Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 1 Ouyang Shengsi

Chapter 1 Ouyang Shengsi
It was late at night, and the moon was very round in the sky.

On a silent street, there was a young man about 18 years old running at an incredible speed, dressed in black, except for his pair of bright eyes that radiated a breathtaking light in the dark night.

I saw that person leaping more than ten meters away with one step. If you look carefully, you will find that this person's feet have never touched the ground at all, and they have been floating in mid-air. What's even more strange is that the person is flying During the running process, there was not a single sound, and there was not even the slightest breeze blowing where he passed. This young man was like a ghost in the dark, silent.

After a while, the man stopped at the gate of a luxurious villa.

"I'm done with this ticket. I won't do it. The money I earned is enough for me to live comfortably for several lifetimes! What I owe is also paid off." A hoarse voice came from the young man's mouth, but the voice was very weak, and there was no sound in this dark night. A wave of waves.

There was no light in the villa at this time, and the people inside must have fallen asleep.The night was terrifyingly quiet, and the boundless night seemed to swallow the young man whole.

Looking around casually, the young man went straight to the gate of the villa. The gate of the villa opened and closed automatically before and after the young man entered, without making any sound, just like watching a silent movie.

In just a few seconds, the young man arrived at the master bedroom of this villa in a few jumps.Little did he know that these actions of the young man were watched by a pair of eyes.

Looking at a fat young man sleeping on the bed in the master bedroom, he murmured: "This is the last one." The young man stretched out his right hand to make a virtual grasp, and then squeezed it hard.

"Huh?!" The young man asked a moderate question. Just as the young man was wondering, suddenly the whole villa was bright as day, and the door of the master bedroom was opened at the same time.

A middle-aged man in a suit walked in while clapping his hands. "Hahaha Ouyang Shengsi, this year, from Anyang, China, codename: Death God, No.3 in the UM killer rankings, and has never missed a hand so far. If the number of kills is not as high as No.2, you must be firmly seated in the ranks of killers now. The king's throne, kid Shengsi, I'm right."

Seeing this, the young man Ouyang Shengsi remained silent, but kept staring at the middle-aged man with his faint eyes.The surface was calm, but at this moment Ouyang Shengsi's heart was turned upside down, he found that his super power could not be used!

Yes, superpowers, specifically mind power. Ouyang Shengsi is an orphan. He doesn’t know who his parents are. He grew up in an orphanage. He often didn’t have enough to eat and was bullied. He looked thin and weak. Likewise, no one is willing to adopt a 'sick child' like him.

When he was eight years old, his mind power was awakened, and Ouyang Shengsi began to discover that he was different. At that time, he was withdrawn and kept this secret in his heart, not sharing it with anyone.

When he was nine years old, the fat man who bullied him was severely injured by his thoughts because he robbed him of food. On that day, Ouyang Shengsi left the orphanage in a daze amidst the fear and rejection of everyone.

He started a wandering life, had nothing to eat, but used his mind to get it, had nothing to drink, and used his mind to get it.All of this is because the instinct to live prompted him to use his mind power, so he instinctively trained his mind power.Of course, soon his story gradually spread in a small area. One person has superpowers and can shoot objects from a distance.
Within a few days, Ouyang Shengsi was taken away by a killer organization. His background was clear after a check. He was an orphan, and he was so clean that he couldn't be more clean. Plus he has super powers, Ouyang Shengsi is simply a killer. The organization was looking for the best seedling, so Ouyang Shengsi started his life as a killer.

The killer organization is brainwashing him all the time, maybe it's because of a lot of things he has experienced, and because of his superpowers, Ouyang Shengsi is very precocious, so the organization's brainwashing is very 'successful'!On the surface, he pretends to be brainwashed successfully, but in fact the whole person is extremely autonomous!
The killer organization trained him, taught him how to kill, taught him knowledge, taught him how to train his superpowers, taught him hacking techniques, taught him some languages ​​that he used a lot, and taught him everything he could. The King of Killers cultivated him, which is enough to show how much the organization expects from him, and Ouyang Shengsi did not disappoint him in the end!

A few years have passed, and after several missions, Ouyang Shengsi's strength is probably no one in the world can surpass him because of his power of thought. Anyway, he has never seen other superpowers. He must be the earth The only superpower on the planet.

In fact, Ouyang Shengsi could leave the organization at any time at that time, but he didn't. He felt that the organization trained him and saved him!He should repay the favor. Although Ouyang Shengsi had a withdrawn personality when he was a child, he acquired good character. He didn't kill innocent people every time he was on a mission, and he didn't kill the treacherous and evil people when he took on the mission!

