Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 15 Detective Saint

Chapter 15 Detective Saint

Xiaolan walked aside with a few people, "What, Dad doesn't believe me."

"It's okay, sister Xiaolan, just wait until I find the evidence to solve the case, and they will believe it in the future." Shengsi comforted.

Seiji found out that Conan had been... well, since when did he have a magnifying glass? !
I saw that Conan was taking a magnifying glass to observe a puddle of water not far from the corpse.

Seeing his earnest expression, it must be an important clue. Shengsi thought about it, and it seems to be a clue!
Seiji remembered that the knife on the back of the murdered man was frozen with ice cubes and placed there!
Seeing Conan's seriousness, it seems that I have to pretend and tell the truth quickly!
After thinking so much, Shengsi said to Xiaolan and the others: "Look, Conan also wants to play detective games with me!"

When everyone heard the words, their eyes immediately focused on Conan.

Looking at Conan again, he looked at them in embarrassment after hearing Seiji's words.

"That's right, I'm playing detective games too!" Conan was sweating slightly, but luckily he didn't say anything, I'm just a kid now!

"You little brat! Don't mess around with the dead body! Go to Xiaolan's place!" Uncle Maori saw what Conan was doing near the dead man, so he punched Conan on the head. There was a big bag!
"Oh, I see." Conan returned to Xiaolan and the others in frustration.

Xiaolan pulled Conan aside and rubbed his head while squinting at Uncle Mao Li.

"Ah~ It seems that Conan's detective game has been ended by Uncle Mori!" Mitsuhiko said with a disappointed look at Conan.

Seeing this, Shengsi coughed, straightened his clothes and said, "Next, it's my turn to pretend... Oh no, it's my turn!"

"Come on, Shengsi!" The crowd encouraged.

"Come on, Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi looked expectant.

Seeing everyone's anticipation, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly, which is really interesting.

Conan also sat next to Xiaolan and looked at Shengsi expectantly. Although he thought in his heart that Shengsi could not have that kind of reasoning ability, what if?So he wanted to know whether Shengsi had real talents or learned on paper.

Not to mention them, Shengsi had already turned around in the room, looking left and right, and picked up something from time to time.It looks like a real detective game!
Conan couldn't help being a little disappointed seeing Shengsi like this, so he just took a look at it casually, it seems that Shengsi really just regarded it as a fun game.

After a few minutes.

"I already know who the murderer is!" Shengsi shouted.

Conan, who continued to search for clues because he regarded Shengsi as a game, suddenly raised his head, and his eyes shone brightly!Did they really find the murderer?Or just kidding?
Uncle Mori, who was blindly identifying Mr. Yamagishi as the murderer, also looked at the reputation, and Police Officer Megure and Miss Yoko also looked back at Seiji.

After Shengsi saw that everyone was paying attention to him, Shengsi coughed, and then his childish voice slowly sounded throughout the room! "The murderer is not Mr. Yamagishi, nor anyone else, because this is not a homicide case! It is a suicide!"

Seeing that Uncle Mao Li was about to refute, Sheng Si quickly said: "Everyone, don't worry, I will explain the reason right away!"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked like 'please continue your performance'.

Uncle Mao Li also quietly swallowed the words to refute, intending to listen to Shengsi first.Police officer Mu Mu looked thoughtful, did this kid named Shengsi really know?probably not
When Conan heard Seiji say that this case was not a homicide but a suicide, at this moment, all the clues in Conan's mind were connected together. It turns out that if it is a suicide, then everything can be explained!Shengsi is really amazing!It seems that student Shengsi is really a genius, to deduce that this person committed suicide so quickly!

"First of all, the knife on the back of this person was inserted vertically into the back of the deceased. The reason is that the water next to the deceased was stained. It used to be a large ice block, and the knife was frozen by the deceased with ice and then went up vertically. Put it here!" Shengsi said while pointing to the water stain next to the dead body, and everyone's eyes moved in the direction he pointed.

Conan nodded secretly when he heard what Seiji said, which was exactly the same as his own reasoning.

"Then the prisoner stood on the chair and fell down with his back facing the knife, and then his back hit the knife, causing a homicide appearance. Since the deceased had turned on the air conditioner in advance, the ice melted quickly, It is what it is now! There is also a dent in the floor where the handle of the knife was pressed by gravity. Also, this hair must have been taken from the dead man’s hand by Mr. Yamagishi and fell off by accident!” Seiji pointed to the chair next to him, then took out a hair he picked up on the ground from his pocket and said to Mr. Yamagishi.

Mr. Yamagishi just wanted to explain something, Seiji waved his hand and interrupted: "It's true that this hair belongs to Ms. Yoko, but it's just that the deceased wanted to look like she was killed by Ms. Yoko, a person who was stabbed to death from behind. It is impossible for a person to grab the assailant's hair with his backhand." Seiji's tone was extremely serious.
"So that's how the whole thing happened! I've finished reasoning about this case, and it's as expected in the reasoning book." Shengsi put on a cute expression in an instant.

Shengsi's appearance at this time was in huge contrast with the serious reasoning appearance just now, and everyone couldn't react for a while.
"Wow, Shengsi, you are so good!" Xiaolan quickly picked up the cute Shengsi, with a look of joy on her face.

Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko also surrounded and cheered.

Conan curled his lips, this guy is really good, but why is he so powerful, I am so upset!

Police officer Mumu and Uncle Mori hadn't recovered yet, but Miss Yoko quickly asked, "Then why would he rather commit suicide than frame me?"

Shengsi struggled in Xiaolan's arms, turned back to Miss Yoko and said, "Then you have to ask yourself, um, yes, and" Shengsi took out a gold earring from his pocket, "And this I The owner of the strange earrings I just found under that sofa!"

"This is Ms. Yuko's earrings?! Why are they here?" Miss Yoko asked in surprise.

Then things became simple, the police found Miss Yuko, and after some conversations, the truth of the matter came out.

A few days ago, Mr. Yamagishi's spare key was stolen by Ms. Yuko. With the key, Ms. Yuko came to Ms. Yoko's room several times to find gossip information. Because of jealousy, Ms. Yuko wanted to use this to make Miss Yoko's reputation change. Smelly!

When I entered Miss Yoko's room for the last time, I didn't expect that the deceased would follow Miss Yuko into Miss Yoko's room, and the man directly rushed at Miss Yuko. The reason falls here.

And the person who jumped at Miss Yuko was Miss Yoko's boyfriend in high school. That person thought Miss Yuko was Miss Yoko, so he wanted to talk to her. Hate for causing such a farce.
PS: Detective Shengsi is here for recommendation!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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