Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 16 Girlfriend Xiaolan

Chapter 16 Girlfriend Xiaolan

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when they returned to the Mori Detective Agency, and everyone was already tired at this time. Xiaolan asked Conan to take a shower and sleep first, and then sent Ayumi, Motota and Mitsuhiko back with Seiji After leaving home, he actually planned to send Shengsi home first, but Shengsi said he wanted the last one.

On the way back, Xiaolan took Shengsi's hand and walked slowly on the deserted road.

"Shengsi, do you know that Shinichi is also a very good detective? I believe that Shinichi can solve today's case very quickly. He is as good at reasoning as you! But he has not heard from him for several days. Now, where is Shinichi now?" Xiaolan looked at the moon above her head, as if she was talking to Shengsi, but it was more like a soliloquy. Has been covered with crystal tears.

Shengsi knew that Xiaolan was worried about Shinichi again at this time, seeing the moist corners of Xiaolan's eyes, Shengsi didn't know how to comfort her.

When Shengsi was training as a killer in his previous life, he never trained how to deal with girls crying, because dead people don't cry!But the situation is different now, plus Seiji seldom has such close contact with girls, so Seiji has the least resistance to girls crying. Last time when Ayumi cried, Seiji even had the secret that he could fly I told her everything, seeing Xiaolan looking like she was about to cry this time, Shengsi didn't know what to say.

"Well, sister Xiaolan..." Shengsi pulled Xiaolan's hand.

"What's wrong? Shengsi." Hearing this, Xiaolan quickly wiped her tears with her hands, then squatted down and touched Shengsi's head with a smile on her face.

"That?...That Xiaolan, actually I...I like you!" Shengsi looked at Xiaolan who was close at hand, and Shengsi hugged her. Since it was the first time to hug a girl like this, Shengsi was very upset. nervous.

At this moment, Xiaolan is not that powerful karate master, nor is she a girl who is strong in front of her father, but a little girl who needs the care of her big brother.

Xiaolan stared at Shengsi who was hugging her tightly, and was taken aback for a while, then she gently protected Shengsi with her backhand, and said with a smile: "Yes, I like Shengsi very much too!"

"Then Xiaolan is my girlfriend now!" The corner of Shengsi's mouth flickered playfully, if he said Xiaolan was his girlfriend in front of that brat Conan, how would he react?Ah ha ha ha ha, it's funny to think about it!The tense body suddenly relaxed.

"En, huh?! Nani?! What are you thinking, Shengsi? Thinking about such things at such a young age! Also, do you know what a girlfriend is?" Xiaolan agreed vaguely at first, and then found out that there was something No, he reacted instantly, and asked with a flushed face after letting go of Shengsi.

One second passed, two seconds passed, and three seconds passed. Shengsi didn't speak, but just looked at Xiaolan with a smile on his face. Xiaolan's blushing was also quite cute.

Xiaolan also didn't know what to say for a while, the two stared at each other
Just when Xiaolan was thinking about her words and was about to continue preaching with Shengsi, Shengsi suddenly spoke.

"I know girlfriends! Girlfriends are people who need to be loved and cared for. Don't let her get hurt a little bit, don't let her worry about herself, let her be happy every day! This is a girlfriend!" St. Si said innocently.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Xiaolan fell into silence and didn't say what she was going to say.

It turns out that this is how Shengsi sees his girlfriend!Being Seiji's girlfriend must be very happy, but Shinichi
"Xiaolan, you have already promised me to be my girlfriend just now, anyway, I don't care, you are my girlfriend from now on!" Shengsi suddenly kissed Xiaolan's face, and then didn't look back Sa Yazi ran quickly, and ran away in a short while.

Shengsi was really scared just now, afraid that Xiaolan would suddenly come to him, you must know that Xiaolan is a 'Humanoid Tyrannosaurus'!
Just now, Xiaolan was still in deep thought, and then she was suddenly kissed by Shengsi. In a flash, Xiaolan realized that Xiaolan looked at Shengsi Xiaolan who was fleeing in the distance and quickly shouted: "Oh! When will I Agreed?! You kid, I must educate you well!"

When Shengsi heard this, he turned around and made a grimace, and continued running, "Anyway, you have already promised me, I don't care, you are my Shengsi's girlfriend! I can't run away for the rest of my life! I will come to Didan High School tomorrow. Class B is looking for you~"

Xiaolan watched Shengsi run away slowly, and there was a voice echoing in her ears, two red clouds appeared on her cheeks, somehow, listening to this kid Shengsi's words, she still felt a little warm in her heart, as if for the first time. This is the first time someone cares about me like this.

Alas, Seiji seems to say that he will come to see me tomorrow. But how does he know my class?Regardless of these, what if he really comes tomorrow? ! .what to do? !After thinking in situ for a while to no avail, Xiaolan had no choice but to walk home.

Along the way, Xiaolan wondered whether Shengsi would go to school to find her tomorrow, and when she finally got home, Xiaolan was a little bit looking forward to Shengsi coming to school tomorrow!This kid, Shengsi, is really different!

After Xiaolan walked into the Maori Detective Agency, at a corner of the alley, a small figure slowly walked out.

Of course this is Shengsi, how could Shengsi let a girl walk alone at night?
So, he pretended to leave, and then quietly followed, oh no, to protect Xiaolan to go home.After all, Xiaolan is now Shengsi's legitimate 'girlfriend'!

Shengsi just said this to Xiaolan just out of fun and to divert her attention, but now that he thinks about it, he dared to say such a thing to a girl!

Thinking of this, Shengsi's little face flushed slightly.

Now that I have said such things, I must give Xiaolan a surprise tomorrow!By the way, you can also get to know Suzuki Sonoko's children's shoes.

Shouting Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, Shengsi walked home slowly, humming a cheerful ditty.

After returning home, I roughly told my parents about my experience. When they heard about the case, they were a little worried, but they thought about who their son was.That's a 'little adult'!Then they are relieved.

Of course, Seiji didn't tell them about his cracking of the case, and he revealed it when he said it. When did he read a lot of mystery books, unless he said that he went to the library to read books when he went out to play.Anyway, let's keep it secret for now, and if we get discovered later, there will be excuses anyway!

Oh, I'm so smart!Thinking of this, a smug smile appeared on Shengsi's face.

Seeing Shengsi like this, Mom and Dad suspected that he was bewitched.

After some conversation, it's time for Shengsi to wash up and go to bed, and he has a surprise for Xiaolan tomorrow!

With this in mind, Shengsi fell into a deep sleep on his soft little bed, and the corner of Shengsi's mouth was smiling in his sleep.
PS: Thank you Tycoon 123456 for giving me a recommendation vote every day, hereby add a new chapter for you

(End of this chapter)

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