exclusive wife

Chapter 262 Dog bites dog, 1 mouth hair

Chapter 262 Dog bites dog, a mouthful of hair
Fei Zihan has always been savage because of the connivance of Fei's father and mother, but now that he has found his own daughter, it is naturally inappropriate to suddenly come down like this.

Fei's mother frowned, "Zihan, what's going on with your child today! Mom already told you, this is your sister!"

"Sister? I don't have a sister, I only have a brother! When this strange woman comes, she confuses you! I'll let the security guard take her away!" As she spoke, she was about to call the security guard to drive her away.

Qi Yanran's face was a little embarrassed, and she glanced at Fei's father and mother with some unease.

Fei's mother didn't want her biological daughter, whom she had just recognized, to run away because of this little episode, so she shielded Qi Yanran behind her, and gave Fei Zihan a look, "Zihan, Mom told you before that you have a sister Yes, they are the flesh and blood of parents...just because of some reasons, they were lost back then, but now they have been found."

"Zihan, you are also your parents' daughter, and we love you too."

Fei Zihan had a gloomy face, no matter how she looked at Qi Yanran, she didn't like it!
No matter how plain that face is, it still gives off the feeling of a scheming bitch!
Mom and Dad are usually so smart, how could they be fooled by this kind of woman!Fei Zihan felt that her mother's tone towards her and that woman was different.

My heart is sour.

From childhood to adulthood, she has been the treasure of the family, the apple of the eye, no matter what she does, no matter what is right or wrong, but in their eyes, she is always a good girl!He would forgive and tolerate without any principles, but Qi Yanran came...

Since then, her family position has been really embarrassing.

Fei Ziqian stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, "Zihan, let's go in."

Fei Zihan clenched his fists, gave Qi Yanran a hard look, and walked in side by side with Fei Ziqian.

Fei Mu took Qi Yanran's hand and led her in softly.

The Fei family has a lot of money, otherwise it would be impossible to buy such a large garden villa in such a downtown area. Before entering the door, Qi Yanran was already amazed...

The sense of luxury that hit her face now made her unable to even say a word.

Fei Zihan looked at her sarcastically, what is this bumpkin?
Something that has never been seen in the world!

She thought so, but seeing it in Feimu's eyes, she felt extremely sad.

After all, Yanran could have lived a good life, but after so many years...

The atmosphere in the living room was a bit embarrassing, both Father Fei and Fei Ziqian wished they could disappear by themselves.

From entering the door to now, Fei's mother has been holding her daughter's hand tightly, refusing to let go, until Aunt Gui's side is cooking and eating, and then...

The dining table is a long table.

Fei's mother and Fei Zihan always sit together, and the father and son sit together.

Or Fei's father, Fei Mu, would sit together, and the siblings would sit together.

But now there is an extra person out of thin air, adding a chair is a trivial matter, this seat is that little thing.


"Yanran, mom doesn't know what you want to eat, so let's eat something casually today. Tell me what you like to eat later, and I'll ask Aunt Gui to make it for you."

Femina's attitude is no one else.

Qi Yanran was a little shy, but she still smiled, "Thank you mom."


Fei Mu looked satisfied.

It is really rare to feel so good.

Father Fei was also emotional.

Eating, originally it was only a meal, but there was something wrong.

Qi Yanran and Fei Zihan attacked a piece of beef at the same time, the chopsticks were caught in one place, and the war was about to break out!

Fei Zihan knocked it with chopsticks, Qi Yanran gritted her teeth, and really let go.

Feimu can bear the usual unruly and capricious, but now!
fed up.

She put down her chopsticks first, with a bad expression on her face, "Zihan, have you had enough trouble!"

"Mom, I didn't do anything, you yell at me?"

Mother Fei saw that the girl's eyes were a little red, so she had to slow down her tone, "Yanran just came here today, and she will live in in the future, can't you get along well with her?"

live in?
Hearing this, Fei Zihan was about to explode.

A strange woman moves in...

"Mom, what if I just don't want to see her!"

Fei's mother frowned, "If that's the case, I'll take Yanran to live elsewhere! Isn't there a villa at Star of Hope, where our mother and I live!"

There are garden villas here, pool villas over there, and hot springs in winter.

Two years ago, Mother Fei also said that she would give that villa to Fei Zihan, but now...

Fei Zihan felt disgusted by this bitch in her heart, but Qi Yanran always had the most pitiful expression on her face in the whole world...

Enduring the meal, Fei Zihan couldn't stand it any longer, and went upstairs angrily.

Out of sight is pure.

About half an hour passed.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Zihan, it's me."

Fei Zihan's eyes were a bit swollen, she stood up and opened the door, only then did Fei Ziqian see that a limited edition SD doll that her sister had collected before had been tied into a sieve by her, and the skirt on her body was also torn to pieces.

He couldn't laugh or cry, "Why, take the doll to vent your anger when you are unhappy?"

"Brother, you're kidding me too, right?"

"How dare I!"

