exclusive wife

Chapter 222 Accident, Green Tea Whore

Chapter 222 Accident, Green Tea Whore
To Qi Guofu's ears, it was simply...

How long does he have to do business to have so much money, but that girl can have it without doing anything.

The sense of extreme imbalance in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"Old Qi, I don't know when Fu Ershao will become your son-in-law. Don't forget to tell us such a good thing when the time comes?"

Everyone winked.

Qi Guofu had no choice but to laugh it off.

God knows that this kind of thing is impossible, but if Qi Xiaoxiao can be saved, the benefits he will get are absolutely obvious...

However, it has been tried once before, this time.

Qi Guofu had to ponder for a long time before dialing the familiar yet unfamiliar number himself.


Qi Xiaoxiao still looked dazed when she received the call. She must have dialed the wrong number, or why didn't she contact her for half a year, and then suddenly contacted her again?
She pressed the hang up button with a cold face, and then put the phone in her bag. Qi Guofu persistently contacted and made several calls, but no one answered.

He almost wanted to give up!

Isn't it just being spoiled by Fu Dongqing!
And that's just now!

When the novelty is gone and that person no longer spoils her, let's see what she will be proud of!
But even thinking this way, Qi Guofu felt unbalanced when he thought of the tens of millions of jewelry... He thought that his eldest daughter was also on the set, and his eyes lit up.


Qi Yanran answered the phone listlessly.

God knows that although she is on good terms with Su Yan'er, the set is really boring, but Su Yan'er let her accompany her, so she can't leave for a while.

"Yan Ran, are you still on the set?"

"Yeah, I'm so boring!"

"Okay, okay, it's good to be on the set! Is your sister here?"

Qi Yanran's face changed, "Why are you mentioning her? That bitch is not my sister at all, if you say it again, I..."

Qi Guofu immediately interrupted her, "Yanran, listen to me... I know you don't like Qi Xiaoxiao, but she is definitely worth using now."


"The day before yesterday, there was an international auction with a very high threshold. Fu Ershao took her there. I heard that the Fu family spent a lot of money, photographing her clothes and jewelry. Everything cost tens of millions... ... Fu Dongqing is so willing to spend money, do you think she is valuable?"

Qi Xiaoxiao is like a statuette, whoever gets it will make a lot of money!

Qi Yanran rolled her eyes.

There is still hostility in the eyes.

There was sour water in her heart, she was so jealous.

She had actually heard about this auction a few days ago, why didn't she want to go in?

But she is not enough.

Even if her current boyfriend, Qiao Shuai, has great influence in the entertainment industry, he is still just an actor, nothing...

She tried every means to get in, but her father's business was too small to qualify!

But what about Qi Xiaoxiao!

She can get in that person's light easily, and become the heroine that attracts everyone's attention.

Qi Yanran gritted her teeth, "Dad, in your eyes, am I useless! Qi Xiaoxiao and I, do you care more about her?"

Qi Guofu was taken aback, and then comforted, "Yanran, what are you thinking? You are my daughter, she is not. I can use her, but not you."

That being said, Qi Yanran's mood was somewhat calmed down.

"I see."

hang up the phone.

Qi Yanran approached Qi Xiaoxiao who was correcting her lines.

Qi Xiaoxiao thought of that phone call, combined with Qi Yanran's attentive face, she couldn't help feeling extremely weird.

"My dad calls you home for dinner on weekends."

"No time!" Qi Xiaoxiao refused without thinking.

She is not the Virgin, she had too many expectations before, once, twice... Now no matter how much patience and expectations she had, there was nothing left.

"Qi Xiaoxiao, that's your elder! Do you dare not listen?"

Qi Xiaoxiao shrugged, "Qi Yanran, that's your father, that's your home, not mine...Okay, I'm going to continue with the lines."


Situ Menglong frowned, "Can't you understand human speech?"

Qi Yanran's face was flushed with anger, and she said sarcastically, "Qi Xiaoxiao, you can do it too! You hook up with men everywhere, it's a shame that Second Master Fu treats you so kindly! If he knows that you cuckold her, you think he will be What's the reaction?"

Qi Xiaoxiaoxing behaved rightly, so naturally she didn't react, her face was indifferent, and she raised her eyebrows, "There must be evidence for saying this! Qi Yanran, I think you owe a lesson!"

At this time, Qi Xiaoxiao was wearing the costumes of the crew, and the scene had already entered the later stage. The blackened Ajie was a concubine in the harem, with sharp armor on her fingernails, brushing across Qi Yanran's cheeks lightly, as if at any time It can tear this face.

