exclusive wife

Chapter 243 Mrs. Fu, Please Advise

Chapter 243 Mrs. Fu, Please Advise

On the way to the hospital, Qi Xiaoxiao kept her eyes closed the whole time, looking very uncomfortable.

But obviously nothing happened.

He Yue was suddenly worried.

Fu Dongqing had already been contacted. When the two arrived at the hospital, Second Master Fu was already waiting there.

"Which department is this going to?" He Yue was a little confused.

Unexpectedly, those two people said in unison, "Obstetrics and Gynecology."

He Yue, "..."

Can anyone tell her what happened?

Don't think that she doesn't know what obstetrics and gynecology means because she has few books!
Stomach pain see obstetrics and gynecology, then...


Fu Dongqing took his daughter-in-law from He Yue's hand, and carefully helped her over...

Handsome men and beautiful women always attract people's attention, especially a tall and handsome man like Fu Erye who dotes on his wife so much!

The chief physician went in and did a comprehensive examination, while Fu Dongqing waited outside...

He Yue still seldom saw this man showing such a look.

If it's just dysmenorrhea, is it worth it?

She took the lead and asked tentatively, "Boss Fu, what's going on with Xiaoxiao, she suddenly has a stomachache and vomits?"

She had just finished speaking when she suddenly covered her mouth, as if she had said something unbelievable.

The man raised his eyes, and his black eyes narrowed lazily, "Well, as you think."

Is this pregnant?

She doesn't know at all!Completely unaware! ! !
No wonder.

No wonder Xiaoxiao has been wearing flat heels recently, and even likes to wear loose clothes...this is to cover up.

She patted her head and pursed her lips embarrassingly, "You and Xiaoxiao have done a great job of keeping secrets, but in two months, Xiaoxiao's belly will grow, what are you going to do?"

Pregnant before marriage!
That's a big deal!
Especially Qi Xiaoxiao is still a star, a public figure, every little thing will be magnified!Let alone such a thing.

But in the eyes of Second Master Fu, it's obviously not a big deal.


People are his people, children are his children, and there is nothing to do but to make it public.

He Yue was still in shock, and the doctor had already walked out, "Mr. Fu, your wife is fine, but she may have been frightened and suffered a little impact on her lower abdomen. How about this? I will prescribe a prescription for anti-abortion later. After the first month, I will take good care of it, and after the first three months, the problem will not be serious."

Fu Dongqing nodded clearly.

But He Yue was still in shock.

What did the doctor say just now, Mrs. Fu?
Well, she felt like she had missed a lot...

After that, He Yue returned to the company, and Fu Dongqing sent his wife back home, and began to fully deal with this matter!

Little things?

Naturally, the media will not break the news, and various forces may be involved behind it!
But for Fu Dongqing, all the problems are not problems!Whoever harms his wife is blatantly provoking him!

The middle-aged woman who threw acid has been caught, her throat has been burned, and she may not be able to speak for the rest of her life... Even if the police catch her, it will be of no avail!
People are still lying down!

But Fu Dongqing has a hundred ways and a thousand ways to get her to speak!If you can't say it, you can write it!

If you want to force people to submit, others can't, he can!

It didn't take an hour to get a clue, it was Fang Yao!It's Fang Yao again!And the mastermind behind Fang Yao knows who it is without even thinking about it!It's Jiang Haoxuan!It's the Jiang family!
Fang's family has long since been torn apart, but Fang Yao does not want to repent. With the witnesses and material evidence of this matter being submitted to the police, Fang Yao will naturally be unable to escape the law!
In addition to the previous few times, all the evidence was handed in at the same time. If there is no ten or twenty years, Fang Yao will never even think about it.

"Fu Dongqing, you are so ruthless!"

When Fang Yao was handcuffed, she gritted her teeth and looked at the man she had liked from the beginning to the end.

The man's face was like an iceberg, cold to the bone, his thin lips were slightly lifted, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes, "Each!"

Fang Yao suddenly laughed, "Does a man like you have feelings? You are just new to her for a while! How did you treat me back then, and how do you treat me now! I don't believe you love her wholeheartedly!"

The man glanced at her with a sneer, but remained silent.

"Fu Dongqing, we were once the envied couple of everyone, why are you so cruel! What did I do wrong!"

Her face was full of tears, begging bitterly.

But the man was not tempted at all, "Your mistake was to take revenge on me by hurting Qi Xiaoxiao! As you think, I will avenge her at all costs!"

You are just an appetizer.

Fang Yao was arrested.

Jiang Haoxuan was naturally not immune.

The power of the Jiang family is not small.

It is not a matter of overnight if you want to move its foundation.

Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, they are cutworms!The power is great.

Now Jiang Haoxuan is focused on winning a big project in the imperial capital. Jiang Haoxuan has always set his face to face and his back, but in Beijing, he is trying his best to shape his image as a child of an aristocratic family with excellent character!
This time, he will make a big fall!Don't think about turning over for at least the past two years!

The Jiang family is counting on Jiang Haoxuan, Mr. Jiang's most proud eldest son, but the projects have failed one after another, coupled with being splashed with dirty water, the well-behaved son of the family has become an accomplice to murder, and there are even rumors is spreading.

