Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 3 Class B, Year 1

Chapter 3 First Year Class B

"Huh?! It seems to be early." Looking at the empty classroom, Shengsi looked dazed, no wonder there were not many people when he visited the school just now, so it turned out that he hadn't come yet.

I looked at the clock, it was only seven o'clock.With nothing else to do, Shengsi began to clean the classroom with his thoughts, leaving a good impression on the students.

I saw that the broom moved by itself, the tables and chairs were automatically arranged, and the dust and debris flew into the trash can by itself.

"Oh!? Why is the broom moving by itself? It's amazing!" A cute little girl stood at the door of class B of the first year at some point, pointing at the broom controlled by Shengsi with her thoughts and shouting loudly.

Shengsi, who was sitting on the seat with his legs crossed, heard this exclamation, looking for his reputation, and secretly said badly, because he was discovered.But after seeing who it was, Seiji heaved a sigh of relief and thought it was the teacher, but it was Ayumi. I didn't expect her to come so early.

Seeing Ayumi's kawaii face, Seiji couldn't help smiling and said, "Ayumi-san, I'm a magician, the broom is moving because of my magic~"

"Wow, this classmate, you are a magician, you are really amazing!" Ayumi saw someone walking over quickly in the classroom, and then saluted: "Although I don't know why you know my name, I still want to introduce myself , My name is Yoshida Ayumi, please give me your advice.”

"I know your name because I am a magician. My name is Seiji Miyamizu, please give me your advice." Seiji hurriedly returned the salute. The Japanese have a lot of etiquette, which is a little troublesome.

"Oh, by the way, Ayumi-san, you are so cute, can I pinch your face? Please." Seiji put his hands together and smiled at Ayumi.Seeing this cute little loli, Seiji couldn't help but want to pinch it.The parents of this world gave Shengsi a good face, and he looks handsome.

Seeing Seiji Miyamizu suddenly asked these words and his handsome face, Ayumi blushed instantly, but she still responded softly: "Okay, but I can only pinch it once." Really, suddenly It's so embarrassing to pinch a girl's face.

After Shengsi got a good answer, he stretched out his small hands, and rubbed and pinched, pinched and kneaded on Ayumi's pretty face, ignoring what Ayumi said and could only pinch it.And Ayumi's face turned red because of being touched by the opposite sex, and because Seiji's hands were warm, she felt very comfortable.

Well, I'm such a lolicon, Shengsi complained inwardly.

After rubbing Ayumi for a while, Seiji finally let go of his claws, the moment Seiji's hands left his cheeks, Ayumi still felt a little disappointed.

Seeing Ayumi standing aside with a blushing face, Shengsi said, "Ayumi, why are you here so early?"

"Ah? .. oh, because today is the first day of school, so you have to come early, didn't you come so early, Seiji?" Ayumi regained her senses and replied, but she dare not look at Seiji now eyes, her face is still red, very cute.

Uh. Such a simple reason, I am speechless.

And Seiji discovered that Ayumi actually called him Seiji directly, this is a name among friends, it means that Ayumi has already regarded him as a friend just now, children are so innocent.

"I came so early because...because" Seiji scratched his head and couldn't tell why. He couldn't tell Ayumi that it was because he remembered the wrong time. stupid enough.

Seeing Seiji scratching his head in a daze, Ayumi chuckled.

"It's so cute." Seeing Ayumi's appearance, Seiji Miyamizu couldn't help blurting out.

Ayumi blushed again.

After talking for a while, Ayumi has now completely forgotten about Seiji being a magician.

Time passed quickly, and everyone in the class had already arrived, and the head teacher Xiaolin Chengzi had already arrived.Seiji also got his wish and saw the fat Kojima Genta and Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko with slightly freckles on his face, and he discovered that Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi had known each other since kindergarten.

"Dingling bell" the class bell rang on time.

"Hi everyone, I am the head teacher of your class B in the first grade. I will be in charge of your studies this semester. My name is Xiaolin Chengzi. Please take care of me!" The head teacher introduced himself on stage.

"Okay, now it's time for everyone to introduce themselves. Every student has to come up to the stage to introduce themselves~ Let's get to know each other new students. Let's start with the first student here." Teacher Chengzi shouted loudly.

"Hi!" The students responded in unison.

Self-introduction was going on slowly, Shengsi was sitting in the middle back seat, it would take a while for his turn.

Sitting here can observe everyone in the entire classroom!It is worth mentioning that Ayumi is now his deskmate because of the conversation just now.It also made Yuantai and Mitsuhiko envious for a while.

A cute loli sits next to you every day, wow, every day is bound to be teased, and it's not bad to be a future wife, thinking about it, Shengsi's saliva is almost drooling.

"Shengsi. Shengsi will be here soon. It's time for you to introduce yourself on stage." Ayumi's sweet voice pulled Shengsi back from his fantasy.

Seiji thanked Ayumi and strode up to the podium.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Seiji Miyamizu. My hobby is reading. Please take care of me."

Behind Seiji is Ayumi. It turns out that the order of coming on stage is horizontal, and behind Ayumi are Mitsuhiko and Genta.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ayumi Yoshida, I like to sing and eat sushi, please take care of me."

"Hi everyone, my name is Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, I like watching Kamen Rider, please take care of me."

"Hi everyone, my name is Kojima Genta. My dream is to eat eel rice all over the world. I like eating eel rice. My hobby is eating eel rice while watching Kamen Rider. Please take care of me."

Afterwards, the teacher left the students in the class for half an hour to get acquainted with each other, and then school was over. The class will start tomorrow, and today is just a meeting for everyone.Within half an hour, Seiji was already familiar with Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko.

On the way to school.

Seiji found out that Ayumi and the others were on the way, so the four of them walked together.

while walking.

Ayumi suddenly leaned against Mitsuhiko and Genta mysteriously and whispered: "Genta, Mitsuhiko, let me tell you a secret, Seiji is actually a magician!"

"Wow, magician! Isn't that better than Kamen Rider? Can he turn into eel rice?" Motota shouted as soon as Ayumi finished speaking.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, the magician has half a dime relationship with eel rice, besides, have you seen the magician?

"Yuantai, you said it was so loud that the saints heard it. It's not a secret!" Mitsuhiko looked at Yuantai with a helpless expression. He was already a primary school student, and it was the same as when he was in kindergarten. He said it was a secret, and it was still so Say it out loud.

PS: Let me talk about the update here. There will be two updates every day in the future. The time is 12:30 noon and [-] pm. Also, please recommend and bookmark. Every bit of your support is a great encouragement to me. Newcomers are here Please take care of me.

(End of this chapter)

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