Chapter 5

Thinking of how kind his parents have been to him all these years, the corners of Shengsi's eyes moistened slightly.

When my mother was cooking, the corners of her eyes happened to look like Shengsi was about to shed tears. She hurriedly put down the things in her hands, then hugged Shengsi tightly and said softly: "What's the matter, Xiaosi, why are you crying all of a sudden?"

"I'm sorry, Mom, I made you worry. It's okay. I just suddenly feel that I am the happiest person in the world." Shengsi rubbed his eyes and said.

"Silly boy, it's all right, be good, put down your schoolbag, wash your hands and prepare to eat. Your happy mother is also happy." Mom patted Shengsi on the head and said.

"Well, then I'll go."

"Go, remember to wash your hands." My mother shouted seeing Shengsi leaving in a hurry.

After Shengsi went out, he didn't see his mother shed tears of happiness.

The meal was ready soon, and when my mother brought out the dishes, I saw Shengsi sitting at the dining table looking like a good baby after washing his hands.She couldn't help but smile, seeing her son so sensible, she was really happy!
In front of his mother, Shengsi is always like a real child, thinking of nothing but enjoying the pure maternal love, this feeling is very special and comfortable!

Lunch was finished soon, and the two talked about various topics during the meal, about dad's work, about whether today's food was good, and of course interesting stories about Ayumi and Motota.This lunch is very ordinary, but there is warmth in the ordinary.

"Mom, for the sake of being so obedient, take me to the amusement park this afternoon." Shengsi said coquettishly while helping his mother clean up the dishes.This was the first time he acted like a baby.After saying this, Shengsi's little face flushed slightly.

"Ah?! Did I hear correctly, Xiao Si! You actually want to go to the amusement park!?" Mom looked at Sheng Si in surprise. "It's amazing that you're still shy!"

It's really unscientific for Shengsi to want to go to the amusement park!In her impression, Shengsi is a little adult who can be at ease. He takes a bath by himself before the age of three, never pees his pants, and never lets himself worry.Also, Shengsi didn't like toys since he was a child, and he didn't like acting like a baby. It can be said that he didn't like everything that children like. Today Shengsi actually told her to go to the amusement park like a baby!It simply subverted her worldview!
Hearing his mother's astonishment, Shengsi felt even more embarrassed, and quickly waved his hands and said, "Forget it, forget it, I'm not going." Originally, he said the words on a whim, but now seeing his mother's reaction, Shengsi The corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, let's forget it.

"Go! Why don't you go? But today, my mother has to wash clothes and dry the quilt in the afternoon, so I don't have time. Maybe it's only a few days. When Dad rests, we will go together as a family, and it will be more lively for the family to play!" Mom's hand He was rubbing Seiji's head again, and his hair was messed up.

Somehow, I found Shengsi to be very cute today, but I couldn't help touching his head.Touching Xiaosi was actually shy, seeing his cute appearance, my mother couldn't help but kiss Shengsi hard on the face.

"That mom, let's go with dad in a few days, I'll go out to play first." Shengsi panicked for a moment, and ran away directly, really, it seems that mom hasn't kissed me since I was three years old, Why is my mother so enthusiastic today, it made my little heart thump.

Mom looked at Shengsi running away, covering her mouth and laughing non-stop, today's Xiaosi is really kawaii, I haven't seen him like this for a long time.

In a dilapidated warehouse not far from Didan Primary School, Shengsi was doing basic physical training.

This warehouse is Seiji's base in Tokyo. It has all kinds of training equipment, such as sandbags, treadmills, barbells, stretchers, etc., and of course weapons, such as pistols, sniper rifles, grenades, bombs, etc. have!It is simply a small arsenal.

Of course, all of these things were obtained by his other identity - the god of death, but some things were 'borrowed' by himself through his mind.

There are also bases like this, Shengsi has as many as seven or eight around the world.

Shengsi has come here to train himself every few days since he was five years old. Although Shengsi is only six years old now, his strength is no less than that of an ordinary adult. The method he used to train.

This kind of training method is very unique, with a kind of medicinal bath, it will not burden the child's body, nor will it leave any impact on future growth.

Three hours later, Seiji finished his training.

Dragging his body covered in sweat, Shengsi flew into a large vat full of medicated baths. The medicated baths in this large vat are an ancient formula - bone broth!A miraculous formula known to Shengsi in the previous life by virtue of his identity in the organization.

This medicated bath uses 36 kinds of precious medicinal materials, which are crushed according to the proportion, stewed slowly over medium heat, and then put into warm water at a constant temperature after the medicinal effects are fully integrated.

This medicated bath costs more than 1 US dollars once!Of course, the medicinal effect of this medicated bath is also worthy of its price.

Whenever Shengsi finished training, when the pores of his body opened and the cells cheered, he would soak in them for about an hour.

After soaking, Shengsi felt very comfortable and full of energy. His fatigue was gone, and even the bruises from the training just now were gone.It has the effect of strengthening the body, and this medicated bath also has a certain effect on the maintenance of the skin.

Shengsi also used this medicated bath on his parents, so now his parents are getting older and younger!Thinking of Shengsi taking baths with his mother from the time he was born to the age of three, he blush thinking about it now.

After soaking in the medicinal bath, Shengsi changed into the original set of clothes. He would change into special clothes every time he trained. He didn't want to go home in sweaty clothes. It's hard to explain, so he made a few sets of training clothes.

After the training, Shengsi casually bought some vegetables at the nearby vegetable market and went home.

When I got home, I found that my father had returned, so I told him about going to the amusement park together in a few days, which made my father as surprised as my mother for a while.He even smiled and said, "Xiao Si, you finally look like a normal person~"

It made Shengsi roll his eyes.

After chatting with Dad for a while, it was time for dinner.

The family had a warm and sumptuous family banquet, and there were endless Chinese dishes on the table, as if my mother was going to cook all the dishes she knew today.As for why today?No reason, happy!
After eating, Dad reads the newspaper alone, sips tea and so on.And my mother and Shengsi watched TV and whispered between the two of them, what a harmonious family life
PS: Please support the new book!Fengyun is here to thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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