exclusive wife

Chapter 215 Little, My Wife

Chapter 215 Little, My Wife
"Try it?"

Qi Xiaoxiao hasn't tasted it yet, she feels that although she didn't do very well before, but this time Xiao Zhao personally taught it, it shouldn't be bad...

This first delicious bite should be given to my husband to taste first.

Meng Ke couldn't bear it, and was about to speak, but ended up under the table.

She was kicked severely by Fu Dongqing, and she couldn't speak a word because of the pain.

Fu Dongqing is really a desperate Erlang. He had this title in his career in the early years, but he should have this new title in the culinary art world soon.

He looked at the braised pork, then at the boiled pork slices, and finally looked at Wangtian's fish head with a blank expression, and finally chose the Huadiao chicken decisively, because only that one looked normal.

He took a sip from a spoon, and...

No then.

"How about it, how about it, is it delicious? I have stewed this soup all afternoon, it should have a strong taste!"

The little wife was so excited, how could Fu Dongqing have the heart to hit her.

However, he looked at Xiao Zhao.

There was some reprimand in that look.

It seems to be blaming him, why do you have to let her cook?

Isn't every time you cook a meal, a major disaster?

Xiao Zhao burst into tears.

He didn't want to either...

I really don't want to, but the young mistress is so serious and studious, what can he do?
This taste.

how to say.

If it's just wine, it's fine as a drink, but it's not... There is also an indescribable taste, a bit sour and hot.

Why is chicken soup sour?
This should be one of the unsolved mysteries of today.

Meng Ke took a look at what she made, and then at the pile of shit Qi Xiaoxiao made, she instantly gained confidence, comparing the two, the second brother would definitely eat what she made!
This is what normal people would choose!


The main event is coming.

There is still a big bowl of white rice next to these five dishes.

For being creative.

So Qi Xiaoxiao specially made rose rice.

Rose petals sprinkled on top, very fragrant?
But the taste is really bitter...but it's bitter in the heart, but on the face he still pretends to be nothing. Uncle Yuan can understand the young master's micro-expression every minute, his distressed face.

"Master, let me get you a glass of water."

Qi Xiaoxiao stopped Uncle Yuan in time, "You can't drink water when eating, it's not good for your stomach, let's wait."

Uncle Yuan, Xiao Zhao, "..."

Young master, we can't help you anymore, you are asking for more blessings...

With the bitter rice, Fu Dongqing ate a few mouthfuls of boiled pork slices and braised pork, and then had Huadiao chicken soup, sour if it is sour, it is better than your Wangtian fish head.

As for what Meng Ke can do, he can only exhibit, and Master Fu didn't eat a single bite.

"Second brother, you are biased. You can't eat the stuff she made. You still eat so much. Why don't you even eat a bite of what I made!"

"This is differential treatment!" Qi Xiaoxiao grimaced.

Meng Ke was so angry that he wanted to jump up and hit someone.

"You are different from her. What she does is the best in my heart."

A man casually said, it is chicken soup for the soul.

Qi Xiaoxiao attributed this to the fact that he cooked chicken soup specially tonight, so he is a man, um...

So conscious.


Meng Ke still prepared a cup of hot coffee, but with a different taste, and dutifully waited outside the study door.


The hot coffee turned into a cold cup, and the man never showed up.

She glanced at the time, and finally she couldn't bear the sleepiness, so she left.

No wonder.

After eating the loving dinner prepared by my wife, how could Second Master Fu not reciprocate?
Once you pay back, it will be endless...

Go to the study?
That is absolutely impossible.

Early in the morning, Fu Dongqing went out to inspect a neighboring city, so he was in a hurry.

Qi Xiaoxiao was tired all night, and now she was still sleeping in the warm bed.

Usually sometimes.

Dabai and Xiaohei will hide under the water, and when Master Fu leaves, they will consciously jump on the bed and bury themselves in the warm blanket. Sometimes when Qi Xiaoxiao wakes up, he will find Dabai in the nest. own chest.

Claws were pressing on her chest.

Dabai is so beautiful that every time Qi Xiaoxiao doesn't deliberately care that Dabai is actually a male cat.


Master Fu would check under the bed and in the cabinet every day, so the two little guys had nowhere to hide.

But it also turned out to be a tragedy.

When Qi Xiaoxiao went downstairs to have breakfast every day, the two little chubby cats would circle around her, no matter how late it was, it would always be like this.

But today.

Both Dabai and Xiaohei didn't know where they were going.

"Uncle Yuan, did you see the two cats?"

Uncle Yuan shook his head, "I don't know if I went crazy somewhere..."

Qi Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and searched around outside. Although Xiao Hei is crazy, it is absolutely impossible to go too far. She called twice tentatively, and then heard Mimimi from somewhere. the sound of.

very weak.

