Chapter 515
In the commander's tent, Yi Mo sat on the position of the chief general with an expressionless face. Qin Huo and his two lieutenants were summoned into the camp, "The last general will see the prince."

Yi Mo didn't make a sound, and silently took the towel from Bai Hu, and wiped the blood on his fingertips, which was stained by Yun Lingzhi's body just now.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the arrogant Qin Huo with a half-smile, "General Qin, I heard that you fought a good battle today!"

Tao Guzhang praised with a wrinkled smile, "That's right, our Qin general is as mighty as the sky, and the enemy's ass will piss in fright when they see the general. Our general will not give up every single soldier and retreat the enemy army." , is a miracle!"

"Surrender an army without fighting. Well, General Qin is worthy of being the adopted son of the old general Qin, and he has the majesty of the old general back then."

"Vice General Zhang's praise." Qin Huo glanced at Yi Mo without saying a word. Although his tone was modest, his heart was full of arrogance.A woman dares to hold military power, I really don't know what it means!
"Qin Huo, when did you set off and arrive at Wind Canyon?" Yi Mo asked calmly, sipping hot tea.

"Back to the prince, the last general departs at Mao and arrives at You." Qin Huo replied calmly.

Zhang Yuelu counted with his fingers, "Maoshi, Chenshi... Shenshi, Youshi, a total of seven hours. General Qin, there is one thing I don't know. It is only thirty miles from Yushan to Fengxia, and the general's men are all cavalry , it is reasonable to arrive in only four hours, but General Qin is three hours late."

"Deputy General Zhang didn't know something. When I passed by Majiatun with my soldiers, they were not acclimatized and exhausted. In desperation, I ordered them to rest where they were." Qin Huo expressed his sorrow and sincerity. Said, "It's not that I don't want to rush to rescue General Yun, it's just that the soldiers have been exhausted after driving for several days and nights. , I have no choice but to do this! I am also very distressed by the death of General Yun."

Qin Huo said bitterly, "But I will not let General Yun die in vain. I will definitely avenge General Yun, kill Yu Qiang, and drive the enemy army out of our Chengtian Dynasty."

Seeing this, Tao Guzhang also let out an inspiring cry, "Yes, kill Yu Qiang, kill the traitor Li Chenxue, and drive the traitors from the Crescent Moon Kingdom out of our Chengtian Dynasty."

The other generals in the battalion nodded, "Yes, General Qin is right, we must kill the thief and avenge General Yun."

Seeing the gloomy faces of Cheng Yimo and others, Qin Huo sneered. Since he dared to stop his troops in Majiatun, he naturally had a way to deal with her questioning.

Qin Huo took his two lieutenants out of the chief general's camp.Tao Guzhang couldn't wait to flatter him, "The general is brilliant, all the generals are on the general's side now, if she dares to punish the general for the crime of 'delaying the war', I believe all the generals will not be convinced."

Qin Huo glanced contemptuously at the general's tent, and snorted coldly with disdain, "You're just a brat, and you dare to go against this general. You're really beyond your control!"

Seeing the murderous intent in Qin Huo's eyes, Tao Guzhang saw the murderous intent in Qin Huo's eyes, his mind flashed, and he looked around cautiously. Seeing that no one was eavesdropping, he leaned close to Qin Huo's ear and said, "General, the battlefield is a place where life and death are unpredictable. There are also times of death. Why don't we find a chance and let her..." A cruel look appeared on his face, and he raised his hand to wipe his neck.

Seeing Qin Huo's eyes fixed, Tao Guzhang continued, "Once the general dies, the military power will fall to the side. At that time, all affairs in the army will not be decided by the general? And...the general may give her [-] cavalry personal soldiers to the first and last." Use it!"

Qin Huo's eyes lit up, as if he saw a bright future, and he smiled happily, "Okay! Just follow your words. But this matter has to be discussed in the long run, and there can be no mistakes. Otherwise, you and I will die Mourning Huangquan."

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, the general can rest assured, and the subordinates can save money." Tao Guzhang also smiled.

In the commander's camp, as soon as Qin Huo and others left, Zhang Yuelu dropped the cup in his hand in anger, "Damn old thing!"

Bai Hu also had a gloomy face, "Now he has a very high prestige in the army. Master, if you just deal with him like this, it will be extremely bad for you."

Yi Mo naturally understood, otherwise, with her temper, she would have killed Qin Huo with a sword as early as when he was in the money, how could she have given him a chance to moan.

"There is a silver lining in everything. If you want to end him, there is always a way." Yi Mo picked up the pen, wanting to calm down the murderous intent in his heart by practicing calligraphy.On the field today, for a moment, she clearly felt that she was controlled by the murderous thoughts in her heart, and she could not control herself at all. If this continues, she might become a tool for killing people.

It's a pity that her hostility was too intense, and as soon as the tip of the pen fell off, the rice paper split from the middle.So again, Yi Mo sighed, put down his pen, and said to Zhang Yuelu, "Bring me the mantra of pure heart."

At night, Yimo held the mantra of purifying the heart and slept all night.

The next day, the enemy came to attack the city again.

Yu Qiang led hundreds of thousands of troops to the gate of Yucheng and called for a battle, "Does anyone in Chengtian have the courage to fight this general?"

Yi Mo boarded the city gate, and when Yu Qiang saw her figure, he shouted arrogantly, "Ha, all the men in your Chengtian Dynasty are dead, and you need a woman to lead the army to fight!"

"Hiding behind a woman is really a disgrace to us old men!"

