exclusive wife

Chapter 242 Red Carpet, Dangerous

Chapter 242 Red Carpet, Dangerous

In order to appease his wife, Fu Dongqing had no choice but to keep her from worrying, "The black sheep of the crew has been found, you can rest assured."

"who is it?"

It's Qin Zheng.

But if Fu Dongqing said it, it was inevitable that she would not feel uncomfortable because of it.

"A slut, come on baby, I'll take care of these things, as long as you take good care of your body."

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't continue to ask, she stroked her stomach, and at the moment she fainted, she was really worried about what would happen to the child.

Many times I don't feel the wonderful feeling of being a mother, but the blood is connected, and at that time, I can't bear to part with it.

"Dong Qing."

Hearing his wife call him, the man's handsome face softened a lot, "En."

His big hand wrapped her small hand, and there was an indescribable warmth.

"Is our baby very tenacious?"


"Does that look like Xiaoqiang?"

Fu Dongqing, "..."

Do some mothers describe their children as Xiaoqiang?

He stared at her black eyes and scratched her little nose in a funny way, "Baby is very strong, Mama is very brave."

"What about Dad?"

Fu Dongqing smiled slightly, "Father is the most powerful, wife, don't you think so?"

There was a faint light in the man's eyes.

Qi Xiaoxiao couldn't be more familiar with that look...

This is the rhythm of estrus!
She stuck out her tongue, pinched the soft flesh around his waist, and hummed, "You're an old hooligan! You must speak well in front of the baby, or what if the baby learns badly?"

Second Master Fu looked smug.

"Learn to be bad? No!"


"My wife has good genes. Don't you know what your husband and I are?"

The man whispered ambiguously, and Qi Xiao was so stingy that he had no choice but to beat his hard chest.

"If it's a girl, it's a good thing to be lively! Boys really learn half of his old man, and you and I don't have to worry about it in the future."

The rhythm of flirting with girls every minute.

Qi Xiaoxiao was too lazy to argue with him.

As for what she didn't know, there was a 'war of the century' starting.

Qin Zheng and Fu Dongqing were negotiating. As for what they were talking about, only these two people knew.

But in the next period of time, those accidents all disappeared...

There are two more bodyguards around Qi Xiaoxiao's filming, personal guards!
Huo Yuan didn't care about it, if he could film well and act well, everything would be fine.

Seeing that half a month has passed, Qi Xiaoxiao looks at her belly that has not yet grown up, and she is a little worried. After another month, her belly will become bigger, and she can only wear loose clothes by then...


Maybe it can't be covered.

At that time, maybe the matter between her and Fu Erye will have to be made public.

Soon, it was Weibo night.


Qi Xiaoxiao also received the invitation.

He Yue helped match several sets of clothes, but they were all rejected in the end. Qi Xiaoxiao chose a doll dress and a pair of flat shoes?

Just what the hell are flat shoes!

He Yue only felt that the painting style was weird, "Xiao Xiao, don't you think flat shoes don't go well with you?"

Qi Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly, "I twisted my foot two days ago, and I can't walk when I wear high heels. How about I change into platform shoes?"

"That's still flat."

Just look at it like this, no matter how you look at it, it looks like maternity clothes.

But it's a coincidence.

The scene was full of a group of actresses in brightly colored clothes and heavy makeup...

It's rare that there is a hibiscus in clear water, which really makes people look twice, and Qi Xiaoxiao is also a beauty without makeup, light makeup is enough!
Sitting under the stage, I met many acquaintances in the circle and greeted them one by one.

Qi Xiaoxiao's only reaction was to be tired!

He took out his phone from his handbag and began to scan Weibo.

After such a swipe, I saw the Weibo account 'Qi Xiaoxiao is my wife' posting photos again, and I was very happy to do so.

Qi Xiaoxiao endured it for so long, and couldn't help sending a private message, "Who are you?"

The other party did not respond for a long time.

"you guess."

He also played a game of hide and seek with her.

"Oh, I know you, right?"


"then who are you?"

"you guess."

With that flattering tone, if Qi Xiaoxiao knew who it was, she would kill him in no time and beat him up!

"I can't guess, are you from Universal?"

"Yeah, you guessed it."

Guess guess!Guess the yarn!

"you like me?"


"Crush me?"


He is Minglian!

"You tell me who it is, and I'll treat you to dinner!" Isn't this a big move?

"No need!"

The tone of the other party is very tough, belonging to the type of soft and hard!Qi Xiaoxiao was so angry that his teeth were itching, "If you like to talk, don't talk! Don't wait for my mother to catch your pigtail, or you will be wiped out in minutes!"

"Come on, come on..."

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

I won't play with you anymore!
Throwing the phone aside, Weibo night has almost begun.

The so-called red carpet show, where awards are given to artists, is full of water, there are big and small brands, there are also some unknown Internet celebrities, young models who have undergone plastic surgery...

The entertainers in the audience will also whisper.

"Look, that XX live streamer who is very popular, his face is completely transparent, so ugly!"

"Oh, you didn't see that Xu Xiaobo, the woman who seduces male directors all day... Why did her breasts shrink? Wasn't it an E cup before?"

"Now there are only less than B, tsk tsk..."

Qi Xiaoxiao is not familiar with many Internet celebrity faces, and suddenly she felt quite interesting after listening to them.

"Xiao Xiao, have you done it?"

Suddenly a female star came over and muttered mysteriously.

Qi Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and looked over, and found that she was not familiar with that actress at all, it was just a one-sided relationship... Zeng Jin He Yue mentioned to her that this actress is friendly with everyone on the surface, but in private The reviews are not good, and people often wear small shoes.