Qi Xiaoxiao tiptoed upstairs.

There is another room on the second floor, which is a guest room.

Now it is Meng Ke's room.

She thought of a possibility and felt cold all over her body.

Her steps were so light that no one noticed.

Her ears were pressed against the door, and as expected, she heard the meowing of the cat, which was so weak that it seemed to be almost silent...

"Bastard! Didn't you bite me and catch me! My old lady will strangle you to death now, and you are still catching me!"

The blood in Qi Xiaoxiao's whole body seemed to be frozen, and the flames of anger burned to the top of his head, and he couldn't stand up anymore, and slammed the door open.

When he saw the scene in the room, his face suddenly turned pale.

Meng Ke is still young, about the same age as her.

Even if a girl of this age doesn't like cats and dogs, she won't be so cruel in her heart!
Cat abuse!

She is torturing cats!

Dabai's claws were cut badly, and now it was dripping with blood, dyeing all the white hair red. It looked pitiful. It was lying softly on the ground, when it heard the sound of the door opening, and Qi Xiaoxiao Voice, the head struggled to lift up, but soon fell down weakly.

Qi Xiaoxiao was trembling all over.

As for Xiao Hei, who was strangled by the neck, he might die at any moment.

She rushed up and kicked Meng Ke hard, Meng Ke was defenseless, he was really kicked, and was about to resist, Qi Xiaoxiao yelled, "Uncle Yuan, Da Da Er Er!"

But in less than half a minute, all three of them came up.

Big white and little black are in this house.

Also stayed for a long time.

Fu Dongqing usually has to go to work, and Qi Xiaoxiao doesn't spend much time at home. He has to answer the call and go to film...

Uncle Yuan and Xiao Zhao will help feed the cat, and even walk the cat.

Uncle Yuan came in and saw Dabai and Xiaohe like this, his face flushed with anger, "Miss Meng, what kind of enmity do these two cats have with you, you have to do this!"

Being watched by so many people, Meng Ke inevitably felt a little guilty.

"Hate? Let me tell you, I just hate these two cats for no reason! Do you still want to do something to me!"

Qi Xiaoxiao was disgusted by her domineering expression, and said sternly, "Da Er Er, throw her out! No matter who comes with her in the future, no one is allowed to let her go!"


"Qi Xiaoxiao, you are so courageous!"

"Really? You're really right about this. I'm not afraid of wet shoes when I'm barefooted, I'm so courageous!" After finishing speaking, she walked over and slapped Meng Ke's face several times. slap.

"For a woman like you, it's a waste of food to live!"

Ever since she was a child, Meng Ke had never been told that. She wanted to rush up and start a fight, but Ah Da and Ah Er were holding her tightly, and she was powerless to resist.

"Qi Xiaoxiao, you wait! I won't let you go!"

"Okay, then I'll wait! But I advise you, you'd better disappear as soon as possible, otherwise the old lady will cut your claws!"

"you dare!"

Qi Xiaoxiao sneered sinisterly, "Then see if I dare!"

She didn't know where she took a pair of scissors, which were still stained with blood, matching her face, Meng Ke was really a little creepy, broke away from Ah Da Ah Er and ran out.

"Young Mistress, Dabai..."

"Send it to the pet hospital quickly!"


Xiao Chen was at home and happened to be the driver. Except for Ah Da and Ah Er who were guarding the door, Uncle Yuan and Xiao Zhao all went with him.

Before the pet hospital, whenever Qi Xiaoxiao was free, she would take Dabai and Xiaohe there for grooming.

This time, the little girl in the store saw her, and immediately came out to greet her, "Miss Qi, you brought Baibaiheihei for beauty treatment again, didn't you just have it not long ago?"

Qi Xiaoxiao was so anxious that she couldn't speak at all.

Uncle Yuan held Dabai out, and the bloody appearance scared the little girl enough.

"How could this be! Which god damn cat abuser!"

There are many of these now.

There are stray cats lost, and then some people are psychopathic, they will take the cat home, and then abuse...then they are buried after being tortured to death. There has been such a case before.

These people are insane.

The little girl's exclamation attracted Zhang Maoling, the little boss who was watching the pets behind.

"Sister Qi, you're here, why are you in vain..."

Qi Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, her face was terribly cold, "The claw was cut off by the pervert, let's see if it can be repaired?"

Neither Zhang Maoling nor the little girl are veterinarians. Fortunately, there are professional veterinarians in the store.

Dabai lay there dying, his fur was covered with sticky blood, Xiao Hei ran fast, but he was not injured, even if there were some wounds, or a patch of bald hair, compared to Dabai, he was nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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