Young Master Jiang carries several lives on his back!
As a result, Jiang Haoxuan was in a difficult position in the imperial capital.

It's just that it's too cheap for him. If the business fails, Jiang Haoxuan will naturally drink to relieve his worries!At this moment, a beauty will hook him up and make him addicted to hallucinogens, unable to extricate himself...

Although the rivers and mountains of the Jiang family cannot be destroyed overnight, it is more effective than anything else to destroy Mr. Jiang's precious son first.


No one thought of it.

Fang Yao has been arrested, but can she escape?
The next day, Fu Dongqing got the news that Fang Yao Jinchan had escaped her shell.

There was indeed a woman in the prison room with disheveled hair, but it was not Fang Yao, but another one!
As for where Fang Yao went, it was like a mystery.

Once this cancer is not cured, it is like a thorn in Fu Dongqing's heart... It is also like a time bomb, which may explode at any time!

As for Qi Xiaoxiao.

Although there are quite a few announcements recently, He Yue has postponed all of them due to her pregnancy and need to recuperate.

If it is very important, continue to discuss with the organizer, if it is not important, just refuse it!

Bai Qiao was also surprised at first, but she was frightened, why did she have to rest for a month?

He Yue got someone's consent, so he said...

Bai Qiao and Vice President Ye were both dumbfounded, with disbelief on their faces.

Now it's really time for Qi Xiaoxiao to become a young mistress...

"That Zhou Jing is really pitiful. She was originally a third-tier young artist, and now I'm afraid she won't be able to get ahead again."

"I heard that half of the thigh was burnt black. The area of ​​the skin graft is a bit big."

He Yue frowned, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, do you feel distressed?"

Bai Qiao sneered, "I probably know the ins and outs of this. Although Zhou Jing was responsible for it, but if Universal came along...how could they not guess it? If that's the case, why bother... What's more, Zhou Jing asked for help from the very beginning. Xiaoxiao is fired, if you really want to sympathize, you can donate one hundred and eighty thousand anonymously."

He Yue nodded.

This way of handling it was exactly what he wanted. Zhou Jing was indeed hurt by Chi Yu, but there was no other way but to help.

During this period of time, Qi Xiaoxiao was quietly raising her baby at home. There was no impenetrable wall in the circle. A popular artist suddenly disappeared for a month. Anyone would be curious and gossip...but with a word from Master Fu!

Who dares to reveal Qi Xiaoxiao's false news, artists and media are waiting to be permanently banned!
The days at home are nothing more than eating and drinking. Xiao Zhao is also a nutritionist at any rate, and he still has a lot of experience in matching meals. He prepares the staple food, snacks and drinks that are necessary during pregnancy...

And in order not to get tired of Qi Xiaoxiao's snacks, they will change to new varieties almost every day.

Qi Xiaoxiao only felt that her weight was soaring, and her original oval face became round, and in the words of Fu Erye: Well, it feels good to hold.

Therefore, losing weight is all floating clouds.

In addition to Qi Xiaoxiao, Mason, a foodie, would also come here from time to time to eat and eat, and occasionally take out.

Qi Xiaoxiao thought that someone Fu would drive this guy out, but she turned a blind eye, as if the two had reached an agreement.

After about a while, Mason seems to be very busy and doesn't come here much...

"Let's do the math, Xiaomei hasn't been here for three days. Is he going to practice in seclusion?"

Qi Xiaoxiao hugged the pillow, no matter how she touched it, it didn't feel as good as touching the big white and the little black... Because of her pregnancy, Second Master Fu secretly sent the two cats to the pet house first, and gave them to Zhang Maoling, the little guy.

After the daughter-in-law gives birth smoothly, the two cats will be brought back.

You can't tease cats, and Qi Xiaoxiao's life is a bit difficult, sometimes Qian Xiaomei will come over when she has time, and the two of them will visit each other, which is acquiesced.

some night.

Qi Xiaoxiao has some insomnia.

I tossed and turned on the big bed but couldn't fall asleep.

She sleeps dimly during the day, and sleeps little at night... The pillow is empty, and she ran out with bare feet.

The corridor was dark, only the study room had a glimmer of light.

She tiptoed, like a naughty child sneaking to the door to look inside.

The big BOSS is holding a video conference in the study, serious and unsmiling, with a cute feeling of abstinence.

Qi Xiaoxiao pushed the door and walked in, the voice was not loud, but Fu Dongqing felt it instantly, his black eyes slightly raised, and a small arc was raised on his thin lips...

Even so.

Everyone in the company conference room could also feel the mood swings of the big boss.

I just trained a group of people, and the feeling of killing everyone with my eyes every minute... It's amazing!

Everyone is like a primary school student being scolded by the head teacher, not daring to say a word!
But at this moment, something is wrong.

Qi Xiaoxiao knew that he was in a meeting, so she didn't bother her. She just stood on the periphery of the video, and the camera couldn't capture her at all.

Seeing the man looking over calmly, a thought came to her mind.

First he made a grimace, baring his teeth and claws, the corner of the man's mouth twitched, but he didn't laugh out loud...

The unwilling Mrs. Fu is going all out now, she squats down slightly, and then her whole body...

(End of this chapter)

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