Chapter 514 Defeat
Yun Lingzhi led 4 people in ambush in the Wind Canyon. There is only one narrow passage in the Wind Canyon that can accommodate five people side by side, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.Just wait for the enemy army to drop the boulder as soon as it arrives. Not only can it kill and injure countless enemy troops, but it can also block the passage, preventing the enemy army from passing through the road for a while.

Compared with Yimo and Zhang Yuelu, Yun Lingzhi's task this time is very easy.

Seeing the enemy army from a distance, Yun Lingzhi lowered his voice and raised his hand, "Get ready."

Watching the enemy's 20 troops slowly marching in, the soldiers ambushing in the valley were so nervous that their palms were sweating coldly. Seeing that the enemy army was about to enter the valley, some people wanted to make a move.

"Wait!" Yun Lingzhi shouted, "Wait for their vanguard troops to enter the valley before doing anything. The archers are also ready at any time!"

The first officer said nervously, "General, this is too risky."

Yun Lingzhi pursed his lips and insisted, "We don't have many feathered arrows in our hands. If they are too far away and miss the shot, the loss will be huge...Let the brothers hide carefully, as long as the rescue is delayed for a day."

Vice-General Ma nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, listen to the General."

As soon as the vanguard entered the valley, Yun Lingzhi waved and ordered, "Throw!"

In an instant, countless boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain to the valley, smashing the unsuspecting enemy army to bloody and splattered brains, and the sound of painful wailing instantly resounded in the wind canyon.

"There is an ambush, there is an ambush ahead. General—" Niu Tao, who stepped into the valley slowly, escaped, and ran back to Yu Qiang in fright, crying, "General, we are in an ambush. When they entered the valley, a huge boulder rolled down the mountain, and the others were all crushed to death by the boulder."

"What?!" Yu Qiang was furious, "It's his grandma. Zhong Cheng, didn't that guy Li Chenxue say that there were only [-] soldiers and horses lingering in Yucheng? Why are there still people lying in ambush in the canyon? I said that guy is unreliable, Te Niang has ulterior motives and wants to trick us here to catch us all..."

Yu Qiang cursed Li Chenxue in a rough voice.

Zhong Cheng was Yu Qiang's military adviser. Hearing Yu Qiang's shout, he hurriedly rode his horse to his side, and said rationally, "Li Chenxue is right. There are indeed only [-] soldiers and horses left in Yucheng." He looked around Glancing at the entire Wind Canyon, he said calmly, "I think they are trying to make a dying struggle. There should not be many people ambushing in the valley. General, please send someone to move the boulder away quickly, so that we can lead people into the canyon and kill them. Take them all."

Yu Qiang, who has always been a general, ordered three thousand troops immediately, "Go and move the boulder in front of you!"


When the three thousand soldiers stepped forward to move the boulder, Yun Lingzhi suddenly ordered, "Shoot the arrow!"

The arrows were like locusts, and wherever they went, there were wailing and moaning sounds.

Seeing this, Yu Qiang narrowed his eyes ferociously, raised his arms and shouted: "Round Shield Formation!"

Another two thousand soldiers stepped forward holding their shields to block the arrows.

Yun Lingzhi winked at Vice General Ma and ordered, "Throw it away."

There was another burst of rocks flying all over the sky, and no matter how hard the shield was, it couldn't stop the bombardment of the boulders.With just one face-to-face meeting, the Crescent Moon Kingdom lost [-] soldiers, plus the previous vanguard troops, counting on the fingers, a full [-].Yu Qiang was so angry that he scolded his mother!

"General, there are not many rocks left, and the arrows in the hands of the soldiers are about to bottom out." Vice-General Ma reported.

Yun Lingzhi's face sank, "Look for it! Go find more stones, and gravel is also fine. By the way, how is the situation of the reinforcements?"

"I just received the news that General Baihu divided his troops into three groups. He personally led 20 troops to support the prince. Vice-General Lei led an army of 20 to support General Zhang. General Qin Huoqin led [-] troops to our side. , based on their speed, it will take another four hours to arrive."

Hearing this, Yun Lingzhi couldn't help being overjoyed, "Okay, okay! Let the soldiers support for another four hours!"

In Majiatun, twenty miles away, Qin Huo, who was supposed to rush forward to support Yun Lingzhi, ordered repairs on the spot.

Wu Yifu, Qin Huo's lieutenant general, was puzzled, "General, are we...?"

Qin Huo looked at him and said nothing.It was Qin Huo's other lieutenant, Tao Guzhang said, "Thunder King is just a mere woman, what virtue can she have to command thousands of troops and let our general obey her orders?"

Qin Huo looked deeply into the distance, and after a long silence, he said, "Wang Chuan fought against the Kingdom of Shu. Everyone said that she is the invincible God of War of our Chengtian Dynasty. But today, I was going to let everyone know that she showed me the truth in ink. She's just a woman, and she doesn't deserve the word 'God of War' at all." The military power in hand was taken away by Cheng Yaojin, who broke out halfway, how reconciled he was.And still subservient to a woman!
"Yes, the general is right. The battlefield is a place where men make contributions, how can she be allowed to act wildly like a woman. Women should obediently stay at home and give birth to children to serve men. She was unwilling to hide in the deep boudoir, and wanted the rooster to do the morning. Reversing yin and yang, what kind of system is it!"

"This time Yun Lingzhi is defeated and Feng Canyon is lost. This general depends on how she faces the army of millions." Qin Huo's eyes shot out a stern light of resentment. If there is a chance, he would like Cheng Yimo to die here The battlefield, so that it can be done once and for all.

