exclusive wife

Chapter 261 Meeting, 'Mother and Daughter'

Chapter 261 Meeting, 'Mother and Daughter'

Ma Yizhou really didn't believe it, but Shen Lan quickly gave physical evidence, which was a small box with a long-life lock, "This is Yanran's baby, please take a look."

The zodiac signs above are also exactly the same as those provided by the person.

Ma Yizhou took another look at Qi Yanran.

Fortunately, Qi Yanran does not look very much like her parents, so I can't see any clues... It's just that the two who look like Fei's family are also a little different. Could it be a genetic mutation?

"As for the birthmark on your chest, it may be inconvenient for you to see it, but if your sister-in-law comes, it will be convenient for you to see it."

Ma Yizhou didn't say anything anymore.

"I'll come to you in two days."

This is for Qi Yanran.


Fei's father was a little surprised when he got the latest news. He didn't expect that the longevity lock was really in Qi's house.

I thought it might be Qi Xiaoxiao, but I didn't expect it to be Qi Yanran after going around.

"The two sisters look alike?"

"Not like, but they are all beautiful." This is a very objective evaluation.

That night.

Feicheng chatted with his wife about it.

The couple went back and forth to find someone again. His wife Xu Anzhi actually let go a lot. When she learned that she might have found her biological daughter, she still couldn't hide her joy, "So fast? Is it really a little girl? "

Feicheng hugged his wife in his arms, his eyes were deep, "I can't be sure, but it must have something to do with the Qi family, after all, the longevity lock is still the one from back then."

"I want to meet that girl."

"I'll make arrangements tomorrow."

The day.

Ma Yizhou led Qi Yanran to a high-end coffee shop.

When Qi Yanran was still the daughter of the Qi family, she hung around outside the door, but she never came in, and each time she spent [-] yuan.


There are few people in the coffee shop, and there is a soothing and elegant piano solo.

"Miss Qi, this way please."

Feicheng and Xu Anzhi were already waiting there, and Xu Anzhi was particularly nervous. If it was really her daughter, then she lost her for so many years, how should she face it.

At this time, my heart was beating like a drum.

Fei Cheng reached out and grabbed her hand under the table, "If it's true, she will understand you and me."


"Mr. Fei, Mrs. Fei, they are here."

Qi Yanran was a little surprised.

Didn't they say they were Ma Yizhou's younger brother and sister-in-law? Why did they change?
She was a little puzzled, with a dazed look on her face.

Feel as if I've been cheated.

"Miss Qi, these two are Mr. Fei and Mrs. Fei, and they are the chairman of the American Fei family chaebol."


She didn't hear much, but she knew a little bit. Fei's background was amazing in the country recently.
on the table.

The temperament of the woman is graceful and luxurious, more elegant than the ladies she has ever seen...

Qi Yanran felt like she had found a treasure in her heart, she tried her best to calm down her heart, and called the two of them gracefully, "Mr. Fei, Mrs. Fei, I'm Qi Yanran."

The little girl is clean and good-looking, a bit shy in her generosity.

It's all good, the only downside is...

The couple looked at each other.

It seems a little different from them.

The three of them first chatted about some irrelevant topics, just as they were about to drink coffee.

Qi Yanran was holding the coffee in hand, suddenly Xu Anzhi adjusted the coffee for her.

"Little girl, drink less coffee and drink some lemonade." Just as the lemonade was being replaced, it accidentally splashed on Qi Yanran's clothes.

"Oh, why was I so careless." Xu Anzhi blamed himself.

Qi Yanran had already guessed, isn't this just a routine?
Before coming here, she guessed that these people would try their best to see her birthmark, but fortunately she was prepared!

Xu Anzhi took him to the bathroom.

There was also a dress in her bag.

She blushed a little, "Miss Qi is really sorry...Fortunately, I always bring a spare dress with me, can you see if I can wear it?"

Qi Yanran took a look and recognized it.

Isn't that Chanel's new limited edition?
That skirt cost at least five figures.

Even higher.

She tried it on calmly, and also showed off half of her naked body openly. There was indeed a birthmark of a small plum blossom petal on the chest. Xu Anzhi froze when she saw it.

Caught in memory.

Her eye sockets were a little red.

Tears seemed to flow out at any moment.

Xu Anzhi has always been a very emotional woman, Qi Yanran seemed a little strange, "Mrs. Fei, is there something wrong with you?"

Xu Anzhi was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, "No, let's go there."

Back at the banquet, Xu Anzhi tried his best not to lose control, but his attitude had softened a lot, and he kept asking Qi Yanran how she was doing these years.

"Why does Mrs. Fei ask me this? My parents are very kind to me. I think I am much luckier than many children. I was born in a well-off family and my parents love me. It is already very good."

She seems easy to please.

But the more she talked, the more Xu Anzhi burst into tears.

She couldn't help it.

"sorry, I……"

Qi Yanran nodded in understanding.

Xu Anzhi really wanted to say.

In fact, you are more than what you are now.

Well-to-do family?

You could have become the apple of their eye and live a life like a princess. Originally, you were not in the Qi family, but loved and pampered by them, but now...

Feicheng hugged his wife and sighed.

