Chapter 8

"Then thank you all." Shengsi and the others hurried to the front, and when passing by Xinyi, Shengsi deliberately stepped on his instep.

"I'm really sorry, I accidentally stepped on my big brother." Shengsi hurriedly bowed and said "apologize".No one saw the smug smile of Seiji who bowed his head, telling you to speak ill of me, so be happy now.

Xiaolan, a kind-hearted girl, quickly said, "It's okay, isn't it Shinichi?"

Seeing what Xiaolan said, Xinyi could only say embarrassingly: "Yeah. Hehehe!" No wonder, you little brat, you dare to step on me!
At this moment, the roller coaster came over, Seiji, Ayumi and the others hurriedly got on it, what the hell!There are actually eight seats.After they sat down, two more strangers came over, and the other two were gin and vodka!This kind of plot is wrong, forget it, don’t care, anyway, as long as my Xiaomei doesn’t see bloody scenes, it’s fine.

Soon, the roller coaster was over, looking at Ayumi who was still excited beside her.Seiji feels: The person sitting next to me may be a fake Ayumi!

"Brother Shengsi, let's go to the dolphinarium!" Ayumi said sweetly to Shengsi with a calm expression in an instant.

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched, woman, turning faces is really faster than turning pages.
"Well, let's go."

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's about to start." Yuantai and Mitsuhiko had already stood at the exit and waited for them.

Halfway through the dolphin show, listening to the sound of sirens in the distance, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly, and everything was under control.
A few hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the sky was getting dark. The four of them met their parents an hour ago, and then played some things together, but everyone was tired from playing at this time.
"Mom and Dad, take Yuantai and the others back first, I'll play alone for a while!" Shengsi said to his parents.

Seeing Genta and Mitsuhiko lying on the bench and falling asleep, Shengsi felt a little funny, telling you to run so happily all day, and now it finally stopped.And Ayumi was quietly held by her mother in her hand, but she looked like she was about to fall asleep.

My family is beautiful, although I am a bit bold, other things are still okay, the main thing is being cute is enough!Shengsi thought evilly.

Dad and Dad are very relieved of their son, "Since you want to play, go ahead and play, then let's go back first." Dad picked up the two people on the bench, with Yuantai in his left hand and Mitsuhiko in his right. , don't look at my father's thin and weak appearance, in fact, he is very promising!

"Bye, Brother Shengsi." Ayumi waved to Shengsi in a daze.

Ayumi's confused appearance made her mother snicker, "Sis, it's really irresponsible to leave Ayumi behind." My mother also hugged Ayumi and whispered.

"Goodbye." Shengsi watched them leave and waved.

Of course, staying alone is not to continue playing. The real purpose of Seiji is to see if the plot will change, and whether there will be Conan in the end!

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and Shengsi walked to a corner where there was no one, and with his thoughts, he flew into the air.

In just a few minutes, Shengsi found Xiaolan in the air, and she was standing there alone with an anxious look.Shengsi casually scanned around and found that Shinichi was not there. Looking at it like this, it seems that the plot has not changed much, Shengsi thought.

Finding a corner and descending, Shengsi quickly walked towards Xiaolan.In fact, Sheng Siman likes Xiaolan, a girl. Of course, this liking is not love, but pure liking.

Shengsi, who has seen Conan, knows how pitiful Xiaolan is. Her mother ran away from home, and her father never took care of things, so all the burdens of the family were on her alone, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, going to school, and tidying up. Housework, etc. In addition, Xiaolan has to bear the pain of lovesickness alone after Shinichi becomes Conan.Kind-hearted, helpful, and considerate of others, all his sufferings are hidden in his heart and endured silently by himself.

So Seiji likes this girl very much.

"What's the matter with you, big sister? Where's the big brother with you?" Shengsi asked Xiaolan knowingly.

Xiaolan looked at the kid who was coming over, thought for a while, and then said: "You are the kid I saw when I was riding the roller coaster, you said Shinichi, he said he has something to do over there, I'll wait here he"

"Is that big brother called Xinyi? It's really disgusting that you want big sister to wait for him here alone." Shengsi said angrily.Then he seemed to think of something, "Oh, by the way, my name is Seiji Miyamizu, what's your big sister's name?"

Seeing Shengsi's appearance, Xiaolan smiled and said, "So it's Shengsi. My name is Mao Lilan. You can call me sister Xiaolan." Much better, really, Xinyi, that big idiot, didn't come back for so long, and didn't answer the phone calls, which caused me to wait for so long. When he comes back, he must teach him a lesson!
"Sister Xiaolan, I'll accompany you to wait for brother Xinyi to get well, anyway, I have nothing to do now." Shengsi said innocently.

"Shengsi waits for Shinichi with me, but is this okay? Aren't your parents worried about you?"

"It's okay, mom and dad said I'm playing around here, come pick me up later, and I'm also very happy to accompany sister Xiaolan~"

"So that's the case, then let's go over there and sit and wait together." Xiaolan took Shengsi's little hand and walked to the bench by the roadside.

"Oh, by the way, what does Shengsi want to eat and drink? Sister Xiaolan will buy it for you." Xiaolan rubbed Shengsi's head and said with a smile.At the same time, I thought to myself: This child Shengsi is not only understanding but also lovable, so cute!
"I want a strawberry sundae and black forest cake!"

A few minutes later, Seiji was eating a strawberry sundae in his left hand and a Black Forest cake in his right.And just a few minutes after Xiaolan left, Shengsi had already found Xinyi. When he went, he found Xinyi unconscious on the ground, and not far away was the gin and vodka that had just left.

After going to check the situation, Seiji returned to the bench.

"Thank you sister Xiaolan, these are delicious!" Shengsi said cutely after eating.

"You are welcome to wait for Xinyi with me. I also want to thank you. Alas, it has been almost an hour, but Xinyi hasn't come back yet, so he probably has already gone home." Said Xiaolan's face It fell down.

"That brother Xinyi is such a bad boy, he ran home without telling sister Xiaolan! The next time I see brother Xinyi, I will step on him again to vent my anger on sister Xiaolan!" Shengsi said angrily, saying He talked and made the motion of stepping on things.

When Xiaolan saw Sheng Si Mengmeng's appearance, she suddenly smiled, "Then let's go back, don't wait, maybe Xinyi has already arrived home, when I see Xinyi, I must teach him a lesson, even Shengsi's This counts too~"

"Well, sister Xiaolan, you can go, I still have to wait for my mother to pick me up."

"Oh, then I'm leaving, bye."

"Sister Xiaolan, goodbye"

Seeing Xiaolan walking away, Shengsi let out a heavy breath, really, it's really tiring to pretend to be a child to make Xiaolan happy, and I think I'm going to reveal my secrets if I keep pretending.

As for Shinichi, oh no, he has to be called Conan now, so just ignore him, anyway, just know that the plot has not changed, anyway, he will definitely not die
PS: It will be Chinese New Year and it will be very busy, so it will be updated every day from tomorrow to the tenth day of the new year. The update time is around [-]:[-] pm. I am really sorry... Also, Fengyun hereby wishes everyone a happy new year!Please recommend!Ask for collection!
(End of this chapter)

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