Wu Yifu glanced at Qin Huo hesitantly, then finally sighed and said nothing.

Four hours later, Yu Qiang led his troops into the Wind Canyon, and Yun Lingzhi ran out of bullets.

"General, what should we do? They have rushed in."

Yun Lingzhi's pretty face was full of cruelty, "Where did Qin Huo's people go?"

The spy watching the wind shook his head in despair, "General, I didn't see any reinforcements at all."

All the soldiers looked downcast and ashen, fifty thousand against 18 thousand, it was almost death.

Deputy General Ma clenched the steel knife in his hand, his eyes were full of determination, and he shouted with pride, "General, we will fight them hard, and we will bite off a piece of their flesh!"

Yun Lingzhi gritted his teeth, and said harshly: "Okay. Fight them."

Lieutenant Ma took the lead and rushed out first: "Come on——kill——"

Yun Lingzhi followed closely behind. Although his face looked fierce, he still held a glimmer of hope in his heart.Hold on for a while, and the reinforcements will arrive soon, immediately... But when he was exhausted from fighting, his hands and feet were so weak that he didn't see the reinforcements.

Deputy General Ma chopped down the enemy army behind Yun Lingzhi with a knife, and yelled at him, "General, go quickly. After the last general is dead, you go quickly—"

Yun Lingzhi lifted his spirits, gritted his teeth and insisted, "No, this general will fight with you until the end, until the soldiers come, and until the reinforcements come..."

In terms of martial arts, Yun Lingzhi is not as good as Zhang Yuelu, not even Lieutenant General Ma.In terms of military ability, he is not as good as Baihu but not as good as Guo Tingyi.To be able to achieve the position of general, apart from being a little clever, it all depends on Yi Mo's extra promotion and his shameless begging for rewards.

In the past, he felt that being a general was very prestigious, so he wanted to be a general.But now as a general, leading his own soldiers, watching them fall in front of him one by one, besides heartache, there is also deep helplessness.

The long sword stabbed out, cutting the enemy's neck like cutting a watermelon. The warm blood splashed on his face, but it made his heart feel so cold that it hurt to the bone.A sharp arrow shot through the air, and he no longer had the strength to avoid it.The sharp arrow pierced his chest, but he didn't feel the pain. He only felt that his chest was terribly cold, and all his strength seemed to be drained instantly. His legs softened and he fell to the ground slowly.

When he completely closed his eyes, he vaguely saw Vice General Ma screaming at him, saying that he could no longer hear, but he could still see the pain in his eyes.Is he dying?Maybe he was going to die... Countless images flashed through his mind, with slight regret and deep reluctance, but he never regretted it!

He never regretted stepping into the battlefield with Cheng Yimo, it was she who made him find the meaning of life, she made him understand many things, and because of her, his life became colorful... The corners of his mouth curled into a smile, It's great to meet her!
"Report! General, Yun Lingzhi was defeated and was shot. The enemy army has crossed the Wind Canyon and is coming towards us." The spies reported to Qin Huo.

Qin Huo grinned, "Okay! Deputy General Tao, order the soldiers to prepare. This general must fight a beautiful victory and let the people of the Chengtian Dynasty know that only I, Qin Huo, is the real God of War, and only I, Qin Huo, are the real God of War. Exclusion can save them from fire and water."


18 against 15, although it is impossible to lose, but Yu Qiang also won a bit miserably. He lost [-] soldiers and horses before Yun Lingzhi and others were dealt with. When they completely crossed the wind canyon, there were only [-] people left .

"It's really unreasonable that a small wind canyon lost 5 horses!"

But before Yu Qiang could finish complaining, he met Qin Huo's 20 army again.Immediately he ran away in fright, "Retreat! Retreat—" If he meets a few more desperate people like Yun Lingzhi Ma Wang, will he still live! ?

"Retreat, retreat!"

"General Hongwei, when the enemy army sees you, their ass will piss in fright." Tao Guzhang flattered him.

Qin Huo was in a good mood, and he laughed freely, "Surrender the enemy without fighting! Good, good! This is the highest state of the art of war!"

"The general is my well-deserved General of the God of War!" Tao Guzhang roared, "General of the God of War! General of the God of War!"

The 20 troops behind them also shouted in unison: "General God of War! General God of War—" The deafening shout resounded throughout the sky of Yucheng.

Chengtian Dynasty's reinforcements arrived, but the crescent moon's army failed to attack the city and fled in defeat.

As soon as Yi Mo left the battlefield, someone came to report Yun Lingzhi's death.

"What did you say?!" Zhang Yuelu behind Yimo exclaimed in disbelief.

Yi Mo also stopped suddenly, and stared at the man with sharp eyes full of evil spirit.

The soldier who reported the news was trembling with fright, and his tongue was knotted in fear, "General Yun, General Yun, war, defeat..."

"Master." Bai Hu suddenly said, and ordered someone to carry Yun Lingzhi's body up.

Yi Mo stepped forward with a cold face, and stretched out his hand to lift the white cloth, but hesitated several times before reaching out.Finally, a corner of the white cloth was lifted, and what caught her eyes was the blood-stained face, the smile at the corner of the mouth was so obvious and so familiar, so familiar that it made her feel distressed!

Suddenly, a terrifying murderous aura poured out like a flood of beasts, and the bloodthirsty murderous thoughts in his heart could not be suppressed, and his black eyes gradually turned bright red, which was so strange that it made people tremble with fear.

Zhang Yuelu and Bai Hu looked at each other and were shocked, but her cold and murderous voice sounded in their ears, "Call Qin Huo here!"

(End of this chapter)

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