exclusive wife

Chapter 223 Backstage, the demeanor of the actress

Chapter 223 Backstage, the demeanor of the actress

He was silent for a long time before he said, "In your opinion, it may not be expensive, but I seem to have mentioned to you that I invested in the wine business, which is a bottomless pit, so no matter what I buy now, I dare not spend too much at once , hope to understand."

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Qi Yanran panted and hung up the phone with a snap.

Qiao Shuai lay on the bed thinking whether he and Qi Yanran were compatible, or was he forcing it?


The play has come to an end, and Qi Xiaoxiao received a notice from He Yue that she will walk the red carpet recently, which is a film festival.

The previous "Crested Hairpin" was shortlisted, so Qi Xiaoxiao also needs to go as a guest.

He Yue naturally went with him.

On that day, the weather was not beautiful, and it was drizzling. Qi Xiaoxiao was wearing a black suit, suit and trousers, and her hair was tied up a little, giving people a charming feeling of vitality.

Before walking the red carpet, I accidentally ran into an old acquaintance again.

Zhou Yushen was wearing a black suit.

There is always a slight smile on the man's clear face, "Xiao Xiao, long time no see."

"Brother Zhou, long time no see."

"Together?" Zhou Yushen's hand has already been stretched out, the two are partners, and Qi Xiaoxiao didn't feel anything, so he handed over his hand and held it.

The two walked the red carpet together, and the media decisively snapped a lot of photos.

Although there are some "Xiaolong" CPs in Yuji, but seeing a serious uncle like Zhou Yushen, coupled with an energetic girl, I can't help but fall in love again.

"Holy shit, I actually think Qi Xiaoxiao is a versatile style, no matter which actor you walk on the red carpet with, you will have a look that matches!"

"Isn't it? Boss Zhou's pampering face is simply..."

After the two signed the red cloth, they took their seats.

They are located together, with Peng Song next to them.

Peng Song was in a good mood and always said this to everyone with a smile.

No wonder.

The box office of "Crested Hairpin" is so high, it has been shortlisted, and both the best actor and actress are nominated, what if it comes to a grand slam and doesn't make him happy?

"Xiao Xiao, you have to prepare well for a while, and you have to go on stage to sing later."

Qi Xiaoxiao deliberately didn't eat anything today. If she eats too much, she will lose her voice, and she can't eat too much sweetness, otherwise her singing will be particularly unpleasant, as if something is blocking her.

She is not a professional, and she can sing the theme song of "Crested Hairpin", so she is not nervous.

"What crew is that next to it, why haven't I seen it?" Qi Xiaoxiao asked casually.

Peng Song let out an 'oh' and helped explain, "It's the crew of "Fortress Besieged". It's a literary film. The positive and negative reviews are half-and-half, but don't expect the box office for literary films. I heard that they were also shortlisted. It's a miracle!"

In Peng Song's view, they were shortlisted, but if you want to compete, don't even think about it. They simply can't compete with their "crested hairpin" crew.

What's more, the heroine is still a newcomer.

The Jade Rabbit Award officially kicked off at this time.

At the beginning, some awards were awarded first, but they were all insignificant.

There were also some people performing on stage in the middle. When Qi Xiaoxiao was about ten minutes away, she suddenly became a little nervous. He Yue handed over the mineral water at hand, "Don't be nervous, drink some water and moisten your throat."

Qi Xiaoxiao took a couple of sips and stopped drinking.

I don't feel anything after drinking it.

Until He Yue hugged her and she went backstage to change her clothes, she felt something was wrong at that moment.

Throat mouth is hot, as if being burned by something.

Very uncomfortable.

She coughed hard.

At this moment, the gown has been put on, and the host has reported her name on the red carpet, Qi Xiaoxiao rushed the ducks to the shelves and appeared on the stage.

She was sitting in a flower basket in the air and slowly landed.

The lights flickered on and off.

It is sprinkled with 'snowflakes' to create a beautiful atmosphere.

The music started, Qi Xiaoxiao took the microphone and started to sing, and then the voice that came out of her throat was...

Rough Karma voice.

Couldn't put together any syllables at all.

Her complexion changed drastically, while the organizers, the audience, He Yue and others all looked puzzled.

He Yue's face suddenly changed.

It was fine just now, why did it take so long, just...

Qi Xiaoxiao is still insisting, but no matter how much she persists, her throat will not recover, and the more she speaks, the more her throat will hurt. At this time, it feels like being cut by a knife, it is hot and painful.

She bowed to the audience.

Then he pointed to his throat.

"Feel sorry."

There was an uproar downstairs.

Nothing like this has ever happened before.

Why is Qi Xiaoxiao's voice so sudden?Since she knew she was going to sing on stage, why...

He Yue rushed over immediately, at this time Qi Xiaoxiao had already returned to the backstage, her face was pale and she looked very uncomfortable.

"Xiao Xiao, can you still speak now?"

