Chapter 516 Crap!

The city gate was opened, and Yi Mo led 1 horses out of the city to fight, with Qin Huo at his side.

On the tower, Zhang Yuelu frowned fiercely and said to Bai Hu, "Master knows that Qin Huo is not good for her, why did you bring him with you?"

Bai Hu narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Qin Huo wanted to use Yu Qiang's hand to take the master's life, why can't the master use Yu Qiang's hand to take Qin Huo's dog's life instead!?"

"Okay, good time." Yu Qiang waved the sledgehammer, shaking the air until it crackled, "Liu Yi, you play with that old guy, this general is here to deal with this woman. Fighting women on the battlefield, This is the first time for this general, this feeling... is so fucking exciting!"

"Decree." The lieutenant named Liu Yi rushed forward on his horse, instantly making it easy for Qin Huo to fight together.

"Little girl, come on, grandpa, I'll give you three tricks." Yu Qiang carried the giant hammer on his shoulder, "Hurry up and draw your sword."

Yi Mo wore a silver armor, and his face became colder and sharper against the cold and hard color, "If you want me to draw the sword, you are not qualified yet."

"Little girl, you have a sharp tongue, I want to see if your kung fu is as good as your tongue!" Yu Qiang threw a huge hammer at Yi Mo in a rage.

Yi Mo's gaze lingered, and the whip in his hand flew across the sky like a dragon, meeting Yu Qiang's sledgehammer.

Yu Qiang was named the number one warrior by the Crescent Moon Kingdom, all because he was as strong as a bull and had boundless strength. In terms of martial arts, even Zhang Yuelu might be able to defeat him.

Yi Mo doesn't fight the enemy with sharp weapons, not because she underestimates the enemy and is arrogant, but because her murderous aura is so strong that she can't even control herself.She still wants to use Yu Qiang to kill Qin Huo, how can he let him die now!
Yu Qiang's attack was as fierce as a tiger, and Yi Mo had no choice but to dodge and defend.But in the eyes of outsiders, her situation is extremely dangerous.

Tian Suixiao was so nervous that he was sweating coldly, and clasped his hands tightly. Whenever he saw the big hammer swinging over Cheng Yimo's head, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and close his breath!When he saw that she escaped the fatal blow again, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief... If this continues, he will definitely suffer from a nervous breakdown!
Tian Suixiao finally couldn't help but speak, his voice was trembling, "General Baihu, if this goes on, my's too dangerous!"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him, folded his arms around his chest, his expression was not flustered at all, and even showed a leisurely and schadenfreude that Tian Suixiao couldn't understand, "Don't worry, General Tian, ​​the prince has always done things properly, it's fine."

Tian Suixiao frowned deeply, looked at Baihu and Zhang Yuelu strangely, really couldn't understand their confidence?This is the battlefield!Don't think that because she is a prince, others will show mercy to her. Even if the emperor comes, what should be killed is still the same!

Tian Suixiao's heart was broken, he turned around and ordered the lieutenant beside him to prepare for rescue at any time, and looked at the battlefield below the city with worry, his heart almost jumped out of fright!

I saw that the giant hammer in Yu Qiang's hand was in front of the prince in an instant, and it was about to hit the prince's petite and weak body, but Qin Huo suddenly stood up and stood in front of the prince.

The sledgehammer fell, smashing Qin Huo until his head was bleeding.

"General Qin!?" Yi Mo shouted 'worried' and anxiously.

Qin Huo stared blankly at Cheng Yimo, and slowly fell down with an expression of disbelief.

Cheng Yimo is in pain over the loss of his beloved general, and suddenly bursts out with grief, the majestic and thick internal force comes out through his body, the whip in his hand moves with his heart, and instantly wraps around Qiang's neck, stir it hard, life and death will be born in Qiang's body The neck was broken.

"Kill!" As soon as Yu Qiang died, Yi Mo ordered to attack the enemy.

After drinking the order, the gate of the city opened suddenly, and hundreds of thousands of Chengtian soldiers rushed out, heading straight to kill the soldiers of the Wanyue Kingdom.

The soldiers of the Crescent Moon Kingdom were horrified when they saw their general being killed, they didn't react for a while, and when they saw the soldiers of Chengtian killed, they were in chaos, and the morale of the army was slackened, and naturally they suffered heavy losses.Several lieutenants knew that the general situation was over, so they had no intention of fighting, so they had to order to retreat.Yi Mo's heart was full of murderous intent, so how could he let it go, he picked up the giant hammer Yu Qiang had used, and swept away with his inner strength, and in an instant, all the enemy soldiers around her were killed, and the death conditions were miserable, as if they had been crushed by a boulder. Crushing, it's simply unsightly!
Seeing this, the soldiers of the Crescent Moon Kingdom were horrified and fled with weapons.

Yi Mo's eyes were red, and there was a strange excitement in his hostile eyes, "Kill! Don't let anyone go!"

"My lord! My lord! It's not good!"

If Li Chenxue hadn't heard of it, he still focused on his painting with his pen, and he didn't stop until he finished the last stroke.Unhurriedly raised his eyes to look at Zhuang Huan who already remembered being like an ant on a hot pot, and said coldly, "When did you panic?"