Especially her girlfriends.

Qi Xiaoxiao was taken aback.

She raised her eyebrows with a smile, "Yes!"

The actress blinked and made a boo gesture, "Really? You really don't look like a whole body! I always thought you were a natural beauty, so beautiful!"

"is it?"

Qi Xiaoxiao acted shyly.


This woman just wanted to put a high hat on her, and then tricked her into thinking she was a fool?

"Actually, it's not..."

Having said that, Actress A's eyes lit up.

"Actually, I always thought my cheekbones were too high, and my nose bridge was too short, so I wanted to do micro-plastic surgery, but now there are too many cases of plastic surgery failures, so I dare not...You are so good, you tell me Hey, which micro-plastic surgery hospital did you go to!"

Qi Xiaoxiao silently rolled her eyes, and when she raised her eyes, her expression was normal again.

"Then let me tell you, don't tell anyone else!"


The actress secretly picked up the phone and pressed her finger on the recording button.

Qi Xiaoxiao sneered, and then whispered in her ear, "I've got my head in order."


The actress looked horrified, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

Even idiots know that they can't fix their brains, unless they are desperate, she still looks surprised, "How can this be done?"

Qi Xiaoxiao was mysterious, "The doctor told me that as long as the brain damage passes once, it will return to normal, and there is no need to send it to the second hospital... In my case, the doctor advised against it at the time, but I think you are very necessary!"

The actress didn't recover all of a sudden.

The recording in the phone is still on, does the flickering light really think that Qi Xiaoxiao is blind?
Just when the actress thought she would hear some big gossip, Qi Xiaoxiao's volume suddenly turned up, and she said with a hippie smile, "Ah, Zhou Jing, do you want plastic surgery? Sorry, I don't know which plastic surgery hospital is suitable, after all, I It hasn’t been fixed! Don’t you believe it? Do you believe it? If you believe it, what are you doing with the recording on?”

After she finished speaking, the actress naturally knew that Qi Xiaoxiao was playing tricks on her!

Seeing that everyone around her looked over, the actress' face flushed red, as if she was embarrassed when her dirty mind was exposed on the spot, she became angry from embarrassment, "I didn't! Don't spitting blood!"

"I don't know if there is, but you know it in your heart! Before you say this, delete that recording, otherwise..."

Zhou Jing planned to dig a hole for her, but she didn't know that someone had already dug a hole for her, and she had already jumped into it.

Weibo night was actually quite boring, and the awards presentation process was very peaceful, except for walking on the red carpet, I thought of the last time at the film festival, someone attacked me, and I couldn't make a sound when I sang on stage...

This time, Qi Xiaoxiao had to be more careful, and she was exhausted after finally making it to the end of the show.

Mostly because of her pregnancy, Qi Xiaoxiao was sleepy and tired, and left from the safe passage at the end of the show. At that time, there were not many people at the scene... Qi Xiaoxiao walked very slowly, and at this moment, she suddenly didn't know From which direction emerged a middle-aged woman wearing a white mask.

The woman was holding a white glass bottle in her hand, walking very fast, she was about to pounce...

Qi Xiaoxiao also just came back to look at it, and at this moment, Zhou Jing, the third-tier female artist before, suddenly came over. She didn't realize what was going on, but felt that her thighs were all hot and splashed. It's like burning up to the waist of the liquid...

All in nature!

She yelled 'ah', and all the sporadic people present looked over, and the middle-aged woman wearing a white mask ran away. Thinking of countless possibilities, Qi Xiaoxiao suddenly roared angrily, "Catch her!!"

The security guards present were also taken aback, but luckily, the woman did not run away, but she saw the opportunity and suddenly poured the remaining liquid in the bottle into her mouth, then her face twitched, and she passed out...

There was an extremely unpleasant smell of burnt flesh at the scene.

Qi Xiaoxiao felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, her face was pale, and she almost couldn't bear it anymore.

If it wasn't for Zhou Jing just now, I'm afraid she would be the one with half of her leg rotten now!If the liquid is correct, it should be concentrated sulfuric acid!

Good hearted man!
Who would want to harm her!
Zhou Jing cried out in pain. She just thought that someone was trying to harm her, so she wished to kill the middle-aged woman. This matter was actually related to Qi Xiaoxiao. She called a car and took Zhou Jing to the hospital .

It wasn't a coincidence that Zhou Jing came here. She knew that Qi Xiaoxiao might have recorded the conversation between the two of them, and she just hoped that she could delete those conversations... But she didn't expect that something unexpected happened to disfigure her.

He Yue rushed over from the outside, and when he heard the news from the inside, he was frightened out of his wits.

I'm afraid something happened to her baby...

If that was the case, not only would she love her to death, but even Boss Fu would not be able to explain it!

"Xiao Xiao, you really scared me to death... How could someone rush out just now? I heard that it was Zhou Jing who was killed?"

Thinking of the scene just now, Qi Xiaoxiao wanted to vomit physiologically, "Uh, uh...that person is trying to harm me! Zhou Jing is the shield that came over."

She was a narrow escape.

He Yue had a look of astonishment and disbelief.

She took out her mobile phone and immediately contacted Second Master Fu, but Qi Xiaoxiao dragged her, "Take me to the hospital first, I'm not feeling well..."

Zhou Jing was suddenly splashed on just now, and her lower abdomen was hit hard, and now she still has a dull pain, with a feeling of falling...

When He Yue raised her eyes, she only saw that her forehead was covered with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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