Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 10 Transfer Student Conan

Chapter 10 Transfer Student Conan

It will be Tuesday in a blink of an eye, and today is a day that Shengsi is looking forward to. If you guessed correctly, the washing machine children's shoes will be turned around today.

I believe that if he saw that the kid who stepped on his foot in the tropical park a few days ago was his classmate, his expression would be very funny!Shengsi thought evilly.

Waking up early, Seiji seized the time to show up downstairs at Ayumi's house with his small schoolbag on his back. This was agreed yesterday, and Seiji will come to pick up his little Ayumi to go to school every day at this time. !

Ayumi lived in an apartment building, and Seiji counted it, and it was about the thirtieth floor.

After a while, with a 'click' sound, the door downstairs opened, and Ayumi jumped out wearing a pink princess dress.

Seeing Ayumi's cute appearance, Seiji gave her a 'boom' directly on the face.

"Brother Shengsi really knows how to bully Ayumi." Ayumi said shyly.

"Okay, isn't this the first day Brother Shengsi picked up Ayumi to go to school? This is exciting hahaha" Shengsi looked stupid.

"Don't do this next time. I heard people say that if you are kissed too much, you will become pregnant. Brother Shengsi, do you think I will be pregnant with your little baby?" Ayumi said nervously.

Upon hearing this, Shengsi immediately said: "Of course not now, but when I grow up I will!"

"That's good. Mom said that Ayumi can only conceive when she grows up. That's okay. Brother Shengsi, let's go." Ayumi patted her chest and exhaled.

Hearing what Ayumi said, Seiji laughed so hard that his stomach hurts.When he got to the classroom, Seiji could still laugh for a while when he recalled it, making Ayumi roll her eyes.

Classes will start soon.Sure enough, as Seiji guessed, Conan really came.

At the door, Teacher Xiaolin came in with a kid in blue.

"Our class has a new student today, and his name is Conan Edogawa." The two stood on the podium, and Teacher Xiaolin pointed to Conan beside her.

"My name is Edogawa Conan, please give me your advice."

Well, Conan is finally here, it will be a lot more interesting in the future, Seiji looked at Conan and thought.

And Conan on the stage thought in his heart: From now on, he will be with a group of brats every day, how should he live this day, alas, isn’t that the brat who stepped on my foot a few days ago?And those few. They won't be so unlucky, they are in the same class
The moment Conan saw Shengsi, he stuttered in his self-introduction, which shows how much impact Shengsi had on him.In fact, Shengsi had used a little strength that kick that day, but the washing machine was not easy to attack in front of Xiaolan, and no matter how painful it was, he had to bear it himself.

"Then where is Conan sitting?" Teacher Kobayashi asked, looking at the empty seats in the classroom.

"Teacher, I'll just sit there!" Conan pointed to the seat behind Shengsi. At the same time, Conan thought in his heart: Damn little devil, see if I won't kill you in the future!How dare you step on me, how abominable!

Originally, Seiji's row of seats was the last row of the classroom, but now that there is an extra Conan, Conan can sit in the last row alone.

Teacher Kobayashi brought Conan over and left, and then the Chinese teacher came in, and the students finished the class patiently curious about the new students.

Ayumi has been discussing with Seiji how to be good friends with Conan in class.Now Ayumi took the initiative to talk to Seiji in class, alas, this little loli was really spoiled.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Conan was surrounded immediately.

Conan, who just woke up from his sleep when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, was startled when he saw a group of children surrounding him, "You little brats, what are you doing around me?!"

"Aren't you a kid too? What's the air?"

"Why is Student Conan like this? You're not friendly at all."

"It seems that Conan is still not used to the transfer life, let's make good friends with him and help him." This is what Ayumi said.

As soon as Conan finished saying that sentence, he was attacked by mouth bombs, during which Conan replied a few words without knowing the situation.In the end, half of the get out of class time has passed, and the students’ impression of him has changed: Conan is really boring, talking to him feels like talking to mom and dad, and I don’t even know what Kamen Rider is, so I won’t play with him in the future .
Looking at the people who were slowly dispersing, Conan showed an expression of success in plotting. There should be no little ghosts to bother me in the future, and I can sleep peacefully in the future.Well, I'm such a genius to get rid of the brats with a little trick!ah ha ha ha ha
Seeing Conan's proud look, Seiji was a little upset, so, "Conan, your pants fell off." Secretly, Seiji pulled Conan's trousers down a little with his thoughts.

Hearing this, Conan quickly lifted up his pants, and looked at Shengsi with an embarrassed expression, "Thank you, this classmate." Conan wanted to call Shengsi's name but he didn't know it. Not only did he not know Shengsi's name, in fact Conan now except I don't know anyone's name except the teacher in charge is Xiaolin Chengzi
Seeing Conan's embarrassing expression, the students in the class couldn't stop laughing, and Seiji also snickered.

Really, I'm already in the first grade, and I can't even wear pants well, what a brat!Probably still wet the bed, the students thought.

Conan felt the world was in darkness, and at the same time, he was puzzled, how could it be possible that the pants were not put on properly?I'm obviously dressed
Just then, the class bell rang.

The students all returned to their seats, and then slowly the classroom sounded "one plus one equals two, one multiplied by one equals one"

Seeing the excited faces of the students in the classroom, Conan roared in his heart: It's so boring~
On the way to school.

Conan looked helplessly at the four people quietly following behind him: "Come out, you've been spotted a long time ago."

Seiji follows Ayumi and the others to play a small game of stalking Conan. It's really exciting. Well, it's boring enough, but it's very exciting!You know it's Conan!
Think about it, Conan!Conan yeah.It's just Conan. What's so exciting, it's just a kid who likes to roll his eyes.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem so exciting.

While Seiji was thinking about it, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko were standing next to Conan and started talking.

"Conan, my name is Yoshida Ayumi, my name is Kojima Genta, and my name is Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko. We want to be good friends with you, please give me your advice!" The three said in unison, and the loud voice made Conan A little flustered.

Seeing this, Shengsi who was walking behind also said: "Hello, Conan, my name is Gongshui Shengji, please take care of me." Shengsi deliberately added a little accent to the word please.

I've wanted to say hello to Conan for a long time, but now I'm with Ayumi and the others, I don't feel awkward at all.I feel cute.

PS: On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Fengyun is here to wish everyone a New Year!I wish you all good health, happiness every day, and big money!Also, please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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