Qi Yanran's brows trembled unconsciously, "Qi Xiaoxiao, don't act recklessly! If you dare, I won't let you go!"

Teasing Qi Yanran, Qi Xiaoxiao also found it very boring, she just put down her hand, Qi Yanran couldn't control her mouth, "Evidence? I see that the entire crew is witnesses, this is sending flowers and sending flowers." Food, when we are blind?"

Situ Menglong, "..."


What a fool.

Even he can guess who will send it.

The corner of Qi Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched, she didn't bother to pay attention to this woman at all, "If you want to spread rumors, just spread them, I am too lazy to accompany you!"


Qi Yanran's non-cooperation on the set, Qi Guofu's idea of ​​trying to win over his youngest daughter has been completely shattered...

Thinking of Qi Xiaoxiao's tens of millions of jewelry, Qi Yanran became mad with jealousy, and acted like a baby with her boyfriend Qiao Shuai that night, "Big Qiao, I like jadeite a lot recently, can you give me a set of jewelry?"

Qiao Shuai was almost responsive to this girlfriend.

He appreciates Qi Yanran's independent queen style, and he rarely asks him for anything, as long as he wants, he is willing to give it.

One is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer.

So as soon as she proposed, Qiao Shuai was overjoyed, "Okay, I'll see you off later!"

Qi Yanran's heart was finally balanced. Compared to Fu Donglin, Qiao Shuai's obedience made her very satisfied.

There seems to be nothing wrong with such a boyfriend?
That feeling of excitement and joy, she wants to share with people all over the world!
Look, my boyfriend just spoils me!
Two days later.

Qi Yanran received a gift from her boyfriend.

Qiao Shuai didn't come in person, it was delivered by courier, and the female theater manager even called out, "Qi Yanran, your gift of love has hearts on it, isn't it from your boyfriend?"

Qi Yanran looked proud and shy, "Yeah, I just said it yesterday, and he gave it away. I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Su Yan'er was also a little envious.

"Yanran, quickly take it apart and see what it is! I'm so curious!"

Not only she was curious, but Qi Yanran was also curious, and the onlookers were also curious...

"Aren't you curious?"

Situ Menglong raised his eyebrows.

Qi Xiaoxiao yawned lazily, "To be honest, I'm not very curious, Qi Yanran likes to walk this way, I'm numb...with this curious time, I might as well lie down for a while."

Although Qi Yanran hasn't opened it yet, she can feel the weight inside.

This jewelry set should be of great value.

As soon as she opened it.

Inside was indeed a set of emerald jewellery.

There are bracelets, earrings, and an emerald necklace.

The overall look is really beautiful and very high-end.

Su Yan'er was so envious, "Yan Ran, Qiao Shuai gave it to you, right? He is so kind to you?"

"There's a price on it, take a look?" Someone was joining in the fun.

After all, Qiao Shuai is a great actor, and he gave her several things, at least not too bad.

She opened the price and took a look.

The bracelet is eighty-eight thousand.

The earrings are fifty-nine thousand.

The emerald necklace is more expensive, 12.

"Wow, it's already very good! My boyfriend gave this, very kind!"

"Exactly! If it were me, I would wake up laughing from my dreams!"

Su Yaner's mouth was flattened beside her.

The voice was a little low, "Jadeite at this price shouldn't be high-grade, right?"

It is a sky-high price for ordinary people, but for people in their circle, it is impossible to pay without 50.

Qi Yanran's face was still full of spring just now, but now her face has turned pale.

"Forget it, anyway, it's his wish."

"That's all I can think of."

Although Qi Xiaoxiao didn't go to see it, she understood it when she heard the news from the crew.

What a coincidence to give jade jewelry?

No wonder.

At the auction, Second Master Fu just gave her a set, but...

Comparing the two, it is.

High and low.

In Qi Xiaoxiao's view, what to give and how expensive it is is just a kind of performance... what is more important is the intention, which can be compared?
Then her feelings for the other party are probably not true.


Qi Yanran specially called Qiao Shuai.

Qiao Shuai was quite happy, although his tone was a little tired, "Do you still like the gift I gave you?"

Qi Yanran's voice was a bit cold, and she didn't look surprised at all.

"do you like me?"

"Of course, otherwise, we wouldn't be dating."

"Then you still give me such low things!"

Qiao Shuai pursed his lips, as if he didn't expect her to say that, "Yan Ran, I think that set is pretty, don't you like it?"

"I like it! It's only 20 in total, 20 for a set of jewelry! Qiao Shuai, is this what you want?"

Qi Yanran was almost questioning.

After hearing this, Qiao Shuai couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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