exclusive wife

Chapter 214 Insane, Cat Abuse

Chapter 214 Insane, Cat Abuse

She sat down first.

The man remained silent.

"Meng Ke, if you have had enough trouble, go back, this is not a place for you to mess around!"

"I'm not messing around, I just want to make something Second brother, you have worked so hard, I won't allow them to spoil you like this."

If Qi Xiaoxiao were here, hearing this, he would want to fight her desperately every minute!

Is there anyone else who can spoil Second Master Fu?
How ridiculous!

"Leave after breakfast, I don't welcome you here!"

Fu Dongqing never intended to be tactful, at first he did treat her like a guest, but Meng Ke's arrogance made him intolerable from the bottom of his heart.

"You! Is it that woman? Is she beautiful? I know, I've seen her on TV, but she's just an actress, just for fun, why take it seriously!"

Fu Dongqing's face was cold, and the last trace of expression on Jun's face disappeared.

"Ah Da, Ah Er!"

As soon as Fu Dongqing called, the two dragons appeared in seconds.

"Boss, what are your orders!"

"Throw this woman out for me!"


Ah Da and Ah Er have long disliked Meng Ke, really thought that she was a superior daughter, and thought that bodyguards were inferior people?
Ah Da and Ah Er have followed Fu Dongqing for many years. Although they are bodyguards, they still have feelings, and their annual salary starts from seven figures, which is much better than many white-collar workers and rich second generations!
Before Meng Ke could recover, she was held up again by Ah Da and Ah Er. She was trembling with anger, "Fu Dongqing, you can't treat me like this, do you know that I like you!"

After cleaning up Meng Ke, the house is much quieter.

Fu Dongqing didn't have the slightest interest in the so-called delicious western food on the table. He called someone to dispose of it all, "Sir, you haven't had breakfast yet, this..."

"Don't eat, go directly to the company."

When going out, Fu Dongqing seemed to hear bursts of laughter coming from the next door, so he stopped in his tracks.

Old Chen also looked puzzled.

"Wait a minute."

Fu Dongqing stretched his long legs and leaned over to the next door...

Like a little thief, he stood outside the half-hidden door, tiptoeing around, for fear that anyone would find out.

inside the door.

Xiao Zhao cooked a delicious meal at Mason's house.

At the moment Xiao Zhao, Uncle Yuan, Mason, and Qi Xiaoxiao are all eating.

What a nutritious breakfast.

Isn't this nutritious?
Vegetable wontons, omelet rice with mushrooms and ham, corn and soy milk, and tender and delicious chicken porridge...

Everything is delicious.

Mason was full of praise while eating, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Zhao, and he said in a jerky Chinese language, "Li, amazing..."

Then he said in English, "I want to learn how to cook with you!"

Qi Xiaoxiao teased with a smile, "Xiaomei, it's not easy to learn how to cook with our little Zhao."


"In our Huaxia Kingdom, everything has a legacy. If you learn, you have to worship Xiao Zhao as your teacher!"

Xiao Zhao waved his hand, flattered on his face, "No, no, young mistress, I definitely didn't mean that..."


This little old man can live in such a mansion, how can he be a master.

Left and right Mason couldn't understand, he looked at Qi Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

Qi Xiaoxiao translated while shaking her head.

"What Xiao Zhao means is that you are not qualified enough, and you need to practice for a while to cook with him. Well, it depends on your sincerity."

"Oh, I'm sincere, very sincere!"

Both Xiao Zhao and Uncle Yuan knew some English, and they couldn't help but sweat when she heard her fooling the little old man casually, but the little old man was very excited when he was embarrassed, and he almost knelt down when he grabbed Xiao Zhao's hand "Master!"

Xiao Zhao, "..."

Seeing this, Fu Dongqing's smile widened unconsciously.

His daughter-in-law is really a big baby.

"Let's go to work."

After Fu Dongqing left.

Meng Ke also seems to have evaporated.

But if you think she left just like that, then you underestimate her too much.

Meng Ke turned around and came back in a few minutes. Ah Da and Ah Er originally wanted to throw people out, but Meng Ke definitely did not come alone, but brought Meng Nan together.

Meng Nan is the head wife of the Fu family, who would dare to stop her?

Uncle Yuan greeted him politely, but Meng Ke added fuel to the scene, "Auntie, don't look at this old man with good intentions, but he is actually very bad, why don't you replace him?"

Uncle Yuan looked calm.

The waist is very straight.

Not even the slightest bit of fear.

Meng Nan glared at her niece, "Shut up! Uncle Yuan is an old man here, and he has taken care of Dong Qing for a long time. You say that, have you considered other people's feelings?"