"General Yu was hanged by that prince with a whip during the battle with Thunder King Chengtian. The army we sent out suffered heavy losses, and the few cities we captured may not be able to be kept!" Zhuang Huan yelled anxiously.

"Really?" Li Chenxue's expression remained unchanged, not even a trace of surprise, and the wind was so light and calm that he seemed to be an outsider who had abandoned the world.Seeing Zhuang Huan secretly anxious, "My lord, what should we do next?"

"You go down first." He rolled up his sleeves and carefully placed the finished painting aside.The embroidered robe was smeared with a strong ink fragrance, rendering him so modest and elegant.

Seeing that he didn't take the war to heart, Zhuang Huan felt angry, suppressed his anger, and shouted, "My lord, the morale of Chengtian's army is like a rainbow, and the commander is extremely fierce. If I don't want to come up with a countermeasure again, I'm afraid I will be killed." Even the city of Yang can't be kept."

Li Chenxue turned a blind eye to Zhuang Huan's angry eyes, and re-laid the high-quality rice paper, "Go down."

Zhuang Huan looked at him angrily, opened his mouth but said nothing, and finally walked away under Li Chenxue's cold eyes.

When Zhuang Huan left the commander's mansion, several lieutenants in armor came up to him and asked eagerly, "General Zhuang, what do you say, my lord?"

"What do you say? You didn't fart at all!" Zhuang Huan stared angrily, "General Yu is right, I'm afraid that kid is really upset and kind!"

An elderly lieutenant general said sadly, "That's what my subordinates said at the beginning. That kid is not trustworthy at all, but the emperor... hey~ General Yu died unjustly!"

There were also rebuttals that disapproved, "In my opinion, your lord is not that kind of person. At the beginning, your lord took the most important border military deployment map of the Chengtian Dynasty to join our emperor... Moreover, if there is no military deployment map provided by your lord, How could we defeat Chengtian's army so quickly and quickly occupy several cities of Chengtian?"

"Maybe it's a self-directed and self-acted trick. He pretended to surrender with the military defense map, lured us to attack Chengtian, and then cooperated with Chengtian Li Yingwai, so as to wipe us all out?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the soldiers fell silent.

Although these words were groundless conjectures, they planted a seed of doubt in everyone's hearts.

In Yucheng on the other side, although the battle was won, the soldiers were not happy because the military doctor said, "General Qin was seriously injured, I'm afraid..."

afraid of what?
He didn't need to say anything, just looking at the helpless expression on his face, he knew that his life might not be long.

As soon as the military doctor left, the faces of all the soldiers darkened.

Qin Huo lay dying on the bed, there was a fist-sized blood hole on his head, the blood couldn't stop, it flowed down and covered half of his face, the bright red blood reflected his face was frighteningly pale.Seeing that he was about to die, but still staring at Cheng Yimo, in the eyes of all the soldiers, they naturally understood that he was worried about the integrity of the prince when he was dying, and they felt guilty and worried. is reverence.

Yi Mo even changed his cold and indifferent expression in the past, and stood in front of Qin Huo's hospital bed with a sad face, and said gratefully, "General Qin, if you hadn't sacrificed your life for the king's crotch, Yu Qiang's heavy hammer would be lying in bed now." The one here is this king. This king... owes you my life!" The voice was full of pain, making those who heard it sad, and those who heard it shed tears.

Look, Zhang Yuelu is crying.He hung his head, covered his face, shrugged his shoulders, and looked very sad.

But only the white tiger who was closest to him knew that this kid had cramp from laughing.

Aren't you laughing? Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw her master's sad face about losing his beloved general.I wish I could stab you through my heart with a single sword, but you are here turning right and wrong into black and white... If he still has a little strength now, the only thing he wants to do is to pounce on you and grab you by the neck, To die with you!

Tian Suixiao, a bastard, was also deeply moved when he saw Zhang Yuelu crying so 'sadly'. He looked at Qin Huo with tears in his eyes, and assured him from the bottom of his heart, "General Qin, you can rest assured. The prince's safety Just put it on me, Lao Tian, ​​even if my whole family is dead, I will not let the prince shed a single hair."

"You," Qin Huo stared at Tian Suixiao in amazement.

Tian Suixiao thought he didn't believe him, so he raised three fingers and swore to the sky, "General Qin, don't worry, I, Tian Suixiao, swear to the sky, if the prince loses a finger, I, Tian Suixiao, will not be struck by thunder." Terrible!"

"You!" Qin Huo was so angry that he couldn't breathe, rolled his eyes, and immediately lost his breath.

Tian Suixiao thought that he was relieved after hearing his oath, so he left so simply.Going up, closing his eyes, he said cautiously, "General Qin, have a good journey!"


Zhang Yuelu hugged her stomach and burst out laughing.

He dares to swear!

Qin Huo was absolutely pissed off by Tian Suixiao!
And his master seemed to be addicted to acting, and closed his eyes with grief on his face. After calming down his sadness, he said seriously, "General Qin is so righteous, this king has to be righteous!"

"Now, the only thing this king can do is to avenge General Qin."

"General Tian, ​​order 60 troops to fight with this king!"

Ever since Cheng Yimo twisted Yu Qiang's neck with a whip, his prestige in the army was at its peak, and Tian Suixiao even enshrined her words as an imperial decree, ordering troops to go to battle as soon as they said, and never staying behind.

(End of this chapter)

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