Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 7 Tropical Paradise

Chapter 7 Tropical Paradise
After a while, all the food on the table was wiped out in the scramble of the crowd. In Japan, it is a kind of affirmation to the host to finish the food served by the host, and such delicious Chinese food is even more important. Rob!
After the meal, everyone was full of praise for Shengsi's craftsmanship. It was the first time he was praised by so many people. Shengsi kept stroking his head with a smile, a little carried away.

After dinner, Shengsi gathered everyone together and said mysteriously: "I said at noon that I have a surprise for everyone, now is the time to tell the surprise!"

Mom and Dad just smiled and said nothing, they already knew about it, and Shengsi told them as soon as they got home.

Hearing that Seiji said there was a surprise, Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko all looked at him expectantly and curiously.

"Listen well, the surprise is that I will take everyone to a tropical paradise this weekend!" Shengsi smiled at them.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" Three shouts came out at the same time.

"Tropical Paradise! I've wanted to go for a long time"

"That's it. Originally, I planned to tell you that we would go together this weekend."

"Great! I want to ride a roller coaster! It was really exciting to play a roller coaster last time!"

The three of them immediately chatted lively after hearing this.

"Okay! Then it's such a happy decision!"

Soon it will be the weekend.This week, Shengsi didn't do anything, so he went to the base twice for training, and then the night before last, he accepted a mission and killed a fat man!
What is worth mentioning is the daily teasing of Ayumi.

The progress of this week is that Ayumi is now calling Sheng Si brother Sheng Si in front of everyone~
It seems that Ayumi has become dependent on me, and even likes me!Seiji thought narcissistically.

At this time, tropical paradise.

Mom and Dad watched Seiji and Ayumi running to the side holding hands, and they felt helpless in their hearts.Genta and Mitsuhiko ran straight to the amusement park and went crazy, and now they didn't even see a shadow, and Xiao Si and Ayumi walked with them for a while, but they walked together again just now.Now only the two of them are left in a daze.

In fact, the appearance of Seiji and Ayumi has always been watched by their parents, and they fell in love so early. Let them go, Xiaosi.
"Husband, let's go play together. It's been a long time since I came to the amusement park, I really miss it." Seeing the two children walk away, the mother said to the father.

Dad heard the words with a look of reminiscence on his face: "Yes, I still remember your birthday that year, and I brought you here once!"

"Yeah, let's go, now we are playing once!"

The two talked and laughed and walked towards the other side.

Ten minutes later, two men in black walked over where Mom and Dad were standing just now.A tall, silver-haired man with an eye dangling from the corner of his mouth, those cold eyes were scanning everything around him.

And the other one is strong, wearing a pair of sunglasses, looking around from time to time.

I saw the two talking with each other here for a while, and then walked towards the direction of the roller coaster together.If Shengsi was here, he would definitely recognize these two as gin and vodka!

"Brother Shengsi, look, Genta and Mitsuhiko are over there, so let's go and play with them." Ayumi pulled Shengsi, pointing at the two people who lined up at the entrance of the roller coaster.The two played with the carousel and the big pendulum just now. It's true that girls of Ayumi's age like the merry-go-round, but the big pendulum. I really don't understand it.

Shengsi heard the words and looked over there, but then he was stunned.Gin?Vodka?washing machine?Xiaolan?It was the four of them who were lined up not far in front of Yuantai and Mitsuhiko.

Looking at this scene, it seems that Shinichi will become smaller today and Conan will appear, Seiji thought.Then someone will die later, I seem to remember that this person died on a roller coaster, and it seems that his head was chopped off!Such a bloody scene should not be seen by children!

Seiji was held by Ayumi as he walked there and thought about how to leave first. After all, he didn't want to leave any shadow on Ayumi's mind in such a bloody scene. Ayumi is Seiji's pre-determined future wife!You have to take good care of it.

After the two walked over, Ayumi talked with Mitsuhiko and Genta, discussing what they had just played.And Shengsi has been observing the four people in front of them.

Gin and vodka are really murderous!But it's still not enough for me!Shengsi's mouth is slightly upturned, which is the expression Shengsi makes every time he feels that everything is under control.

Xinyi was showing off his detective skills to Xiaolan, using some details to deduce that the woman in front of him was a gymnast.Seeing his excited look, he didn't even know that he would turn into a child in a while.

"Shengsi, you haven't spoken all the time, isn't it because you are afraid of riding a roller coaster?" Yuan Tai asked as she watched Shengsi keep silent and looked at the front.

Yuantai's words pulled Shengsi back from his thoughts. "Ah? How is it possible? Why am I afraid of roller coasters?"

"That's good, let's go, let's go, we will be there in a while."

"Huh?! So fast?" Shengsi was distracted for a while, now there are only a few people in front, and they will be there soon, Shengsi remembered that the deceased was among them.He had to find a way to sit in front of them, otherwise it would be bad for Ayumi to see the dead.

Ah, there is.

"There will be a dolphin show over there later, you won't be able to see it if you go late~" Shengsi attracted Ayumi and the others' attention.

"Wow, the dolphin show, let's go quickly." Ayumi said happily.

"But we've been waiting in line for so long, and we're almost here soon, what a pity, why don't we go after we've finished sitting here, it'll be a while." Mitsuhiko suggested.

Seeing this, Shengsi said in a timely manner: "Then let's find a way to sit here first, you look at me."

"The big sisters and big brothers in front, can you let us sit first, because we want to watch the dolphin show over there later, but that show is about to start, so please." Shengsi could only start his He's so cute, who told him he's a cute kid now.

Several people turned around after hearing the words and found Shengsi and the others.

"What a cute kid, it's okay to be in front of us, isn't it Shinichi?" Xiaolan squatted down and touched Shengsi's head, she was directly defeated by Shengsi's cute little face.

The two men in black didn't say a word, as if they had nothing to do with them. In Shengsi's eyes, they were pretending to be coercive!
"In this case, let you go first. It's okay for us to sit down." Said the woman who seemed to remember the murderer.

And Shinichi turned his trademark dead fish eyes and muttered in a low voice: "What a nasty brat."

Although Shinichi's voice was very small, it was still heard by Seiji, so...
PS: Newcomer Fengyun, please recommend, please collect!
(End of this chapter)

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