"Brothers, when we capture Yucheng and take down that woman, this general will reward you with her. I will also let you taste the taste of the enemy's lord... A woman who can be a lord must be good at bedtime! Haha Ha ha!"

Unbearable insults sounded outside the city gate, making Cheng Tian's officers and soldiers furious, "It's too hateful! My lord, let the last general go out of the city and kill that bastard who is full of dung..."

Zhang Yuelu was also full of anger, and took the initiative to invite Ying, "Master, let the subordinates fight, the subordinates will definitely cut off Yu Qiang's man..."

Yi Mo raised his hand to stop his words, and looked at Qin Huo with a cold face, "General Qin has the ability to subdue the enemy without fighting, and the lieutenants under General Qin must also have extraordinary talents. Deputy General Tao, I don't know if you can Are you willing to go out of the city and fight Yu Qiang?"

"This..." Tao Guzhang looked at Qin Huo, hesitating.You must know that Yu Qiang is a well-known heroic general in the Crescent Moon Kingdom. Even if he is not talented in leading troops, he has commanded tens of thousands of horses because of his fierce reputation.

Qin Huo nodded imperceptibly.

Tao Guzhang had no choice but to go out of the city to fight.The gate of the city opened slowly, and two columns of infantry came out of the city to clear the way. Tao Guzhang rode out on his horse, raised his spear and shouted loudly at Qiang, "I will fight you in the future!"

"Okay! Well done." Yu Qiang yelled arrogantly, "Brothers, wait, I'm going to cut off that guy's head and sacrifice his blood to our military flag. So that those soft bastards who only hide behind women know how powerful we are."

"Okay! Sacrifice the flag——the sacrificial flag!"

The 50 soldiers behind him shouted together, which shocked Tao Guzhang. In terms of momentum, Tao Guzhang was weaker, and it would be a matter of time before he lost.

Seeing his pale face, Yu Qiang rushed over with a loud laugh, "Boy, come and fight grandpa for [-] rounds!" After the sound fell, a giant hammer hit Tao Guzhang's head.

Tao Guzhang dodged in a hurry, which made Yu Qiang burst into laughter again.

"It seems that Yu Qiang's fierce reputation is not just for nothing..." Zhang Yuelu was in a good mood seeing Tao Guzhang desperately dodging with a pale face.

Bai Hu continued, "Yu Qiang is so powerful that he was once awarded the title of 'No. [-] Warrior' by the Lord of Crescent Moon."

"It's more than enough to kill a treacherous villain!" Yi Mo snorted coldly, her trick was called killing with a borrowed knife.

Tao Guzhang was not good at martial arts, and he was able to achieve the current position of lieutenant general because of his flattering mouth. Now it is extremely difficult to deal with Yu Qiang.After only two blows against Yu Qiang, his whole arm was numb from the shock of his big hammer.

Tao Guzhang felt timid, and he turned his horse's head to escape, but Yu Qiang yelled, "Where to escape, I will take my life!"

With his backhand, he untied the big knife at his waist and swept across Tao Guzhang's neck. In an instant, his bloody head fell to the ground, stained red with yellow sand.

"Hahaha... With this little ability, I dare to fight against grandpa." Yu Qiang picked up Tao Guzhang's head with a big knife, and shouted at the people above the city gate, "You idiots of Chengtian, you That’s all it takes? Yeah? No, the guy named Yun Hezhi that General Ben killed yesterday was pretty good, he was bloody, he would rather die than submit, so it seems that your son of Chengtian should also be mighty and unyielding... Haha, Is it because I got weak on the bed with that prince named Mo that I became so cowardly!? Hahaha..."

"Presumptuous!" Bai Hu shattered the boulder in front of him with a cold face.

Seeing this, Qin Huo's eyes flashed brightly, and he said worriedly, "My lord, Vice General Tao has just been defeated, our army is probably in a downturn right now, if we let that Yu Qiang continue talking nonsense, I'm afraid the morale of the army will be weakened. "

"General Qin is right, my lord, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid that without the enemy's attack, our side will be disorganized and defeated."

Bai Hu's eyes sharpened, "Master, my subordinates beg to fight."

"Inappropriate." Qin Huo hurriedly stopped him, "If you want to restore our army's momentum, you have to do it yourself. The general heard that the prince is very powerful in martial arts and uses soldiers like a god. He must be a mere Yu Qiang, so he will not let him go." In my eyes. If the prince can take Yu Qiang's head in one fell swoop at this time, our army's morale will be greatly improved, and when the time comes to pursue the victory, we will be able to kill these thieves to death!"

Yi Mo lowered his eyes slowly, and rubbed his thumbs over the spell of pure heart in his sleeve, but his eyes were filled with murderous aura.Unexpectedly, Qin Huo also wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone!
"Okay!" The cold tone resounded loudly.

"No. Absolutely not." Tian Suixiao objected, "Your Highness is a man of gold, how can he fight fiercely with a reckless man?!" Yu Qiang is the number one warrior in the Crescent Moon Kingdom, and his martial arts are unfathomable. This prince is the future empress and empress. If Tao Guzhang was slaughtered at the first glance to sacrifice the flag, then they would not have to live anymore!
Yi Mo didn't even look at Tian Suixiao, and ordered in a cold voice, "Send [-] soldiers, Qin Huo will be the deputy general, and follow me out of the city to meet the enemy!"

Ten thousand?Tian Suixiao was so frightened that his legs were weak, but he had hundreds of thousands, so he was going to die!
(End of this chapter)

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