Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 4 The Magician Saint

Chapter 4 The Magician Saint

Seeing the teasing looks of these three people, Shengsi teased and said in a hoarse voice: "Since you have discovered this secret, I will eat you all!" The three schoolbags lifted the three of them up slightly.

Mitsuhiko was so frightened that he couldn't move, but Genta was yelling: "Don't eat me, I'll give you my favorite eel rice, okay?"

Looking at Ayumi again, she looked like she was about to cry.Seeing this, Shengsi quickly put them down and said with a smile: "I was just joking with everyone, we are friends, how could I eat you."

After hearing what Shengsi said, Mitsuhiko still looked scared, but Yuantai asked directly: "Then will you conjure eel rice?" He didn't take it seriously that he was going to be eaten just now.

Ayumi, on the other hand, cried.

Shengsi ignored Yuantai's ignorance problem, and saw Loli crying in front of his eyes, that's okay, use his trump card quickly!Shengsi quickly ran over to touch Ayumi's head and comforted him, "I'm sorry, Ayumi is good, Ayumi won't cry, brother Shengsi will buy you sweets later." Ayumi's crying weakened immediately Go down, but still sobbing.

This trick doesn't work either, it seems that the only way to do it is to use the ultimate nirvana.

"Ayumi, don't cry, my brother will take you flying with magic, okay, but the secret that I am a magician is the secret between the four of us, okay, no one can say it, you have to pull the hook!"

Ayumi stopped crying when she heard the words, and responded softly with a smile: "Well, Lagougou."

"We want it too! We want it too" Yuan Tai and Mitsuhiko immediately surrounded him when they heard this.

"Okay, come, come, let's pull the hook, hang ourselves, and not change for 100 years!"

"Also, Yuantai."


Shengsi said with a serious face: "In the future, it is forbidden to discuss whether magicians can conjure eel rice!"

"Oh, I see, so you can't conjure eel rice." Yuan Tai looked disappointed.I thought a magician could conjure my favorite eel rice.
Shengsi shook his head and said to the three people: "Okay, listen up, wait a minute, no matter what happens, you must not shout."

The three of them nodded like chickens pecking rice.

"Get ready, the countdown is 3, 2, 1" After shouting, Shengsi immediately wrapped everyone up with his thoughts, and then shot up into the sky with a 'swoosh'.

"Ah~ah~ah~" The three screams of being frightened by the sudden rise came out at the same time.Well, in fact, I already knew they would shout, so when the people on the ground looked for the reputation, they would only see a sonic boom circle left there because of breaking through the speed of sound.

In just a few seconds, the four of them landed firmly on a white cloud.

"Don't shout, it's already arrived, because I'm afraid of being discovered during the day, so I can only fly quickly, which frightens you, I will take you to fly slowly again someday, I am very sorry." Shengsi Said to the three who were still shouting.

The three of them froze for a moment, then Mitsuhiko and Genta ran away in an instant, looked around on the clouds, looked at the scenery of Tokyo below, and let out a cry of wow, ah, oh or something from time to time.It looks like they didn't hear anything that Shengsi said just now.

And Ayumi also looks like a curious baby, but probably because she is a girl, she is more reserved.

Also because it is summer, although it is not particularly cold at high altitude, the wind and everything are blocked by Shengsi's mental power cover.Now Shengsi's mental power range is about 80 meters in radius, and they are not afraid of them falling. When they reach the boundary of mental power, the mental power shield will block them to prevent them from falling.

Shengsi also casually admired the scenery and looked back to find that Ayumi was still circling in situ, the curiosity in his eyes turned into fear, it turned out that Ayumi had a little fear of heights.Even though she was very frightened, she stubbornly kept silent, presumably because she didn't want to cause trouble for everyone, after all, everyone was enjoying the scenery of Tokyo.What a kind girl, it is really distressing.

"Ayumi, come and see, Teidan Elementary School is so small." Mitsuhiko was calling Ayumi.And Genta patted Mitsuhiko and said: "Mitsuhiko, look, the eel rice in that shop is the best, I have eaten it before." Mitsuhiko was immediately attracted, and did not notice Ayumi's abnormality.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly walked over to Ayumi, and then hugged Ayumi tightly with open arms, leaning against her ear and softly said: "What's wrong with Ayumi, are you a little afraid of heights? Brother I will hug Ayumi tightly, don't be afraid of Ayumi!" Seiji really felt sorry for this kind girl.

Ayumi trembled all over when she was picked up, and when she saw who it was, she blushed, it was really embarrassing to hug me like this.Hearing what Shengsi said, Ayumi blushed even more, who is your little Ayumi.After thinking so much in her heart, Ayumi still whispered: "Ayumi is not afraid, but let's go down quickly, mom and dad will be worried if we go back late. Right, Shengsi."

"Let Genta and Mitsuhiko play for a while, and then we'll go home. I have to buy candy for my little Ayumi." Seiji scratched Ayumi's little nose and said.

On Yunshang, Seiji has been talking "shame" to Ayumi all the time, making Ayumi's face look like a fever, which never fades.

after a little while.

Genta and Mitsuhiko were tired from playing, and the four returned to the 'place where they took off' just now.

There was another scream when it flew down, well, I guessed it earlier, Shengsi looked helpless, so he had to leave here as soon as possible.

"Goodbye, Brother Shengsi." Ayumi kept shaking the candy that Shengsi bought her in her hand.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow, Ayumi." At the same time, she said narcissistically, "Shengji, you are really good!"It took just one day to upgrade from Ayumi to Ayumi, and from Seiji to Seiji!Not bad, he is a handsome guy.

On the way home, Shengsi hummed a ditty all the way, which was enough to see that he was in a happy mood.Ayumi Little Lolita's initial plan to conquer was successfully completed!

Under the influence of the power of thought, after a while, Shengsi arrived home.

"Mom, I'm back!" Shengsi opened the door and shouted, and then sniffed, it was the smell of sweet and sour pork ribs!
"School ends so early today, I'm making lunch for myself." A beautiful woman in an apron stuck her head out of the kitchen and shouted at Shengsi.Sure enough, my mother was cooking.

Shengsi took off his shoes and said to his mother when he passed the kitchen: "Yeah, today I just got to know each other with my classmates. I haven't eaten my bento yet." At the same time, he looked inside, knowingly asking Said: "Mom, what are you doing, so fragrant?"

"Don't you like to eat Chinese food? I just learned sweet and sour pork ribs. I plan to try it at noon. If it tastes good, I will make it for you at night!" Mom pampered Shengsi's head and said.

A few years ago, Shengsi told his mother that he likes to eat Chinese cuisine, and then his mother began to learn Chinese cuisine. After a few years, the recipes at home have become almost the same as Shengsi's previous life.Shengsi knows that all the changes made by his parents are because of him, so Shengsi cherishes this warmth very much!
PS: Please collect it!Please recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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