He knew that if he continued talking today, it would definitely be fruitless, so he could only wait.

Xu Anzhi can almost believe that this is their daughter, but the question of appearance is a bit...

"The most accurate result is DNA."

Feicheng is considered a gentleman in some respects, if he investigates secretly, he may be able to avoid a lot of things.

But the mistake was that he talked directly to Qi Yanran.

Qi Yanran was very surprised, "You said that I might be your and Mrs. Fei's... daughter?"

"Yes, but if you want to have a surname, a DNA test is the best way."

Qi Yanran didn't refuse, but held a strand of hair, "Hey, this is my hair."

Feicheng understood.

And there are still many truths that he doesn't know.

Qi Yanran had already guessed that such an event would happen.

So be prepared.

Her hair was yellow before, but now it is dyed the same black as Qi Xiaoxiao.

And Qi Xiaoxiao lived at home before, and there would be hair on her clothes and combs, so it is naturally foolproof to use this.

Feicheng took the DNA and went to investigate secretly.

The results came out very quickly.

There is almost no suspense.

The fit is 99.9%, so what does that mean?
"Acheng, it seems that Yanran is really our daughter."

With this layer of results, the couple's mentality has also changed, and there is a feeling of relief.

Xu Anzhi devoted herself wholeheartedly, feeling the joy of being a mother again.

But Feicheng always felt that something was wrong, as for where it was, he couldn't tell for a while...

"Acheng, if I want to get my daughter back, the Qi family will not disagree!"

After all, she had also inquired that the Qi family treated the eldest daughter very well and treated the eldest daughter as if they were her own, but they have not been very kind to the younger daughter they picked up, probably because the younger daughter has a problem with her character.

Xu Anzhi thought so.

Feicheng raised his eyebrows.

"No! Since Yanran was pushed out, I hope she can recognize her ancestors and return to her clan, so they can get some benefits!"

The Qi family is now being overthrown by everyone, if someone helps, how can they disagree?
Xu Anzhi's eyes were red, "Then you can help... After all, that family has raised Yanran for so many years, so let's treat it as a gift."

"I know, don't worry about these, I will take care of them."

The daughter is theirs, and the benefits to the Qi family will definitely not be less.

It's just that it's a problem to recognize the daughter's return, how should I recognize it!
Want to come back directly, recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors?

Compared to his calmness, Xu Anzhi was much more irritable, "I miss Yanran, Acheng, you have to settle things early, I want to make up for my daughter."

"It won't be long."

Qi Yanran had dreamed of being a noble lady for a long time, but the dream of being a queen never came true. This time, it is a golden opportunity, God is helping her!She is about to wake up laughing from a dream!

And pushed her daughter to someone else's house.

Although it sounds a bit harsh to say, but thinking of the huge amount of money of the Fei family, Shen Lan has nothing to be unhappy about, but Qi Guofu looks unhappy, "My daughter is going to be named Fei, this is my seed, why!"

"Why? Just because you are not useful to the Fei family!"

Qi Guofu remained silent.

At last.

Feicheng gave the Qi family 1000 million, which is definitely not a small amount. The main reason is that Xu Anzhi felt that the Qi family was too kind to his daughter, so he felt that it was not kind to give less.

After giving the money, Feicheng cut straight to the point and took his daughter home.

Although Qi Yanran was a little uncomfortable, she still left with this man.

Fei's house is located in the center of the imperial capital, the most prosperous area, and also a wealthy area, a large garden villa...

main entrance.

Xu Anzhi was wearing a thin thin coat, standing in the air, looking forward and looking forward.

When seeing Qi Yanran, her eyes were red again.

But hesitant to speak, I don't know what to say...

Fei Cheng sighed.

"Yanran, I..."

Qi Yanran said generously, "Dad, Mom."

Feicheng's face was full of surprises, but Xu Anzhi was not only surprised, but also moved. She hugged Qi Yanran, tears were like a flood, and she couldn't hold back her tears...

"I've been waiting for more than [-] years, but I didn't expect to be able to..."

This kind of scene is very emotional, and at this time Fei Zihan came back with his brother Fei Ziqian, just seeing this scene, she was a little dumbfounded.

What is that holding her mother?

Although her mother is sensual, she has a cleanliness fetish, which is not something anyone can easily touch, and what is her father's look like?

Fei Zihan felt like being struck by lightning...

But her brother remained calm.

"What's the matter?"

Fei Ziqian didn't know how to explain it, so he had no choice but to blame the matter on his father, "You can ask Dad to find out."

Qi Yanran was still there with Xu Anzhi's mother and daughter, and the two of them were jealous as they talked. This acting skill is also...

But this looked extremely dazzling in Fei Zihan's eyes.

"Mom, do you know who you are hugging! You have never hugged me like this before!"

Fei Zihan was very jealous.

Qi Yanran was startled and turned her head to look over.

Fei Zihan had an angry look on his face, which was a bit ferocious.

Xu Anzhi knew the girl's character, she sniffled, "Zihan, please speak up, this is your sister Yanran."

She also has a sister, why doesn't she know?
She strode up to Qi Yanran, frowned and said coldly, "What the hell are you! What's the purpose of approaching my mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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