Fei Zihan sniffled, gossiping, "Is that woman really Mom's biological daughter, is it your biological sister?"

"Well, I've had a DNA test, and it's all right."

Although she had already guessed it, she still couldn't accept it when she heard this.

She was adopted, so she was different from her own.

She looked at Fei Ziqian helplessly, "Brother, I am redundant in this family... Mom and Dad will definitely treat that woman well in the future, yes, I understand, blood relationship... She is also your sister, let me ask you, in the future... In your heart, is it important for me or her?"

Fei Ziqian was a little helpless.

My sister dug a hole for herself.

Although he knew it was a pit, he had no choice but to jump into it.

"Zihan, no matter what happens in the future, you are my younger sister." Fei Ziqian said with a serious face. Although Fei Zihan was sad about his mother's betrayal, he still found some comfort from his brother.

"Then you have to stand by my side!"

Fei Ziqian, "..."

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, how can he choose?
After comforting his sister, Fei Ziqian opened the door and went out, but was startled when he just went out.

It turned out that Qi Yanran was standing outside the door.

"Why are you here?"

Qi Yanran bit her lip, looking aggrieved, "Sister Zihan has problems with me, I want to be with her..."

Fei Ziqian frowned, he knew Zihan's bad temper, and now that she was angry, she would only add fuel to the fire if she wanted to go in.

"No, Zihan has this temper. If she really wants to accept you sincerely, it may take a while, so just wait..."

Qi Yanran lowered her eyes.

It was also difficult for Fei Zihan to be caught in the middle, and her thin lips raised slightly, "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back to your room early to rest."

With that said, he left on his own.

Qi Yanran looked up at the door in front of her!
What about the little princess of the Fei family?
So what about Qi Xiaoxiao!

Now she is the hostess here!
In the past, Qi Yanran didn't even dare to imagine that she could turn herself over and become a real daughter.

My former self was at best the daughter of an upstart!

The Fei family is different.

With connections and power, you have everything.

Does she still need a man?

So what about Fu Dongqing!

She is now queen by herself!

Isn't Fei Zihan the little princess of the Fei family, but now that she's here, it's only a matter of time before she abdicates the throne!
the next day.

Fei Zihan got up a little late.

Too many things happened yesterday, she had some insomnia, and didn't sleep well all night...

She dreamed that Qi Yanran climbed on top of her head, domineering, and she spoke a little louder, the mother who had always cared for her in the past actually told her to 'get lost'?
She absolutely does not want to see this situation.

Dress and wash downstairs.


The whole family is here, elder brother, father, mother, and that annoying woman!

"Yanran, Mom doesn't know whether you like Chinese food or Western food, so I asked Aunt Gui to cook both. You can eat more of what you like."

"Thank you mom."

The warmth and harmony of this family, as if he was the extra one, Fei Zihan turned around and wanted to leave, but Fei Ziqian stopped her.

"Zihan, today I have your favorite cod fish ravioli, come and eat."

When he said this, Fei's father also looked over, "Yes, Zihan, let's go to the company together after eating."

She looked up at her mother, her mother's gaze was still on Qi Yanran.

She kept convincing herself that the mother simply wanted to make up for her biological daughter, nothing more.

After breakfast depressed, Fei Zihan went to the company with his father and brother, there was a meeting to be held today.

After the meeting was over, Fei Zihan came out of the conference room with the documents and almost bumped into someone.

"Sister Zihan, are you okay?"

Fei Zihan almost trembled when he heard this voice.

look up.

Sure enough, it was still Qi Yanran's face.

What the hell is really lingering!
"Why are you here? This is the company!"

Qi Yanran smiled, "I know, I have been to Fu's before, but now I come to Fei's to find that it is really not small."

She looked at everything in front of her with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Fei Zihan understood that smile.

This is blatant provocation!

"You really think that you can take my place and become the owner of this place by cheating my parents and entering the house?" Fei Zihan sneered, "Don't pee and look in the mirror, what are you! You have studied finance Do you know how to manage the company? No, just get lost!"

She was a little hysterical, as if she had been set on fire.

Qi Yanran shrugged her shoulders with a look of disapproval.

"Sister Zihan, you are wrong."

"First, it's not me who replaced you, but you who replaced me! If I want to, this place is mine! As for the second, even if I don't know anything, just because I am the blood of the Fei family and my mother His own daughter, this is enough, believe it or not!"

She leaned into Fei Zihan's ear and smiled strangely, "If you want to fight with me, you are still a little tender!"


Fei Zihan couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped her across the air. Qi Yanran didn't dodge at all, and a clear five-fingerprint was printed on her cheek.

However, it was obvious that Fei Zihan did not win this confrontation!

Mother Fei just came out of the office and saw this scene, her eyes turned red all of a sudden, "Fei Zihan, what are you doing! Yanran is your sister, you hit her! You really let me down!"

After speaking, he went to appease Qi Yanran.

From his angle, he couldn't see the smug smile on the corner of Qi Yanran's mouth.

Fei Zihan was about to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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