Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 9 The Piano Room

Chapter 9 The Piano Room

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when Shengsi returned home, he ate something quickly, after a few sets of punches, he took a shower and fell asleep, Shengsi was indeed a little tired today, Ayumi and the others ate at Shengsi's house After dinner, they were sent back to their respective homes by mom and dad.

I heard from my father that after sending Yuantai home, Yuantai's father gave him a few fish in Yuanci. It seems that there will be fish to eat tomorrow.

Today is Monday, when Seiji came to school, Ayumi was discussing yesterday's experience with Genta and Mitsuhiko, seeing their happy faces, Seiji also showed a smile on his face.This kind of pure friendship between children was never experienced by Shengsi in his previous life. Shengsi who grew up in an orphanage experienced only bullying, contempt and competition, so Shengsi cherishes this hard-earned friendship now. Innocent.

Shengsi also joined the lively discussion, and the laughter of the four of them from time to time attracted the attention of many students.

Classes will start soon, and the first class is math class
Seeing the one plus one taught by the teacher, Seiji decisively chose to continue to whisper to Ayumi.

Time passed quietly while Seiji and Ayumi were chatting and laughing, and soon, the whole morning passed. After eating bento, Seiji and Ayumi came to the piano room of the school.Speaking of this, I still have to talk about the elementary school system in Japan.

In Japan, the first and second grades of elementary school only need to go to class in the morning, and school is over at noon, and the senior grades have to take a class in the afternoon before school is over, but generally they can finish school before three o'clock.And what do you do in the afternoon?There are many clubs in elementary school. You can choose one or more clubs to join according to your preferences. You usually play in the clubs in the afternoon.

Clubs generally have gatherings every day. This kind of gathering does not mean having a party, but playing together.And Ayumi applied for a piano club and a singing club, and of course Seiji also applied for the same as Ayumi.Yuantai and Mitsuhiko Seiji only knew that they signed up for a football club, but they didn't know anything else.

Seiji and Ayumi came to the piano room this afternoon.

"Brother Shengsi, there is no one in the piano room." Ayumi looked in the room and found that there was no one there.

"That's not good, Ayumi, hurry up and practice."


Because it is an elementary school, there are only two pianos in the piano room in the school, and there are usually queues to use them when there are people.Fortunately, no one is there.

Ayumi quickly practiced on a piano.

(an ellipsis indicates that a period of time has elapsed)
Finished one song.

"Ayumi is awesome!" Seiji praised with a smile while clapping his palms.This is not what Shengsi is exaggerating, Ayumi's piano is really good, it is definitely very strong in this grade!It must be because I have learned piano since I was a child.

Ayumi was a little shy when she heard the words: "I'm still far behind Brother Shengsi, brother Shengsi, let's talk about it too."

"Well, okay, let me talk about "Ode to Joy" for Ayumi, and wish Ayumi happy forever."

"Thank you Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi responded happily.

In his previous life, Seiji didn't know why the Killer Organization taught him to play the piano, but now he knew it was to make Ayumi happy.

Shengsi finished playing "Ode to Joy".Before Ayumi had time to applaud, she was attracted by a burst of applause from the door.

Seiji looked back and found a senior female classmate and a woman who looked like a teacher standing there, and the two were applauding for Shengsi.

"Okay! Well played! Hello, my classmate. My name is Miyai Noka. I'm a vocal teacher in class B of the fourth year. What's your name?" The teacher-like woman said.

"Miyai-sensei, my name is Seiji Miyamizu, and her name is Ayumi Yoshida, both students of class B of the first year." Seiji said quickly, and Ayumi bowed slightly at the same time when St. Ayumi was named.

"So it's Seiji-san and Ayumi-san, and this is Ozawa Kana, a student in Class B of the fourth year," Miyai-sensei introduced with a smile.

The girl named Ozawa Kanna said quickly: "My name is Ozawa Kanna, nice to meet you, please give me your advice."

"Nice to meet you, too."

"Oh, by the way, the song "Ode to Joy" you talked about just now, Seiji, is really nice, and the talk is also very good! Are you interested in participating in the Tokyo Children's Piano Competition? I believe you can get a good ranking!" Gong Teacher Jing said with a smile after watching several people getting to know each other.

At the same time, Miyai thought to himself: Seiji-san's piano is better than his own, at least he can't play it to that level, Seiji-san is really a genius!If Seiji also participates in the competition, then our school will have two contestants, Kanai and Seiji!
When Shengsi heard Mr. Miyai say that he was asked to participate in the competition, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Thank you for your invitation, Mr. Miyai, but I am not interested in participating in any competitions, Mr. Miyai, sorry."

"What's the reason for not going? You know, it's very easy to get a place in the competition based on the level of Shengsi's "Ode to Joy"!" Teacher Miyai asked doubtfully.

"I can't tell you the specific reason. Anyway, I won't participate in the competition. I'm really sorry." Just kidding, it's much worse to save the good time to play with Ayumi. It's a waste of time to go to some piano competition.

If Mr. Miyai found out that Seiji didn't want to go because of this, he would probably vomit three liters of blood.

"That's a pity." Teacher Miyai sighed.

Seeing this, Shengsi said in a timely manner: "Then Ayumi and I will leave first, Mr. Miyai, and Miss Kanai, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Teacher Miyai felt that it was a pity that Seiji did not participate in the competition.

On the other hand, Kanna-san's eyes glowed with blazing light, Seiji-san is really strong!
Get out of the piano room.

Ayumi quickly asked, "Brother Shengsi, why don't you go to the piano competition?"

"That's because I want to play with my Ayumi, and I don't have time to go~" Seiji said, scratching Ayumi's Xiaoyao's nose.

Ayumi blushed immediately, and whispered: "Brother Shengsi hates it, when did I become your Ayumi. Really." In just one sentence, Ayumi's attention was caught by Shengsi. Why didn't he go? The competition has shifted to whether she is Seiji's brother Ayumi or not.

Shengsi rubbed Ayumi's little head and said, "It's always been! Let's go, I'll take you to play in the sky."

Ayumi blushed and was carried into the sky by Seiji.After several flights, Ayumi is no longer afraid of heights.Well, at least he is not afraid of heights when Shengsi is by his side!

Looking at the scenery of Tokyo, talking with Ayumi, the whole afternoon passed quickly.
After sending Ayumi back home, Seiji also went home and had a casual dinner before going straight to the base for training. Today's training has not been done yet, it's only because Ayumi is so charming, who Call Shengsi a lolicon?I believe it won't be long before it becomes normal to hug Ayumi
PS: Fengyun is here to wish everyone a happy new year!May all go well with you!Also ask for recommendations, please collect!

(End of this chapter)

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