exclusive wife

Chapter 200 Exploration, Caged Butterfly

Chapter 200 Exploration, Caged Butterfly
She probably knew who did it.

Fang Yao!

That was the last accident, but this time?

She slowly opened her eyes, and the black Regal was only a thin line away from their car.

"Young Mistress, are you okay?"

Lao Chen looked extremely calm, obviously this was not the attitude he should have. Although Qi Xiaoxiao was sometimes stupid, she was not really stupid. She frowned, thinking of yesterday and today, she immediately understood everything.

The unhappiness in my heart was suppressed.

"What happened just now?"

Old Chen coughed, "It's okay, maybe it's just an oolong, your face turned pale like that just now, isn't it..."



Fu Dongqing really asked, and Qi Xiaoxiao innocently opened his eyes wide, "Should I think of something? The car ride in the morning is so scary, I won't come to the company tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, she secretly looked at the man's face.

Sure enough, I was a little disappointed.

The next day, the man didn't force her to go to the company, but took her to the hospital for a checkup. Ouyang Ze shrugged, "Everything is normal. As for when I will remember it, it depends on my sister-in-law."

After returning to the villa.

Uncle Yuan also felt that it would be good to let nature take its course.

Qi Xiaoxiao is good at hiding. Before, from blindness to recovery, someone was cheated into a daze. As for this time.

Fu Dongqing didn't know whether she didn't recover or if she recovered very little, so he made a small test.

One evening, Qi Xiaoxiao went to Universal as scheduled. If she lost her memory, then no one in Universal would remember it. Even so, Fu Dongqing watched the surveillance video, and the expression of a certain woman was very stiff.

Especially when facing He Yue.

Wanting to say hello, although it was only half a second unnaturally, but then turned around.

This may be able to deceive other people, but it cannot deceive Fu Dongqing!
Qi Mu almost wanted to give Young Mistress a big thumbs up, damn it, this acting!For several days in a row, he has been cheated?

Don't you know?


"Boss, what are you going to do?"

Fu Dongqing smiled and said nothing, "I asked you to pick him up, how is the arrangement going?"

Qi Mu was actually very puzzled, and he was very puzzled. Didn’t it be your old man who sent people in at that time, and now he picked them up again...

But he shouldn't ask, so he naturally resisted asking.

After getting in touch with everyone, Qi Xiaoxiao's face was almost stiff. She was still wondering, how few old acquaintances she met in the company, but today it seemed that she would meet someone every two steps, and she couldn't pretend I know, I'm really tired, okay?
Outside the president's office.

Qi Mu looked embarrassed.

"Young Mistress, are you here now?"

Qi Xiaoxiao blinked, "Didn't my second brother ask me to come?"

When Qi Mu heard it, he couldn't help laughing. The young lady didn't remember that she was called Uncle Fu before, but now that she remembered it, she changed her name again.

"Yes, it's just... a little inconvenient right now."


In my impression, Mr. Fu never had any inconvenience...

Just thinking about it, some discordant voices suddenly came out of the office, like a woman's shrill voice, which was a little familiar.

Contacting Qi Mu's embarrassing expression again, Qi Xiaoxiao will inevitably not think about anything.

She raised her eyebrows, gave a yo-heh sound, and then turned the doorknob. What she saw was a beautiful woman sitting on the man's body, and she was doing her hands up and down, and the man...

Sitting still?

Just kidding, after playing like this, can it still be Liu Xiahui?
Qi Xiaoxiao leaned against the door, crossed her arms, and watched the performance of the two quietly.

Bai Yiyi?
Really long time no see!

"Why, continue? You just treat me as if I don't exist, and come here as I want!"

Bai Yiyi frowned, glanced at the man, but didn't dare to continue.

Fu Dongqing had a playful face, there was no trace of love in his eyes, his thin lips slightly raised, "You came at a bad time!"

Such words should have been reprimanded.

But what came out of his mouth was full of connivance and pampering.

Qi Xiaoxiao sneered, "I came at the right time, Second Brother Fu, isn't this exactly what you want me to see?"

"Miss Bai, are you tired from sitting? Why, anyway, you were once the head of Xingchen's family, and your acting skills are excellent. Why did you act so unnaturally today... Tsk, I misread it just now, why are your calves in place? shake?"

Bai Yiyi was a little thinner than before.

The disaster in prison changed her life drastically. In the past, the stars were all over the moon, but now... the wall is down and everyone is pushing.