And he set a goal for himself, to earn ten times the training fee for the organization, and then leave the organization to live the life he wanted.And the task of the villa is his last goal, his last stop, unexpectedly at this time, something happened!His super power has actually failed, and it cannot be said to be invalid. After ten years of growth, his power of thought has become very strong. He can control everything within a radius of half a mile, and the power of his power of thought is enough to move a hill, but The sense of control that his mind had had now was gone.

It's far away, and I went back to the bedroom of the villa. Seeing that Ouyang Shengsi has been silent, the man in the suit continued: "Little Shengsi, is it possible that you can't use your mind power? Hahaha" The man in the suit looked smug, "The whole villa is filled with PM2.5-X3. PM2.5-X3 is terrible. This is a gas specially researched for your power of thought. It is colorless and odorless. In this gas, your power of thought cannot be found. You cannot use any medium, so your mind power is useless. Without your mind power, you are like a toothless tiger. I spent a lot of money to catch you, not only did I personally release this task to lure you Come here, and cleared the entire villa area to set up this trap. You see, for the sake of my hard work, you can just obediently catch it. Hahaha"

Ouyang Shengsi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly: "I still underestimate the people of the world, but it's not so easy to catch me! Do you think I only rely on superpowers?"

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Shengsi suddenly had a desert eagle in each of his hands. He raised his hand and shot at the man in the suit. The speed was beyond your imagination.

But "dong dong dong" is the sound of bullets hitting the glass.At some point, a transparent wall appeared between Ouyang Shengsi and the man in the suit. Not only that, Ouyang Shengsi also found that there were such transparent walls all around him, and they were slowly approaching him.

This is a glass cage!Ouyang Shengsi was taken aback when he saw this battle.

The man in the suit outside laughed and said, "I expected you to do this, do you think I would be unprepared? This is a special bulletproof glass with a thickness of 30 centimeters, which can block even the bullets of heavy sniper rifles for a while!" You just grab it, I will treat you well, I will figure out the principle of your superpower, dissect you, and then make a superpower potion, then all human beings will have superpowers, you are doing it for social progress Make a contribution!" Said the man in the suit at last with a burst of madness.

Seeing the crazy look of the man in the suit, Ouyang Shengsi cursed secretly, "Madman!".At the same time, the things in his hands did not stop. He already knew how to get out, that is, to use a bomb to blow up the glass.Although his mind power cannot be extended, it can cover the entire surface of his body, protecting himself like a protective shield.

The man in the suit outside saw Ouyang Shengsi's movements, not only did not panic at all, but also showed a mysterious smile.

The bomb was ready soon. Ouyang Shengsi was very attentive when he arranged the bomb, and he didn't notice the change in the expression of the man in the suit at all.

Seeing that the bomb was set up, Ouyang Shengsi immediately pressed the detonation button in his hand, and at the same time the man in the suit outside also pressed a button.

Seeing the action of the man in the suit, Ouyang Shengsi secretly thought it was broken!Sure enough, at the moment of detonation, Ouyang Shengsi felt that his thought power was suppressed even more severely, and the thought power film that originally covered the surface of his body collapsed instantly. It turned out that the concentration of PM2.5-X3 in his glass room instantly doubled. times!
Ouyang Shengsi couldn't calm down immediately, he tried his best to mobilize the thought power in his brain, but the moment of explosion was too fast, he knew that he had fallen this time, and the consequence of falling was death!
The flames of the explosion instantly swept across Ouyang Shengsi's whole body. Somehow, the explosion flame didn't feel hot, but very warm. Ouyang Shengsi felt that time seemed to stand still at this moment, and everything around him slowed down.

The glass that was shattered by the explosion, and the lines on each piece of broken glass clearly appeared in front of Ouyang Shengsi. The man in the suit had a triumphant smile on his face. There was a caterpillar on the 38th leaf, and the original target person on the master bed was looking at the man in the suit with a look of horror. Everything was caught by Ouyang Shengsi.

The feeling of controlling everything reappeared, and the man in the suit's head exploded like a watermelon in an instant!The target person is probably a poor person who didn't know anything at all. With a thought force, the person flew out immediately. If he was lucky, he might still be alive.

To the death, the man in the suit had that triumphant expression on his face. Seeing the death of the man in the suit, Ouyang Shengsi's consciousness also fell into darkness.

Anyway, what I owed has been paid off, my hands have already been stained with sin, probably death is also a relief
(End of this chapter)

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