Qi Xiaoxiao typed on her mobile phone, "Yes, but it's not easy to say, and I dare not say it, it hurts too much, I suspect it's the bottle of water."

He Yue froze.

how can that be possible!
and many more.

She thought of a possibility.

It seemed that the mineral water had not only passed through her hands, but also passed through the hands of another person, Zhou Man, the leading actress in "The Besieged City".

Zhou Man didn't look too sharp, with a gentle face. He Yue didn't think much about it at the time, but who would have thought...

"It doesn't matter, I don't know what happened to the injury now, go to the hospital first!"

He Yue made a decisive decision immediately.

If she can get the best heroine, then someone will help to accept the award, if not, then she can only fight again next time, but now she is worried about the damage to Qi Xiaoxiao's throat...

If Second Master Fu found out, she would definitely not be able to escape responsibility.

"it is good."

After explaining the reason to director Peng Song, the two retreated first.

And not for long.

The stage host began to nominate the best actress.

Qi Xiaoxiao was also nominated.

The face of the host was a little weird. It was obviously not the name written on it at the beginning, but now it was changed on the spot. What's going on?

"Let's watch the big screen and look forward to the best actress of the year!"

The big screen kept scrolling, and there were several heroines on it. When Peng Song saw the last Zhou Man, he didn't pay attention at all, but finally!
The big screen rolls to Zhou Man.

Sudden pause!
"Best Actress of the Year, Zhou Man! Please come to the stage to accept the award!"

Zhou Man?

Many people have never seen "Fortress Besieged", and where did Zhou Man come from? This woman seems to be a newcomer who can't be new. How could she be the heroine? Just kidding...

Peng Song's complexion was colorful, and he was so angry that even some entertainment journalists were delusional.

If you say that this award is worthless, no one will believe it!
"Trash! It's okay to be squeezed out by other heroines, but I really don't agree with this Internet celebrity!" Peng Song's mouth was crooked in anger, thinking of Qi Xiaoxiao's pitiful appearance just now, his heart was full of sympathy.

And at this time in the hospital.

He Yue can't wait to raise a kitchen knife and chop Zhou Man up to feed the dogs!

"I haven't been able to speak for the past week, and I remember to take medicine every day, and I should be able to recover in two weeks."

Qi Xiaoxiao nodded and typed with downcast eyes, "Fortunately, she was kind and didn't give concentrated sulfuric acid, otherwise my throat must have been completely ruined."

"Sulfuric acid? If she dares to use sulfuric acid, see how Mr. Fu will deal with her when he comes back! If you don't splash sulfuric acid on her face, you will be doing her a favor!"

Qi Xiaoxiao thought for a while, "I don't know the award for Best Actress?"

He Yue didn't even think about it, "I don't think there is anyone else but you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the call came.

Peng Song's big throat crackled, "Damn it, I'm so mad! The prize was abducted by others! It's Zhou Man, the heroine of "Fortress Besieged", with an internet celebrity face, I went to see it specially No movies, no acting skills, this time the awards should be worthy!"

You must know that the most important thing about the Jade Rabbit Award in the past was fairness and justice.

But this time...

Let everyone down.

He Yue sullenly asked, "Zhou Man?"

If I don't deal with you, I swear I won't be human!

Carrying Qi Xiaoxiao, He Yue went directly to the company, and then discussed with Bai Qiao, and planned to go all out to fuck that bitch Zhou Man!
Bai Qiao is usually very calm.

But the Jade Rabbit Award is not light. If Qi Xiaoxiao wins it, she will be considered a Best Actress!Being robbed like this, who can hold back this tone?

"Do you want to do it?"

"Fuck her to death!"

The public relations department started to join the water army. Since Universal intends to do it, it is definitely not a joke.

Soon the online battle started again!
Universal came to such a first shot.

Many entertainment journalists, that is, the big V on Weibo, also began to criticize the injustice of the Yutu Award.

Reporter Xiao Chen V, "I was at the scene at the time, Qi Xiaoxiao was also pitiful, her voice became hoarse when she sang, it's really sad... I've seen "Fortress Besieged" and "Crested Hairpin", but "Fortress Besieged" really doesn't comment , who is Zhou Man? Who can tell me? "

Jinjiang Entertainment Journal V, "The best heroine who was born as a young model? There seems to be half of the works before, and the facial expression is stiff throughout the whole process of "Besieged City". Who knows who is the best heroine like this! No, don't Go see it, don't give it a box office!"

Zhuo Da V, "The first paparazzi said that Zhou Man has a backstage."


Even the Jade Rabbit Award can unspoken rules?
Ha ha ha.

Netizens are not vegetarians either. After watching the show for so long with a small stool, they finally made a sound.

"Zhou Man's dark history is pictured."

A bunch of photos of Zhou Man from before.

Why sit on stage at XX Nightclub.

Zeng Jin is the little sister of the school, and her Weibo is full of dirty words... There are also fruit photos with men and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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