Chapter 11 Dr. A Li
Conan looked at the four people in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. These four brats are really clingy, "Okay, we are good friends now, you guys go home, I'm going home too, see you tomorrow!" Conan At this moment, I don't want to stay too long, I'd better get rid of them and go to Dr. Ali's house, I don't want to be friends with the boring kid.

But Ayumi was not as good as he wanted, "Since we are good friends, then you should invite us to your house as guests!"

"Ah?! That's it, but it's inconvenient today. I still have things to do." Conan stopped turning his body and waved his hands quickly. Now he is going to Dr. Ali's house, how can he bring a group of little ghosts with him? .

"You kid, how dare you not listen to Ayumi." Seeing that Conan dared to reject Ayumi, Genta quickly rolled up his sleeves with a vicious look on his face.

"Yuantai, don't be so rude." Guang Yan persuaded.

"Oh, really? Am I being rude?"

"Okay, Genta, stop making trouble. Since Conan is inconvenient now, let's wait for the next time." Ayumi said to Genta, and as soon as Ayumi finished speaking, Genta instantly turned into a little cat.

Mitsuhiko looked at Yuantai standing there quietly at this time, as if it was just an illusion.

"Goodbye, Conan-san."

"See you."

Seeing Conan walk away, Ayumi looked regretful.

But after Conan walked away, Ayumi turned her head and excitedly said to Shengsi: "Brother Shengsi, take us to the sky and see where Conan is going, okay?"

"Yes! Yes! We are in the sky, and Conan will not find us."

Shengsi knew that they would not give up, "Okay, let's fly~"

Several people followed Conan in the sky to Dr. Ali's house.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Dr. Ali put down the tea in his hand after hearing the knock on the door and said to Conan: "I'll open the door, Xinyi, you just play by ear!"

Conan nodded, and at the same time wondered: Is it Xiaolan who is here at this time?Or black clothes. The organization is here! ?Thinking of this, Conan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Also, Conan didn't think about Shengsi and the others at all, because when he came to the doctor's house, Conan was afraid that some little ghosts would continue to follow him, so he paid special attention to the back, and there was no sign of them at all.

More than a minute after the doctor went to the door, Conan was wondering why the doctor had opened the door for so long.

Dr. Ali's voice came from the door: "Conan! Conan come here quickly. I'm looking for you!"

The doctor is calling me, could it be that Xiaolan is here?With doubts, Conan came to the door.

"Student Conan, we asked you to play." Yuan Tai shouted with a loud voice and a smile on his face.At the same time, the other three showed their white teeth.

Conan looked at the group of children in front of him and his mouth twitched. You guys are really good. If you can follow me, I will lose.

On the sofa of the doctor's house, Seiji and Ayumi sat on one side, and Conan and the doctor sat on the other side.

As for Mitsuhiko and Yuanta, I just heard from the doctor that there is a video game in the next room, and they are probably playing hard now!
"Conan, is this your home?" Shengsi asked while drinking coffee. Dr. Ali introduced them to each other at the door just now, and they are familiar with each other now.

"No, this is the doctor's house. As for me, I'm staying at sister Xiaolan's house." Conan waved his hand, as for the doctor's house.

The doctor also quickly explained: "Yes, Conan is the child of my distant relatives. He just came to Japan. Since it is inconvenient for me to take care of the child by myself, I let him stay at Xiaolan's sister's house."

"Oh, that's how it is." Ayumi looked suddenly enlightened.

"Is the sister Xiaolan you are talking about big sister Mao Lilan?" Shengsi asked innocently.That cute face makes people look like they want to kiss. Shengsi found that after staying with children for a long time, he has become like a child. Now he can express himself naturally without any special pretense. On the innocent side, although he was originally a child.

"That's right, it's Mao Lilan, Shengsi, do you know Xiaolan too?" The doctor looked at Conan suspiciously and said.

"Yeah, the last time I was in Tropical Paradise, I saw Sister Xiaolan by the side of the road, so I went up to say hello, we knew each other at that time, Sister Xiaolan said she was waiting for Brother Xinyi, so I waited with her .”

"Oh, that's how it is"

"If you ask me, that brother Xinyi is really a bad boy. He made sister Xiaolan wait for so long, and sister Xiaolan was almost crying." Shengsi said angrily, and at the same time seemed to think of something, "By the way, Conan, You live at Sister Xiaolan's house, do you know that Sister Xiaolan found Brother Xinyi in the end?"

Conan heard Shengsi say that Xiaolan was waiting for him to cry, and yesterday Xiaolan held his hand and said confession words to Shinichi, at this time Conan was silent in his memories.Hearing Shengsi asked if he found Shinichi, Conan suddenly panicked: "I don't know, sister Xiaolan didn't tell me, but brother Shinichi lives next to the doctor's house, right doctor?" Conan put the ball Kick to the doctor, let the doctor say.

Seeing Conan's eyes open and talking nonsense, Seiji secretly thought it was funny.

"Yeah, the new family is right next to me, but I haven't seen him in the past few days. I guess he has something to do. I remember that the new one seemed to tell me that he had something to go recently." Dr. A Li His eyes were dodging endlessly, and he looked like he was lying.

This kind of acting skills can only fool children, well, the doctor has succeeded!Seiji looked at Ayumi next to him, and he completely believed in that. Seiji rolled his eyes helplessly.

It seems that the acting skills of the doctor in the previous life were trained in this way.

Several people discussed Shinichi and Xiaolan again. After drinking the coffee in their hands and visiting the doctor's house, Conan bid farewell to the doctor.

Seiji also dragged Genta and Mitsuhiko, who were reluctant to part with video games, and Conan left the doctor's house. Before leaving, the doctor secretly gave Conan something, and Seiji knew that it was Conan's important prop - the voice-changing bow tie.

Just now at the doctor's house, Conan agreed to take them to Xiaolan's house to play.Because it was proposed by Shengsi, and he still knew Xiaolan, so there was no other way. In fact, it was a matter of time, so Conan readily agreed.

It turned out that Shengsi didn't know how far the doctor's house was from Xiaolan's house, but now that he knew it, it took more than half an hour for everyone to get there.

During the period, Yuantai still wanted to say why Shengsi didn't take them to fly, but fortunately Shengsi quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and at the same time whispered: "We can't let Conan know yet."

Really, Yuantai has such a big mouth, Shengsi thought helplessly.

Looking at the big characters of Maori Detective Agency, Shengsi felt very friendly. As the place with the highest appearance rate in "Detective Conan" in his previous life, many stories happened in this place, and Shengsi had little expectations for this place.

PS: It was posted earlier today, and it will be posted at [-] o'clock until the tenth day of the lunar new year, and please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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