In the prison, the more glamorous a star she was, the more those female prisoners would try every means to ride on her head and dampen her spirit... In the end, she was no better than anyone else.

She is jealous of Qi Xiaoxiao, but she was qualified in the past, but now she is as humble as dust, so she can only envy her.

Fu Dongqing is good.

She used to be like a moth to a flame, wanting to climb up to this man...but now she sees clearly that such a man is beautiful but extremely dangerous. If she hadn't provoked her back then, maybe she is still a high-ranking first-line actress now, and even has A brighter future!
However, everything can't go back!

Bai Yiyi understood the cold eyes of Master Fu Erye, and quietly backed out.

a time.

There were only two people left in the office.


The man raised his eyebrows, "Why did you hide it from me?"

Qi Xiaoxiao was noncommittal, "I just want to live like a fool for a few more days, at least that way I won't be so tired."

"Fool? Qi Xiaoxiao, you are so naive! A real fool will always live at the bottom of the food chain!"

"Then I'm happy too!"

She rolled her eyes angrily.

Fu Dongqing understood somewhat, the little girl is angry with him?

hide him.

There should be another reason.

"It was the time you came to the company with Uncle Yuan, remember?"

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't speak, that is to say, she acquiesced.

"Angry at me for repeating the old tricks? Make you face that car accident again?"

The man stood up and walked over slowly.

The closer he got, the more upset Qi Xiaoxiao became, her mind was in a mess, she was a little crazy, looking at the man's handsome face that could control the whole situation, she couldn't help feeling a little strange.

"Dong Qing."

She looked a little tired.

Fu Dongqing pursed his thin lips, "I prefer to hear you called uncle."

"That would call people old."

"I do not mind."

She took a step back unconsciously, "But I don't mind."

"I'm tired, I'll go back first."

She turned and left, the man frowned, and pulled her into his arms, a deep light shone from his dark eyes, he pinched her chin, his handsome face approached, "Are you scared?"

The hot breath sprayed on her cheeks, as if it was a temptation.

If it was another time, she would definitely be tempted.

Whether it is before amnesia or after amnesia.

A man's figure and appearance have proud capital.

Just this time.

She raised her eyes to meet the man's black eyes, and the corners of her lips curled slightly, "Yes or no, second brother, in fact, I found that I have never understood you, you treat me well and spoil me, it is because you treat me as you private property, just like I am to Dabai to Xiaohei."

"We are husband and wife and should be equal."

"But in your heart, it's not..."

She smiled lightly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Fu Dongqing could clearly feel her alienation, and the strength in his hand became heavier. He frowned, "It's not what you think."

"What is that like?"

The man is silent.

Qi Xiaoxiao gave the impression that she was in a daze, but she was actually more sober than anyone else.

No matter how carefree a woman is, she also has a delicate side.

It should be her honor that Mr. Fu dotes on her and she is the only woman!They are husband and wife, but most of the time the relationship is not equal. She understands that it is because they stand at different heights, and maybe she will not be able to reach this in her whole life.

It is also like this that the gap between the two will become wider and wider.


Qi Xiaoxiao opened the man's fingers and laughed lowly, "Second brother, let's calm down first, maybe it's good for you and me."

After leaving the president's office, she seemed less tired and relieved.

He Yue was coming up and saw that she was no longer frowning, "Going to see the boss?"

"Yes, Sister He, is there any announcement recently?" She stretched casually, narrowing her eyes slightly, like a lazy cat sunbathing.

He Yue chuckled.

I always feel like, what?

Her little cash cow, Comrade Qi Xiaoxiao, is back!
"Willing to recognize me?"

Qi Xiaoxiao blinked, with a confused look on her face, "Ah, what did you say, Sister He, I don't understand?"

He Yue hooked her shoulders, and the two walked side by side, "Little girl, I almost believed what I just acted! I really thought you lost your memory and didn't recover. Why, you are hiding it from everyone. What are you planning to do? "

"No, it's just to exercise your acting skills, how about it, okay?" She shrugged.

He Yue glared at her, "It's not only okay? It's amazing! It's a great sense of accomplishment to have deceived Director Bai and me?"

Qi Xiaoxiao smiled calmly, He Yue thought for a while, "I'll go to the director's office first, you go to my office and wait for me for a quarter of an hour, and I'll come and talk to you about the future arrangements."

"it is good."

Historical romantic dramas like "The Legend of Concubine Shu" have sold well in the market in the past two years, and the audience satisfaction is high. This time it is a big production. The director is Ye Yishui. handed over to him.

(End of this chapter)

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