Chapter 12
Everyone walking on the stairs happened to meet Xiao Lan who was going downstairs to throw out the trash.

"Conan is back, are these all your classmates? Huh? Seiji!" After Xiaolan greeted Conan, she found Seiji's classmates among the crowd.

When Xiaolan saw Shengsi, she immediately dropped the garbage in her hands and hugged Shengsi, and at the same time said, "Why are you here, Shengsi? Are you and Conan classmates?"

"Yes." Shengsi was hugged by Xiaolan in front of his chest, a little breathless, but this feeling is really good
Seeing this, Ayumi was a little jealous, and hurriedly spoke to show her presence, "Brother Shengsi, is he sister Xiaolan?"

Shengsi has been hugged and unable to speak, Xiaolan let go of Shengsi after hearing Ayumi's question: "Yes, I am Mao Lilan, you can call me sister Xiaolan." After Xiaolan finished speaking, she quickly opened the The door, "Everyone is Conan's friend, let's go in first and then talk."

After Shengsi walked into the door, he took a few seconds to scan the whole room. It was not as messy as imagined, and it was still within the acceptable range.But then Shengsi looked back at the bag of garbage that Xiaolan put at the door, so it was so.
Apart from the environment of the room, Seiji immediately saw Mori Kogoro who was drinking beer and watching Miss Yoko's TV station.

Uncle Maori never took his eyes off the TV, let alone noticed them coming in.

"Dad! There are guests at home! Really, I just finished cleaning!" Xiao Lan shouted at Uncle Mao Li, and then found the garbage on Uncle Mao Li's table.

When Uncle Mao Li heard Xiao Lan's shout, he glanced at it, and then said nonchalantly: "Isn't it just a few brats and a little rubbish?" Then he continued to watch his TV.

Watching Uncle Maori say 'Miss Yoko! ', Xiaolan turned her head and said to everyone: "My father is like this, don't worry about him, you go and play over there, come over after I throw away the trash, Conan greets them~",

"Okay, sister Xiaolan." Conan responded.

Everyone followed Conan and walked inside, while Xiaolan went out to throw out the trash.

"This is where Conan lives, it's not bad, but that uncle just now looked bad." Ayumi said with a frightened face after sitting on the chair in the living room.

"Yes, yes, he is not a good person at first glance!" Yuan Tai also echoed.

Conan rolled his eyes. Although that uncle is really bad, he is still a good person.

Shengsi turned his head to look at Uncle Mao Li, he was watching TV excitedly, he didn't know that someone was talking bad about him at this time.

After sister Xiaolan came back from throwing out the trash, Shengsi and the others had already visited the whole room under the guidance of Conan.

The second floor is for offices, and the third floor is where Xiaolan and the others live. The layout is very simple, but it looks very comfortable.

"How about Conan, did you show your friends around?"

"It's all over, sister Xiaolan."

Shengsi saw Xiaolan coming, so he asked knowingly: "Oh, yes, sister Xiaolan, did you find brother Xinyi later?" In fact, Shengsi regretted it after asking this question. Xiaolan recalled that there was nothing else to do but to be sad.

Sure enough, Xiaolan looked sad for a while when she heard the words, and then said in a low voice: "No, the phone is always turned off when I make a call to Xinyi, and I went to look for it at home. There is no one. If it wasn't for Dr. They've probably already called the police."

"Okay, let's not talk about the big idiot Shinichi, he should be back soon, let's talk about other things, such as the story of Conan's first day at school and you, making friends so quickly, and I don't know your names yet." Xiao Lan said with a forced smile.

"My name is Yoshida Ayumi, my name is Kojima Genta, and my name is Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, please give me your advice." The child was easy to coax, and he became acquainted with Xiaolan immediately.

Several people were discussing about school lively
Shengsi would tell jokes from time to time to make everyone happy, but Conan didn't say a word.

"What happened to Conan? Why didn't you speak?"

"It's nothing, sister Xiaolan, I'm just thinking about going to school today."

"Okay, then I won't go back to eat today."

"OK Bye Bye."

Ayumi hung up the phone in her hand.

"Okay, since everyone called their parents and told them to eat at my house, I'll go out and buy vegetables and cook a delicious meal for everyone!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Sister Xiaolan, wait a minute, I'll go with you, I can pick up the food for you!" Shengsi looked at Xiaolan expectantly.

"Okay then, Shengsi will follow me, you can watch TV and play games at home, Conan, you have to greet them~" Xiaolan nodded, and then explained.


"Then I will go out with Shengsi, bye."


Going down the stairs, Xiaolan took Shengsi's little hand and walked towards the vegetable market.

After arriving at the vegetable market, Shengsi found that Xiaolan only bought some affordable vegetables, and bought very few of the more expensive ones.You must know that I bought such good dishes today because I invited them to dinner, which shows what Xiaolan usually eats.

He knew that Xiaolan did this to save money, and the whole family wanted her, a 16-year-old young girl, to bear the burden. Learning to save money is inevitable, what a poor child
On the way home from shopping for groceries, Shengsi took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Xiaolan, "Sister Xiaolan, this is a gift from me, please accept it as our gift card." The meal fee for eating here, the password is 0520"

"Then how can I do it? I was supposed to entertain you, and besides, you helped me carry the food." Xiaolan quickly shook her head and refused, but she was thinking in her heart: Why is the password 0520?Does Shengsi know my birthday?How is it possible, it must be a coincidence.

"Sister Xiaolan's cooking skills must be great. We will come here often for meals in the future. Please accept it, sister Xiaolan." Shengsi had prepared this card for Xiaolan a long time ago, and it contained enough $1000 million!I believe that Xiaolan's food can be improved, and I don't have to live a life of saving as much as I can in the future.

"Since this is the case, then I will accept it, thank you, Shengsi." For some reason, Xiaolan felt that she was being cared for in front of Shengsi.Xiaolan doesn't know how much money is in the card yet, if she knew, she would definitely not accept it, it's 1000 million US dollars!In this day and age, 100 million US dollars can make a person live comfortably for a lifetime, and 1000 million US dollars is estimated to take several lifetimes for a family to use up!
After this episode happened, Shengsi and Xiaolan returned home after completing the grocery shopping task gloriously.

Looking at the people at home who were waiting to be fed, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly.

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(End of this chapter)

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