Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 13 Miss Yoko's Commission

Chapter 13 Miss Yoko's Commission

With Shengsi's help, sister Xiaolan quickly prepared dinner.

The dinner table.

"I didn't expect Shengsi to cook, it's really amazing." Xiaolan gave Shengsi a thumbs up.With Shengsi's help, this meal was really much faster.

Ayumi saw Xiaolan praising Shengsi brother, and said quickly: "Yes, Shengsi brother can also cook delicious Chinese food, isn't it Yuantai?"

"Yes, Shengsi's dishes are even more delicious than eel rice." Yuantai compared the shape of an eel rice with his hands.

Conan looked at Shengsi with a look of surprise, this kid can still cook delicious Chinese food?I really can't see it.
Uncle Mao Li interrupted rudely: "It's definitely not as delicious as my Xiaolan's cooking." The smell of alcohol made everyone look at him in disgust.

"Father! You can eat with peace of mind! I'm sorry, Shengsi, my father is like this, don't take it to heart." Xiaolan glared at Uncle Mao Li, then looked at Shengsi and apologized.

"It's okay, I didn't take it to heart at all."

"You kid has a big tone, it's really disgusting!" Looking at Uncle Mao Li's tone at this time, he probably hasn't sobered up yet.

"Thank you for the hospitality. It's really delicious. I'm so full! It's all over."

The meal was finished in no time. To be honest, Shengsi, Xiaolan's cooking skills are really good!The Japanese dishes made are very flavorful.

After dinner, several people played around at Xiaolan's house for a while, and then Shengsi bid farewell.

However, just as they were about to leave, there was a knock on the door.

Uncle Mao Li stood near the door. He opened the door and said to the outside: "Today, Mao Li's office is closed. If you have something to do, please come early tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Uncle Mao Li saw who was coming. Well, it seems to be. Miss Yoko!So Uncle Mao Li asked nervously: "Is it possible that you are Miss Yoko Okino?!"

"Yes." Yoko Okino who was standing at the door responded crisply.

"No way, Dad's idol has come to our house?" Xiaolan was surprised.

"It's really sister Yoko, I saw it on TV." Ayumi said with affirmation.

"Really, really!" Genta and Mitsuhiko were stunned.

"I have something to ask you." Okino Yoko said.Hearing this sentence, Uncle Maori rushed into his room at an inhuman speed.

While Uncle Mori was changing his clothes, everyone got to know Yoko Okino and his manager, Mr. Sakae Yamagishi, at least they both knew their names.

After a while, I saw Uncle Maori in a suit gently opening the door, then leaning slightly against the door with a rose in his mouth, "You seem to have something on your mind? Miss Yoko."

Ms. Yoko was shocked by Uncle Maori's outfit, and replied in a daze, "Yes."

To be honest, Uncle Maori looks so handsome now!No wonder Ran's mother, Eri, is obsessed with him.

"Kamen Superman has transformed," Mitsuhiko whispered.

Just like that, the handsome Mori Kogoro and Ms. Okino Yoko sat on the sofa and talked seriously.Shengsi and the others also stopped here and did not leave. To be honest, the attraction of a star is very big for children, and everyone was reluctant to leave.

Soon, Uncle Mori figured out what Miss Yoko had entrusted.

It turned out that Ms. Yoko had been receiving some inexplicable photos recently, and she also found that someone was watching her, and sometimes she received phone calls that kept silent.So Ms. Yoko commissioned Uncle Maori to go to her home to investigate this matter!

At the end of the conversation, Uncle Maori asked Ms. Yoko to fill out a form, and asked the big star to sign for him with a serious face. Seeing Uncle Maori's excitement when he got Ms. Yoko's autograph, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched.
When it was time to leave, Xiaolan asked Uncle Mao Li to take everyone with her to see a big star's house. Everyone wanted to go to such a good thing.

Uncle Mao Li agreed after thinking for a while, but said: "You little devils, be honest with me when you get to the place, don't make trouble!"

"But, it seems that I can't sit down, because I only drove a small car." Okino Yoko's manager said at this time.It made Uncle Maori embarrassed for a while.

"Ah, so that's the case, then let's not go." Xiaolan disappointed.

"What a pity"

"It's okay Yamagishi, they are all children, I can hug one and squeeze them together." Okino Yoko looked at everyone's disappointment and said.

"But." Mr. Sakae Yamagishi was still hesitating.

"It's nothing, it's decided like this! Let's go." Okino Yoko interrupted Yamagishi Rong.

"Yeah!" The crowd cheered.

In the end, the seats on the car are like this. Uncle Mori sits in front alone, Miss Yoko is holding Ayumi, Ran is holding Conan and Seiji, and Mitsuhiko and Genta are sitting together. Since Genta and Mitsuhiko are young Children, so it is not crowded.

After a ten-minute drive, everyone came to Miss Yoko's apartment building.

"It's right here, it's really the place where Ms. Yoko Okino lives!" Uncle Maori said flatteringly.

But Uncle Mao Li's flattery accidentally patted the horse's leg, and after seeing Uncle Mao Li finished speaking, Yamagishi Sakae hurriedly said, "Please keep your voice down, because it's a secret that she lives here."

Uncle Maori touched his head in embarrassment.

After everyone got out of the car, everyone looked around and sighed and walked into the elevator of this building. In the elevator, after pressing the 25th floor, Uncle Mao Li kept looking for Miss Yoko to make friends.Seeing Miss Yoko's smiling face, Seiji couldn't help sighing: An actor really deserves to be an actor.
The elevator soon reached the 25th floor, and everyone was amazed at the night scene outside the window when Miss Yoko opened the door.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"Yeah, it seems like you can pick up stars if you reach out~"

"Ah!~" Just as everyone sighed, Miss Yoko who went to open the door screamed.

Everyone immediately ran over.

Seeing that Ayumi was about to run over, Shengsi quickly grabbed Ayumi and said, "Don't look, there are dead people!"

"Ah, dead man, then don't go to see it." Ayumi buried her face in Shengsi's arms in fright, and Shengsi took advantage of the opportunity to hug Ayumi tightly, looking like she had succeeded in her trick.

Except for Ayumi and Shengsi, everyone else stood at the door in a daze, as if they were frozen.After a while, Uncle Maoli came to his senses and said: "Mr. Sakae Yamagishi, please call the police, and everyone else should not go in, keep the scene of the first crime!"

After a while, the police came.Looking at the leader of the group of policemen who came over, the corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched slightly, he is really a fat police officer, at least five times bigger than Yuan Tai!
PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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