is brutal and bloodthirsty, and he likes to poach people's hearts and eat their brains whenever he doesn't like it... Tian Suixiao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead trembling.

Yi Mo looked at the canal connecting Yuzhou and Yucheng, frowned and asked, "Are there a lot of ships in Yuzhou?"

A chunky official came out, and replied submissively, "Go back to your lord, yes, there are many merchant ships from Yuzhou to Yucheng, Yu..."


Before the official could finish his sentence, the spies reported in a panic, "An enemy army has been spotted thirty miles to the south!"

"What!?" Tian Suixiao was shocked and couldn't believe it, "Impossible, how could they arrive so soon?"

A bright-minded official told the truth, "They took the waterway!"

"Yes, if you take the water route by boat, you will arrive at Yucheng three hours earlier than if you take the official route."

Yi Moping asked calmly, "How many people are here?"

"About 30."

Tian Suixiao wondered, "Could it be that they want to divide the army into two groups?"

After the sound fell, another spy came to report, "Report - 30 enemy troops were found on the official road [-] miles away to the west."

Zhang Yuelu frowned, "It's only 60. Could it be that the mountain road to the east still has 20?"

"Report—an enemy attack is found in the east."

Yun Lingzhi sighed, "The 80 troops are attacking from three directions, east, west, and south, and we only have 18. The situation is worrying!"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him, no matter how you looked at him, he seemed to be gloating.

Yi Mo calmed down and looked at the map of Yucheng. To the east is a winding mountain road... From Yuzhou to Yucheng, you have to pass through Shituan Town, Jingshi Mountain, and Wind Canyon... your fingertips fell on Feng Canyon.

The bright-minded official, Ye Chenghui, said knowingly: "My lord, the terrain of the Wind Canyon is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. If we seize the opportunity... With the 20 elites in the hands of the lord and the [-] soldiers in the city, we will definitely be able to defeat the enemy." [-] enemy troops were completely wiped out."

Yi Mo glanced at him, but didn't say anything.But Yun Lingzhi couldn't help but say, "After killing 20, there are still 60 left."

Tian Suixiao and others were dejected, but no matter what, they had 80.

"Our 60 reinforcements have already reached the Huaishui River. As long as we can hold the enemy for a day, we will be able to turn defeat into victory." The cold and flat voice was like nectar moistening everyone's hearts, as if carrying a magical power, unconsciously Believe in her, rely on her, surrender to her!
"Zhang Yuelu, you lead [-] cavalry to the west; this king personally leads [-] cavalry to the south. Yun Lingzhi, you lead [-] soldiers from the city to ambush in the Wind Canyon, and the remaining [-] soldiers stay in the city."

"The last general takes orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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