Meng Nan still dotes on her, so naturally she doesn't mind these things.

With Meng Ke here, Xiao Zhao can only lose his job. Fortunately, Mason is next door, so he can go to the next door.

Meng Ke wants to cook by himself.

Of course Meng Nan was pleased.

As a junior, Qi Xiaoxiao was also Fu Dongqing's wife, so she should have been there, but she couldn't understand Meng Ke's domineering behavior at all.

"Aunt Meng, let's talk, I'll go upstairs and read the script for a while."


Meng Nan didn't like her very much, so it was the best way for them not to see each other.

Meng Ke fanned her in her ear, "Why would Second Brother let such a woman in? You can't pamper her like this even if you are just playing casually. I think he has already climbed on top of Second Brother's head to do his best!"

Meng Nan really wanted to talk.

This is not a matter of playing around, but that she is already married.

"Ke Ke, I know you like Dong Qing, but he doesn't seem to be interested in you, I think you still..."

Meng Ke covered his ears, "Auntie, I just like Second Brother...Would you let me try? With your support, he will listen anyway."

That said.

Sure enough, Meng Ke continued to stay.

At night, Meng Nan had already left. As soon as Fu Dongqing came back, he could smell the aroma of food in the kitchen...


Something seems wrong.

Pasta with white mushroom sauce, shrimp skin mashed potatoes, Spanish omelet, and two steaks, plus seafood bisque...

Xiao Zhao did not do this.

as predicted.

He saw Meng Ke on the sofa, but Meng Ke didn't say anything, but rushed over, put his arms around Second Master Fu's neck, and when he was about to kiss him, the man threw him away mercilessly.

"Second brother, good evening."

There are candles on the dining table, which is a candlelight dinner specially prepared by Meng Ke.

Fu Dongqing frowned, Meng Ke was obviously not a fly, with Ah Da Ah Er around, she couldn't come in, the only possibility...

"How did you come?"

Meng Ke blinked, "My aunt came with me, and I made the lunch myself. My aunt said I did a good job, so let me treat you well. You've lost weight."

As he spoke, his claws stretched out.

Meng Ke is like a pervert, while Fu Dongqing is like the one who was molested.

"when are we leaving?"

Meng Ke smiled and did not answer this question, but took Fu Dongqing to eat delicious food. These were carefully prepared by her, and they all tasted quite good.

Meng Ke forked a small omelet for him, the smell was tangy, and the taste seemed to be good.

And right now.

Suddenly the door panel vibrated when it hit the ground.

Both of them looked over.

It turned out that Qi Xiaoxiao, Xiao Zhao, and Uncle Yuan had all returned.

The power of the Gang of Three is not small at all.

The corner of Fu Dongqing's mouth raised unconsciously, "You're back?"


Compared with the size of the dinner plate that Meng Ke was dragging in his hand before, Qi Xiaoxiao is much smaller.

She was on vacation recently, and she was fine, and she also admitted that she was stimulated by Meng Ke's good cooking skills...

As a good wife and mother, heck, she is just a good wife now, how can she not know how to cook?

Time: afternoon.

Location: Xiaomei's house next door.

Event: Learning to cook with Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao is almost teaching by hand what to put and how long it will take to burn...

She made several big dishes in total.


And now it's done.

It's all covered up now.

"Guess what's in here?"

She looked mysterious, but also a little excited, as if she couldn't wait to open it anytime.

At this point, what else can there be?
Fu Dongqing actually guessed it the moment his wife came in. He could smell meat and vegetables, but he couldn't guess what it was.

He pretended to be thinking hard, and after a while, he said, "Eat?"

"That's right!"

The man unbuttoned the hijab with one hand, and there were several big dishes in front of his eyes.

It is indeed a big dish.


Meng Ke leaned over to take a look, and then laughed stupidly, "What the hell are these! Don't tell me that these are all for food, why do they look like a pile of shit!"

"You're shit! Your whole family is shit!" Qi Xiaoxiao was furious.

The man's heart was broken, but his face was calm and pleasant.

There are five dishes in total.

One is home-cooked braised pork, the color, um, burnt black.

The second boiled pork slices were covered with red oily stars, and the meat slices were all minced meat, which could not be picked up.

The third fish head with chopped pepper.

The fish's head was still looking at the sky mercilessly, with a lifeless look, as if it wasn't dead yet?

The fourth scallion fried mutton, but there are still bloodshots on the mutton, what's going on?

The last Hua Diao Chicken.

Apart from the strong smell of alcohol, it seems to be passable?
(End of this chapter)

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