exclusive wife

Chapter 199 Handsome Uncle, Hand in Hand 2

Chapter 199 Handsome Uncle, Hand in Hand 2
After falling asleep, once woken up, it is difficult to fall asleep.

This mistake must be attributed to Qi Xiaoxiao.

"Bored at home?"

The little wife lowered her eyes and looked down at the toe of the shoe, "En."

"Want to go out?"


"I really want to?"

In the past, Qi Xiaoxiao also had a dream, which was to be a carefree rice bug, raised by someone, and live the most extravagant life!
I used to think it was a dream, but now it has really come true. I have everything I want, and I don’t have to do anything. Instead, I feel empty, lonely and cold... She has fallen into an unprecedented period of madness, and she wants to sneak out every minute to breathe.

Hearing what the man said, he was immediately overjoyed.

"Originally, I wanted to let you go out tomorrow, but I can't do it now!" The man's serious face looked dark.

Qi Xiaoxiao let out an 'ah', her face was so downcast.


"You woke me up!"

"Just go back to sleep."

"Qi Xiaoxiao!" The man's handsome face suddenly approached, he pressed her chin, and sprayed hot breath on her soft little face deliberately, "Don't you know how big a mistake you made? How much effort does it take to fall asleep at night?"


"You are responsible!"

Qi Xiaoxiao waved her hand, thinking that this was not a problem at all, "I won a prize for singing lullabies when I was young, why don't I sing a song?"

As he said that, before the man agreed, he let go of his voice, "Little cabbage, ground yellow, two or three years old..."

The man frowned, his handsome eyebrows twitched, and he almost growled, "Qi Xiaoxiao!"

A certain woman didn't realize what she did wrong at all, she rubbed her little hands bitterly, "Isn't it nice?"

"You know that what I want is not this, you..."

This girl has a long reflex arc, and she is stupid and stupid. She was already stupid enough, but now she has hit her head, and she is even more stupid...Fu Dongqing was angry and funny, looking at that soft and lovely appearance, he didn't intend to What did you say, but she tore off her witch nightdress, and poked her hand in from underneath...

I worked hard all night.

Qi Xiaoxiao's back is sore, she doesn't understand why she was in a daze...

Also, what does not being able to sleep have to do with doing this kind of thing?
Did he fall asleep in the end?

When she realized it, she realized the important point. Today, someone promised her that she could go out and let the wind go!
She quickly washed and dressed, and went downstairs.

I thought that Uncle Fu was a big liar, and planned to rush out to confront him every minute, but I didn't expect that Fu Dongqing was really waiting downstairs.

The man was sitting on the sofa leisurely, holding a financial magazine in his hand, and the warm sunlight came in through the window, giving people an extremely unreal feeling.

"Mother, good morning."

Qi Xiaoxiao came back to his senses, "Morning, Uncle Yuan."

"Come over for breakfast."

What I prepare today is a cup of freshly squeezed juice, chiffon cake, fruit salad, and finger biscuits, all of which she loves. While eating, Qi Xiaoxiao still doesn't forget the good comrades she made recently.

"Uncle Yuan, you will be free later, can you do me a favor?"

Although Uncle Yuan is the housekeeper, Qi Xiaoxiao still treats her as an elder, and always speaks with honorific words.

If she said that, Uncle Yuan would refuse.

He smiled and asked, "Young Mistress's help, of course I will help, Young Master, do you think so?"

Fu Dongqing raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes slightly.

"Hey, it's okay, just help me to send some food to Xiaomei next door. Xiaomei likes to eat seafood pancakes and omelet rice. Well, if you have millet porridge, you can also send it. If Xiao Zhao doesn't prepare it, forget it .”


Uncle Yuan glanced at the young master, but there was no response, it should be passed.

Fu Dongqing has no objection to Qi Xiaoxiao being kind to that strange old man, exchanging feelings, and paving the way for the future, as long as he does not violate the rules, he will not stop him.

"Uncle Fu, where are we going to play today?"

Ever since this little girl called uncle a few times, she has become addicted, and she refuses to change her words.

Uncle Yuan was taken aback when he heard this, and coughed several times involuntarily.

Although Fu Dongqing was helpless, his eyes were full of doting, as if he didn't want to blame him. He put down his hand and just flipped through the pages of the magazine, and walked over with his slender legs. Amidst Qi Xiaoxiao's screams, he pinched Someone's slender waist hugged the princess.

"where do you want to go?"

"I want to go... I want to go..." Qi Xiaoxiao's head was empty, and she hadn't decided where to go yet.

"Since you can't think of it, then listen to me!"

The journey is not far, and the destination will be reached soon.

tall buildings.

