Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 2 The World of Detective Conan

Chapter 2 The World of Detective Conan
In the endless darkness, Ouyang Shengsi did not know how long he had traveled.

Suddenly, a white light spot appeared in front of him, and the light spot gradually became larger, and finally turned into a huge light curtain that tightly wrapped Ouyang Shengsi.

Then a strong drowsiness hit, and Ouyang Shengsi slowly fell into a deep sleep.After an unknown amount of time, Ouyang Shengsi woke up, and then fell asleep again after a while.

But when he just woke up, he probably knew his situation at this time.

He didn't die!Specifically, his body has been destroyed, but his soul is still alive. Generally speaking, he has been reincarnated!Because he is in the state of an unborn baby at this time, and he has heard in his previous life that some people still remember the memory of his previous life, which is probably the situation of Ouyang Shengsi now.

And he just discovered that the people around his mother didn't speak Chinese, but Japanese!As a killer in his previous life, he had no fewer than 30 missions in Japan, and he learned many languages, including Japanese, of course, but he was reincarnated in Japan, ah, so helpless.

Several months have passed, the baby's body is really weak, it sleeps at every turn, Shengsi sighed.Counting the time, Shengsi will be born soon, and Ouyang Shengsi has spent almost enough time in his mother's womb.

Ouyang Shengsi, who did not experience the love of his father and mother in his previous life, can be regarded as a kind of compensation for him now. Even if he is in a foreign country, this kind of rebirth after saying goodbye to the past must be what Shengsi wants to see.

On the day of delivery, Ouyang Shengsi lay down in his stomach first, and greeted the doctor's big hands to carry him out.

Not long after, a pair of warm hands hugged him out.

The nurse in the delivery room, Ouyang Shengsi, who was just born, found that he didn't cry at all, so he wondered: "Why didn't this baby cry when it was born?"

It stands to reason that a healthy baby will cry transparently when it is born. This baby was healthy during the prenatal pregnancy test.Let's pat his butt a few times to see if he cries or not. How can he breathe if he doesn't cry? It's not good if he is suffocated, the nurse thought.

After thinking about it, the nurse patted Ouyang Shengsi's little butt three times in a row, and said while patting, "Why aren't you crying? Why aren't you crying?" She said and planned to continue filming.

Seeing this endless posture, Ouyang Shengsi immediately chose to surrender.

"Wow! ~Wow!~." The crisp crying sound spread throughout the delivery room.After crying twice, Ouyang Shengsi kept staring at the nurse who patted his ass with his melancholy little eyes.

Just now because of the shaking, I haven't looked at the world carefully, but now it seems that the nurse is quite beautiful. After staring at the nurse for a while, Ouyang Shengsi casually glanced around, taking in everything in the room, This could be regarded as the instinct of the killer in his previous life. No matter where he was, he would remember the terrain and choose the best escape route.

The nurse looked at Ouyang Shengsi's eyes and the faint smile at the corner of his mouth just now and felt strange for a while.This was all unintentional, how could it be possible for such a young child?The nurse shook her head and thought, and then handed the baby to his mother, Miyamizu Yeka.

"It's a boy, Madam Miyamizu." The nurse smiled.

Yexiang looked pale because of the childbirth, but she took the child and said with a smile: "Wow, it's a boy, Jun Ye has already thought of a name, if it's a boy, it's called Gongshui Shengsi, and if it's a girl, it's called Gongshui Shengsi. Shizuka Miyamizu, then you are the little Seiji now, Seiji, Seiji, my little Seiji~" Yexiang looked fondly.

So this is the feeling of maternal love?So happy.

In the blink of an eye, six years have passed.

this day.

Early in the morning, Ouyang Shengsi is now called Gongshui Shengsi, and his mother Yexiang shouted outside his bedroom door: "Shengsi! Today is your first day in elementary school~ you can't Oh late."

"Got it, Mom, I've already packed it." Seiji Miyamizu put on his school uniform neatly, carried a small schoolbag, opened the bedroom door and looked at his mother with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then you go, this is your first bento, Mom made you a lot!" Ye Xiang was not too worried about her son at this time.She can speak in less than three months, never cry, very sensible, behaves like an adult, even this primary school was chosen by Shengsi himself, so Yexiang never worried about Shengsi.

"Thank you mom, I'll go out then." Seiji Miyamizu took the lunch box and put it in his schoolbag, changed his shoes and waved to his mother.

Walking on the way to the elementary school, you will find that Seiji Miyamizu's feet are not touching the ground at all, and are always more than an inch above the ground. On the surface, it looks like a normal person walking, but in fact it is completely different.

This is super power. Yes, Seiji Miyamizu found that his mind power is still there. After six years of training, he has about one-third of the power of his previous life.And Seiji Miyamizu guessed that the reason why he was able to retain his memory was probably because of his power of thought.

Seiji Gongshui was walking on the road recalling his six years of experience, until now it feels like a dream, he has always enjoyed the love of father and mother in his previous life, because he never had it, so he cherishes it all the more!This feeling of being loved is really intoxicating.

And Seiji Miyamizu already knew that this was no longer his original world, this was——Detective Conan!

In fact, Seiji Miyamizu only found out about this three months ago. Recently, he has been watching high school student detective Kudo Shinichi crack other cases on newspapers and TV.
In his previous life, Seiji liked to watch movies and anime when he was not taking quests to rest. He also watched "Detective Conan", but he didn't watch many.But he still knows the person 'drum washing machine'.The washing machine in anime washes away all evil.
Now that he has come to this world, he can't help but want to get close to the protagonists in the anime. He probably has seen these people in his previous life, so now he has an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

So when Shengsi was about to go to elementary school, he told his father Junye Miyamizu that he wanted to go to Didan Elementary School, so as to get close to the protagonist and the others.Shengsi's father, Gongshui Junye, is an engineer, so the family still has a little money, but they are not as rich as Shengsi.

In the past three months, Seiji has accepted several missions in Japan on the world's killer network, and the code name still follows the previous life: Death God.After completing the task, he deposited the money into an account in his Swiss bank. In fact, the network technology at this time was very sloppy. Shengsi could hack into various systems at will with his hacking skills in his previous life. Forging an identity is not easy.

Also, Seiji invaded the network of the black organization in "Detective Conan" and obtained a lot of information, but the core secrets seemed to be a stand-alone offline network, or an internal network, so he couldn't get in.So the information he obtained is similar to what was shown in the animations of the previous life.

When his head was thinking about things, time always passed quickly, and at this time Shengsi was already standing at the gate of Didan Primary School.

Striding into this gate, Shengsi spent more than ten minutes familiarizing himself with the whole school. When the school was almost remembered in Shengsi's mind, he just walked to the gate of Class B of the first grade.

(End of this chapter)

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