Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 17 Participating in the Competition

Chapter 17 Participating in the Competition
the next morning.

"Mr. Xiaolin, it's like this. Well, okay, I will take good care of my illness. Well, see you tomorrow!" Shengsi put down the phone in his hand, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up. Just now, Shengsi called Teacher Xiaolin and told her that he had a cold So I'm taking a sick day.

But the fact is that Shengsi is going to Didan High School to find Xiaolan and surprise her!

I told my mother that I went to school and then went out, and everything was the same as before, without any flaws.

When Shengsi came to Didan High School, most of the people hadn't come to school yet.

Shengsi started a random walk in the school, one is to familiarize himself with the terrain, and the other is to find the location of Class B of the second grade.

As he was walking, Seiji suddenly stopped in his tracks because he saw a familiar figure. Isn't this the vocal teacher of class B of the fourth grade? The one who invited him to participate in some piano competition, his name seems to be Miyino Come on, what is she doing here?This is high school.

Shengsi was very curious about Mr. Miyai's coming here, seeing that Mr. Miyai was about to walk into a classroom, he quickly said: "Mr. Miyai, please wait a moment!" go.

Miyai Noka suddenly heard someone calling herself, heard the reputation and found out that it was a child, who is this?How did he know my name? After the kid approached, Miyai could clearly see who was coming.well? !Isn't this the saint?Did you agree to participate in the competition? "So it's Shengsi, you. Did you agree to participate in the competition?"

Shengsi ran over and heard Mr. Miyai's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, this teacher won't be thinking about him all the time.

In fact, Seiji guessed it right, Miyanoka really missed him all the time, and planned to pay a home visit to his house in a few days.

"No, I saw Miyai-sensei here, so I came to say hello, oh yes, Miyai-sensei, why are you here?" Seiji was not interested in that competition.

"Oh, that's how it is. As for why I'm here, I forgot to tell you last time. In fact, I'm the vocal teacher of Class B of the second year of Didan High School. The last time it was because of Chanel's participation in the competition, so I Went to the elementary school and took a class in her class for a week." Teacher Miyai talked about it, but she was thinking in her heart when she should go to Shengsi's house, and she needed to have a good talk with his parents How can such a good talent be wasted?

"What?! You are the vocal teacher of class B of the second year?" Shengsi was surprised.

"That's right, the second class in the class will be my vocal class later, what's the matter?" Seeing Seiji's surprised expression, Mr. Miyai was a little puzzled. Didn't he just say which class he taught? Are you so surprised?
When Shengsi heard that Mr. Miyai was the vocal teacher in Xiaolan's class, he was a little surprised, and then Mr. Miyai said that the next class would be her vocal class, and Shengsi suddenly had a measure in his heart.Originally, he just planned to make a flying 'magic' for Xiaolan when he was eating at noon, but now Shengsi really planned to give him a surprise!

"Teacher Miyai, can I play the piano in your class?" Seiji looked at Teacher Miyai expectantly.

"This..." Ms. Miyai agreed in her heart, but she didn't know how to answer Shengsi when she heard the news.

In the eyes of Shengsi, Mr. Miyai looked hesitant, so Shengsi quickly said, "I promise you to participate in that competition!"

Miyai-sensei was overjoyed immediately, and replied without any hesitation: "Okay! Yes!" Unexpectedly, Seiji-san agreed in this way, and now there is basically no problem with Seiji-san's piano accomplishment No. 1 competition!As for home visits, there is no need for them.

"Then I'll wait for you here after the first get out of class, then I'll go first." Although Shengsi didn't want to go to that kind of competition, if he could spend this little time to give Xiaolan a surprise, it would be worth it.

"Well, good bye then!" Teacher Miyai was very excited at this moment, and immediately walked towards the office after saying goodbye to Shengsi.

Miyai-sensei is going to inform some vocal music teachers who are not in class to come to the class at that time.

Shengsi took advantage of this time to go to the base to change into a pure black dress.

Soon it was the appointed time, and when Seiji came to the agreed place, he found that there were not only Mr. Miyai there, but there were actually two other people besides Mr. Miyai.

Whatever, as long as Miyai-sensei is here.

"I didn't expect Seiji-san to have a professional gown, really," Miyai said as he saw Seiji in a black gown approaching.

"Well, Mr. Miyai, let's go, it won't hurt to be late later." Shengsi didn't want to waste time at this time, he just wanted to let Xiaolan receive this surprise as soon as possible!
Originally Mr. Miyai planned to introduce the two vocal teachers behind him, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.
"Okay, then let's go this way!" Teacher Miyai pointed in one direction.

Xiaolan, who was sitting in the vocal music classroom, had been absent-minded. Xiaolan had been thinking about things in a daze since the morning. The first period was math class, and she didn't listen at all.Yuanzi had noticed Xiaolan's unusualness a long time ago, and asked her if she was thinking about Xinyi, she just smiled and shook her head without saying a word.

Will the saint come?He should come, he is a very good detective!I will definitely not miss the appointment, but why hasn't he come yet?Xiaolan sat in front of the piano and thought about it boredly.

I don't know when, Xiaolan never wanted Shengsi to come, she was a little looking forward to Shengsi's arrival, and now she strongly wants him to come.Seiji, I think he has a strange charm.

"Teacher Miyai is here!" Sonoko poked Xiaolan who was leaning on the piano and thinking.

There are more than a dozen pianos in the piano room of Didan High School, and two people in the class share one, so Yuanzi and Xiaolan sit together.

Because she was sitting and the piano was relatively tall, Xiaolan didn't see the short student Shengsi.But they saw the two vocal teachers following Shengsi.

Xiaolan heard that there were people attending this vocal music class in the classroom. When she came to the vocal music classroom, she found that there were seven or eight teachers sitting in the back of the classroom, and now there are two more teachers. This class is really unusual.

Seiji, who entered the classroom following Mr. Miyai, spotted Xiaolan and Sonoko sitting in the middle of the classroom at a glance. Thinking of their surprise later, the corners of Seiji's mouth turned up slightly.

"Students, today is a special piano class. In addition to the teacher sitting behind the class, there are also the leader of our vocal group, Mr. Shu Shu, and the deputy leader, Mr. Shanlang." Mrs. Miyai talked through the whole classroom There was a burst of applause. Although the students didn't know why they applauded, they felt a little interesting.

The group leader and deputy group leader nodded amid the applause of everyone, and then they also went to the back of the classroom.

After the applause gradually subsided, Mr. Miyai continued: "In addition to these people, there is also Seiji from Class B, the first grade of Didan Elementary School, who is here today! His piano level is even higher than mine!" The secretary also stood on the podium in due course.

It takes a lot of courage to openly admit that one's level is not as good as that of a primary school student. Seeing this, Shengsi secretly nodded. He is really a respectable teacher.

PS: I hope that friends who have a recommendation ticket will vote for Fengyun a valuable recommendation ticket, begging for help!
(End of this chapter)

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