There is an elite atmosphere everywhere.

large and luxurious!

Here she has been.

There are several large characters on it!
Fu Group!

"I remembered?"

She shook her head, "I just feel a little familiar."

The man didn't say anything, and walked in holding her hand. The two were originally one in front of the other, one with long legs and the other with short legs. The man slowed down and walked side by side with her.

The front desk was dumbfounded.

"Boss, President..."


The man dragged his little wife expressionlessly onto the elevator, all the way to the CEO's office.

The source of news in the company is often at the front desk.

The internal group exploded again!

"Oh my god, guess who I saw just now?"

"Who else can look at this nympho eye, and you can tell it's the president at a glance!"

"Damn it, so smart! It's really the BOSS, but you will never guess who the BOSS came with!!!"

"A new female partner? Who?"


A group of divers in the group were blasted out, all waiting for gossip from the big boss.

"Didn't you just say that the relationship between Qi Xiaoxiao and the big boss is extraordinary before? It was just a rumor before, and there is no scientific basis, okay! This time the big boss is holding hands and leading our heroine into the 18th floor president's office!"

"true and false?"

"The two have been together for a long time. Could this be the proprietress in the future?"

Everyone doesn't know what Qi Xiaoxiao's identity is, the only one who knows should be the little actor...

However, even if the Qi family is a nouveau riche, to match Mr. Fu's status, it must have accumulated blessings in eight lifetimes to climb such a high branch!

The group exploded, and Qi Mu glanced at it. He knew that some of the company's female employees were still dreaming of young wives, and now they shot him to death, "No matter who the mistress is, one thing is for sure!"


"Am I not mistaken, upstairs is Assistant Qi?"

"Worship the Great God upstairs!"

Qi Mu, "...Thinking too much is usually impossible, so sweet dreams can wake up the girls."

The 18th floor, President's Office.

Qi Xiaoxiao looks at everything here, she seems to have known each other, she has been here before, but...

She looked at it, and then she was cheap.


It's cheap!

She opened the door of the closet, and what she saw was not a closet of suits and ties, but a closet full of sexy lingerie, which blinded her eyes! ! !

The man smiled meaningfully.

All day long, Qi Xiaoxiao was in someone's office in fear, that evil smile...


She is really afraid that someone will act like a beast!
At noon, Fu Dongqing took his little wife to eat in the cafeteria very kindly, and the single dogs said that the abuse was miserable enough.

Show affection or something, it's just every minute.

Fu Dongqing didn't stop someone from taking pictures.

The trending searches on Weibo were once again dominated by Qi Xiaoxiao!

Even if he hasn't filmed for a long time, he still dominates the headlines in a mighty and domineering manner!
"My little one is on the headlines again. There is no news for so long, and Weibo is not updated. I am really worried that something will happen!"

"It's the truth upstairs. I heard that she is sick and resting at home, but looking at this posture, tsk... is going to retire to the rhythm of being a wealthy young lady!"

"A rich family? Is it so easy to get into a top rich family like the Fu family? It's just an actor, it must be for fun..."

"Second Master Fu has shown his affection in public. It's not as simple as just playing around!"

Qi Xiaoxiao hadn't been on Weibo for a while since the car accident, so she naturally didn't know that there was a bloodbath happening on the top at this time. In fact, the so-called going out...

That is to say, from home to Fu's office.

It's just that I can still find Xiaomei at home, but in the office, I can only play on the tablet, watch TV, or just sleep and watch the male god!

End one day and start over the next.

Fu Dongqing went to the company first, and Lao Chen took Qi Xiaoxiao to the company later. The same road, the same three-way intersection...

Qi Xiaoxiao was still dozing off.

But when she heard old Chen say something was wrong, she glanced at the rearview mirror.

The car was surrounded by two cars in front and back, and the traffic jam was tight.

"Young Mistress, we are being followed!"

Qi Xiaoxiao frowned and said nothing, Lao Chen looked serious, "Sit down, I'll take you out!"

The last two cars hit the ground and rushed over...

Qi Xiaoxiao quickly took out her mobile phone from her handbag and called Fu Erye, but no one answered.

For Qi Mu, just connected, suddenly...

A car came straight ahead.

At that moment, she really felt that her life was over.

She closed her eyes.

I just feel whiteness flashing in front of my eyes...

Xiao Chen was driving, Dabai, crashing... All the previous events seemed to be forcefully stuffed into her mind at that moment. She covered her head, and her whole body seemed to be torn apart...

She is Qi Xiaoxiao.

He is an actor, and now he can be regarded as an Internet celebrity.

She is Fu Dongqing's wife, and they are connected from beginning to end.

(End of this chapter)

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