Chapter 6 Chef
The next morning, Shengsi got up early in the morning. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he helped his mother make lunch together. He started to learn to cook by himself when he was four years old. Shengsi's cooking skills are in the eyes of his mother. is nice.

After a while, after the bento was ready, Seiji took the bento and went out.

Seiji was walking on the way to school with a look of excitement, he was going to see my Ayumi soon, just thinking about it makes me happy.After walking for a while, Seiji saw Ayumi in the distance on the way to school.

"Hey, Ayumi, what a coincidence, let's go together." Seiji watched Ayumi approaching from a distance, deliberately stood at a corner and waited for Ayumi to come, and then pretended that he had just come here.

Ayumi saw that it was Seiji who greeted her, or called her Ayumi, as if she remembered something.Ayumi's little face turned red in an instant, and then she said timidly to Shengsi, "Brother Shengsi, let's go together."

Without saying a word, Shengsi took Bumei's little hand and walked towards the school. Bumi only struggled a little and found it was useless, and was held by Shengsi's warm little hand all the time.

Due to the constant exercise, Seiji is a head taller than Ayumi, and now Seiji is holding Ayumi like a brother and sister.

On the way from here to the school gate, Ayumi didn't speak, her face was always red, and she kept her head down. Her heart was beating so fast. Brother Shengsi's hands were so warm. It was a joy to be led away. ah!
Along the way, Seiji didn't speak, but quietly held Ayumi and squeezed Ayumi's little hand from time to time.

After a while, the two walked to the door of the classroom. At the door, Ayumi broke free from Shengsi's palm and walked into the classroom first. Shengsi was stunned for a moment, and then followed with a smile on his face.

Walking into the classroom, I found that it was already full of people, and Genta and Mitsuhiko had already arrived. It seems that today is the first day of formal class, so everyone came earlier.

Shengsi, who never went to school seriously in his previous life, now going to school is also a novel experience for him.

Time passed quickly as Seiji and Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta discussed the topic of Masked Rider, and the class bell rang soon.

Well, this class is really boring, Seiji will be bored after a while.After reading all the first-grade textbooks with her head tilted for a few minutes, Seiji began to talk to Ayumi. Ayumi who was serious in class was also led by Seiji.

Seiji who interrupted Ayumi's study felt a little guilty, but he was really bored.Also, talking to Ayumi feels so fun, looking at Ayumi's cute face, it seems like a kiss
Time passed while Seiji and Ayumi whispered.


Ayumi, Seiji, Genta and Mitsuhiko sat around a piece of grass.

"Dangdangdang, the bento I brought is eel rice." Yuan Tai said proudly holding up his bento.This kid is really poisoned by eel rice. Seiji also tasted eel rice when he came to this world, the taste is not bad, but like Genta. MDZZ
Mitsuhiko and Ayumi brought ordinary bento, a few pieces of sushi and some dishes they often eat. This combination is one of the commonly used bento combinations in Japan.

However, what Shengsi brought was Chinese cuisine, which was exuding a strong aroma after being heated in the microwave just now.

Most Japanese bento can be eaten without heating, of course, there are some that need to be heated, such as Seiji's stir-fried vegetables, and today Genta's eel rice is also heated!However, the aroma of the eel rice was not as rich as the stir-fried vegetables in Shengsi's hands.

"Shengsi, your bento smells so good. What is it? It feels so rich." Immediately, the three of them gathered around, and the three of them were drooling as they talked.

"This is Chinese cuisine! This is braised fish cubes, this is stewed eggplant, this is fried pork with chili, and this is fried lettuce! My mother made them for me this morning~" Shengsi gave his steps like a few treasures Mei they introduced.There was a sense of pride in the tone, no matter how you look at it, Shengsi is showing off at this time.

"Chinese culture is about learning to share. Nuo, let's try my mother's handicrafts." Shengsi looked at the three drooling little cats and hurriedly moved the bento in front of him.

In just a few minutes, there were only a few seasonings and peppers left in the bento box that Shengsi brought, and [-] to [-]% of the amount went into the stomachs of the three of them.

You know, my mother knows that Shengsi eats a lot, so the lunch boxes prepared for Shengsi are three times the amount.

Seeing the three contented children patting their bellies and belching in front of them, the corners of Shengsi's mouth twitched slightly.Really 'cruel'!

"Shengsi, your bento is really delicious!" Mitsuhiko looked at Shengsi with admiration.

"Yeah, it's even tastier than my eel rice." Yuan Taibian said and gestured with his fingers.This look is really cute.

Ayumi said with a calm face: "This is the best Chinese food I've ever eaten. Aunt Yexiang's cooking skills are awesome!"

"Where is it, why don't you come to my house as guests this afternoon, and I will entertain you with the best Chinese cuisine." Seeing their enthusiasm, Shengsi invited them.

"Really? That's great!" Yuantai and Mitsuhiko cheered. "Did Shengsi do it for us?" Only Ayumi carefully discovered the details of Shengsi's words.


Seiji smiled and nodded.

"What?! So it was Seiji who cooked Chinese food for us? That's really amazing! Hahahaha."

Genta and Mitsuhiko reacted a little slower.

"Then it's settled, everyone must come to my house to play in the afternoon, and there will be a surprise at dinner!"

"It's amazing, Seiji, you can cook so many Chinese dishes."

At Shengsi's house, the table was full of dishes at this time, compared with the family dinner last night.The dining table was also full of people, besides Seiji's family, Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko.The sentence just now was exactly what Mitsuhiko said.

Just three hours ago, Ayumi was the first to come to Seiji's house, and then an hour later, Genta and Mitsuhiko were together, and finally the meal was half done before Dad went home.

I told my mother before that I want to cook by myself, so after Seiji started cooking, it was my mother who had been entertaining Ayumi and the others, and the three of them had already gotten to know their mother well.Aunt Yexiang was long, and Aunt Yexiang was short, screaming with joy.

Not long after his father came back, Shengsi cooked all the dishes. This was the first time that Shengsi showed his cooking skills in front of outsiders.

The three of them got acquainted with their father again in a short while. Children are always carefree and have no restraint in front of adults. They can say whatever they want.

"Okay, Mitsuhiko, don't praise me anymore, I'll be embarrassed~" Shengsi has been praised by Mitsuhiko this afternoon, and now he is praised by him again, which makes him feel embarrassed.

Seeing this, Dad also smiled and said to Mitsuhiko: "Mitsuhiko, you are also great, your knowledge of insects is richer than mine."

"Oh really? Thank you Uncle Junye for your compliment." Mitsuhiko rubbed his head with embarrassment.

Shengsi has been pouring drinks for everyone just now, and now he has finished pouring.After seeing Shengsi return to his seat, my mother clapped her hands and said, "Okay, let's start eating, otherwise the food will be cold!"

"Okay! I'm going to start!" Everyone said in unison.I have long been hooked by the aroma, and I can finally eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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