Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 14 The Murder Case in the Idol Secret Room

Chapter 14 The Murder Case in the Idol Secret Room

Oh, what about Yuanta?Oh, here it is!Shengsi looked towards Yuantai and found that Xiaolan was comforting Yuantai and Guangyan who were so frightened that they were paralyzed on the ground.

It's funny to think about it, the two ran over happily, thinking there was something interesting, but they didn't expect it to be a dead person!As a result, he sat here paralyzed in fright.

Mitsuhiko watched Seiji and Ayumi walking towards him, and asked with a puzzled look, "Why are you two okay?"

"You said the dead people in the room, we didn't look at them at all, so don't be afraid! Looking at you now, it's fortunate that Brother Shengsi reminded me, otherwise." Ayumi said innocently.

"Oh, you didn't watch it, no wonder you are not afraid, if you read it, you will be scared too, Seiji." Genta said to Seiji after listening to Ayumi's words, and explained why along the way The reason why I was so scared that I couldn't move was not because I was timid, but because it was too scary!

Seeing Yuantai's appearance, Shengsi felt a little funny, and shook his head, "Yes, I'm so scared." Children, just coax them.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched slightly as he watched the people asking and answering questions, the kid was indeed a kid!Um? !No. How could Shengsi know that there was a dead person inside without knowing it?Could it be?Impossible, how could Shengsi be the murderer?He is just a child, besides, he has no motive for committing the crime, the two people he doesn't know at all, and he has no time to commit the crime!But how did he know that there was a dead person inside?

So Conan hurriedly said: "Shengsi, student Shengsi, how did you know in advance that there was a dead person inside? You must know that you have been outside and never entered before?"

"Yeah, how did you know, Shengsi?" Xiaolan also asked with a puzzled face, and she also wanted to know the answer.

"Because...because" Shengsi was stunned, should he have thought that Conan would ask?How to explain it?You can’t tell them that this is an anime world. I’ve seen your anime so I know it. Seiji didn’t watch much of Conan in his previous life, but he still watched the first few episodes. It’s probably because of his power, Seiji The memory is excellent, although he has watched it for a long time, but he can still remember the appearance of it.

So he remembered the plot of this episode. It seemed that the title of this episode was Murder in the Idol's Secret Room.

How should I explain it to them?well!Have!Shengsi already has an idea!

"That's because, I'm a detective. Because I've read a lot of reasoning books, I'm also a detective now. Like the frightened scream that Miss Yoko made just now, it's in the anime, no, it's in the novel Generally, it is the scream that can only be made when you see something terrifying, and Miss Yoko just stood there in shock after making the sound, so in summary, there is a high probability that you saw a dead person." Shengsi said in a few seconds. I immediately thought of a reasonable explanation, and I admired my talent for a moment, but I almost slipped my mouth just now, but fortunately, I came back later.

It's interesting to think about being a very powerful detective beside Conan's children's shoes. Every time Conan is struggling to find clues, Seiji finds the murderer at the speed of light!Presumably Conan will kneel and lick when he sees Shengsi's powerful appearance, um, I will do this in the future!

There is only one truth in front of my famous detective, Shengsi, and you are the drum washing machine!Think about it, when Shengsi said this to Conan in the future, his expression must be very exciting!hey-hey
After listening to Shengsi's words, Xiaolan immediately felt that he was very powerful, and quickly praised him: "Shengsi, you are really good! You can reason all of this out."

"That's right? Brother Seiji is the best!" Ayumi grabbed Shengsi's hand with a happy expression on her face. In her eyes, she is the best brother Seiji!
"Wow, Shengsi, you are really amazing!" Genta and Mitsuhiko had already bowed down.

Conan, on the other hand, looked like he was thinking about it. I really couldn't tell that the saint who usually looked like a child was so powerful!If these are all his reasoning, then Shengsi's reasoning ability must not be underestimated!What a genius, he is so powerful at such a young age just by reading reasoning books!

As for whether it is possible for Shengsi to take medicine and become smaller like him, how is it possible?I remember that the man in black who fed him the medicine said that he had never done human experiments, so he was the first to take that kind of medicine, and the time was not right.

"Where is that?" Shengsi looked embarrassed, but he laughed wildly in his heart, ahahaha!Conan is a little bastard, just worship and admire me obediently from now on.

While the few people were talking, the police had already inspected the scene, and Shengsi said, "Okay, the police uncle has already secured the scene, let's go in, and watch me solve this case!" Shengsi looks confident!
"Ayumi, wait outside if you are afraid." Shengsi urged.

"Brother Shengsi is here, Ayumi is not afraid!"

Seiji smiled and patted Ayumi's head, "Okay, let's go in!"

After everyone entered, they noticed the abnormal temperature and couldn't help saying: "It's so hot in here, why is the air conditioner turned on so high?"

"You little devils, what are you doing here? This is not the place for you, go out and play!" Uncle Mao Li couldn't help but said when he saw Xiaolan walking in with a group of children.

Seeing Uncle Mao Li like this, Xiao Lan quickly said, "Dad! We're not here to make trouble, Shengsi said he can solve this case~"

"Oh, is that so? It's this kid called Shengsi? What big talk!" Uncle Maori came over and stared at Shengsi's face with a very suspicious look.

"Yes!" Shengsi was a little flustered when he was stared at, but his heart was full of slander, what, every time you say the murderer is definitely not the murderer!Feel free to say me.

"Really, Dad, how could you scare him like this?" Xiao Lan saw Uncle Mao Li staring at Sheng Si and hurriedly hugged Sheng Si.

Uncle Mao Li had tens of thousands of hairs running through his heart, I just looked at him from a close distance, which is also called scaring him, am I so ugly?Xiaolan, are you my own?
When Uncle Mao Li was heartbroken, Xiaolan continued: "Shengsi said that he had read a lot of reasoning books, and just now he knew there was a dead person inside with Miss Yoko's scream outside the door, that's worse than your father." It's going to be great!"

"What? How could this brat be stronger than me? It's just a coincidence!" Uncle Mao Li already felt that Xiao Lan was really not his own!

"It sounds very powerful, so let them come in, isn't there a detective like you anyway? Right, brother Maoli!" Police officer Mumu hurriedly said when he saw Uncle Maoli like this, really, let them Talking here, how can you continue to solve the case?As for the child detective Shengsi, it doesn't matter to let them come in to play, as long as they don't touch the corpse.

When Uncle Maori heard that Police Officer Mu Mu said that he was a detective, he immediately touched his head in embarrassment and said, "Where is it, then you all come in, and don't make trouble with the brats!" But Brother Mu Mu can really talk!

PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!Also, the update time will be changed to 12:30 noon in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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