Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 18 Surprise for Xiaolan

Chapter 18 Surprise for Xiaolan
Looking at Xiaolan again, she was completely stunned at this moment.

When Mr. Miyai said there was another person, Xiaolan had a strong premonition that it was him!When Miyai-sensei mentioned the words Seiji's classmate in class B of the first grade, Xiaolan was shocked. Is this the surprise that Seiji said to his girlfriend?I really didn't expect it.

A faint sense of happiness filled Xiaolan's heart, this kid really is so powerful.

"What's the matter? Xiaolan, could it be that brat that caused you to lose your mind today?" Yuanzi asked aloud when he saw Xiaolan's abnormality.

"Where? How is it possible?" Xiaolan blushed instantly when Yuanzi asked her.

Yuanzi saw that it was okay, and immediately said excitedly: "I still said no, my face is red!" The loud voice was heard by the whole classroom.

In an instant, everyone in the classroom was attracted by Sonoko's exclamation.

Teacher Miyai, who was speaking on stage, also looked annoyed, "Sono-ko-class-student?!" These words seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth. With many teachers attending the class, There are students making loud noises in class, and when the teacher is talking, this is simply a naked provocation to the teacher.

This shows how angry Mr. Miyai is.

Sonoko heard Teacher Miyai's angry voice and reacted instantly. This is a big disaster. In Japan, it is very disrespectful and impolite to treat a teacher like this.

Sonoko quickly stood up and saluted, "Miyai-sensei, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, so I'm very sorry!"

Seeing Sonoko like this, Xiaolan hurriedly got up and saluted, "Mr. Miyai, I'm sorry! It's all my fault. I caused Sonoko to do this. I'm very sorry!"

Shengsi looked at the two of them like this, but he didn't help to speak.If Miyai-sensei heard their apologies, it would have passed.

Sure enough, when Teacher Miyai heard Sonoko's apology, most of her anger had subsided, and with Xiaolan's apology, she was no longer angry.

"Okay, please sit down, and remember to listen to the class carefully!" Teacher Miyai continued his class after saying to her, "We are learning piano today, so we" in Japan, if we make a sincere apology, we will be forgiven The odds are high.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan were still afraid for a while after they sat down.

"I've said it all, don't gossip like that, Nuo, something happened now." Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi helplessly.

Yuanzi said with a dejected expression, "I'm afraid of being kicked out. It's okay, it's okay, it's nothing. If I get kicked out, I'll lose face." After speaking, she patted her small chest.

"Yes." Xiaolan answered Yuanzi's words, but kept secretly staring at Shengsi.

Shengsi seemed to be aware of it, and turned his head to look. In an instant, the eyes of the two people focused together.

Xiao Lan dodged immediately, her cheeks flushed slightly.

"Xiaolan, why are you blushing again? Isn't it?"

"No! Don't say any more, don't be overheard by the teacher again!" Xiaolan whispered.

"En!" Yuanzi looked terrified.

Mr. Miyai's words also came to an end, ". Next, I invite Seiji to perform a piano piece for everyone." After speaking, he gave the podium to Seiji.

Shengsi stood sideways where everyone could see him, then put his hand on his chest and bowed slightly. Wearing a black dress, his movements were extremely elegant, like a prince.

Yuanzi looked like a nympho, "So cute! So handsome!"

After Shengsi saluted, he walked to the piano not far from the podium. This is the piano used by the teacher for teaching, and it is now used by Shengsi.

The eyes of the students followed Shengsi's steps, and the students behind even stood up.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi are also staring at Shengsi, the difference is that Yuanzi is a nympho, and Xiaolan is paying attention.

Shengsi walked to the piano, put his hands lightly on the keys, and then slowly sat down on the chair.

I saw Shengsi pressing the keys with his right hand from left to right, "Dorui Secret Method Solasita." This is the sound test.Shengsi's whole action was full of a gentleman's flavor.

""Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix"!" This is the song, and this is also the first sentence Shengsi said since he entered the room!

When speaking, Shengsi seemed to be looking at the whole class, but in fact, he was staring at Xiaolan all the time!

Xiaolan has a different feeling when she is stared at by Shengsi, as if she feels safe and comfortable when she is stared at by him.When she heard him say that "Phoenix Court" was played, Xiaolan's heart trembled, as if a certain string had been plucked.

At this time, Xiaolan even had the idea that it would be good to be his girlfriend, and the next moment Xiaolan thought of Shinichi, this reasoning maniac!What an idiot, I feel like he can't compare to the kid Shengsi!

After Shengsi announced the title of the song, he played it slowly. The elegant sound of the piano spread throughout the classroom, and the students passing by the classroom also stopped. , the students in the entire classroom were listening attentively, and no one made a single noise, as if they were afraid of ruining the wonderful music.

Among them, Xiaolan felt the worst, because every time Xiaolan looked at Shengsi, she would find Shengsi staring at her!Coupled with the music played at this time, Xiao Lan's entire face turned red into a big apple.

Soon, a piece of "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" was played, and the rest of the sound was lingering, and everyone was intoxicated in it for a long time.
Shengsi got up, walked to the middle of the podium, looked at the intoxicated appearance of the crowd and said loudly: "Thank you!" At the same time, he thought to himself: It's okay to pretend, if you invite the next contestant to come on stage to pretend.

Only then did everyone realize that after a second of silence, everyone in the classroom applauded unanimously, and even people outside the classroom also applauded. .

Now everyone looked at Shengsi with nothing but admiration in their eyes!
It wasn't until this time that Miyai-sensei knew that Seiji's piano attainments were not only better than hers, but at least a few grades higher than hers!When he played "Ode to Joy" last time, he probably just played casually.
But Xiaolan thought in her heart: Shengsi is so powerful!Not only is the reasoning powerful, even the piano is so powerful!Shinichi is really far behind him.

On the other hand, Yuanzi looked like he wanted to pounce on him and kiss him fiercely. Shengsi felt a little flustered when he looked at Yuanzi.

"Teacher Miyai, then I'm leaving first, and goodbye, everyone!" Seiji said to Teacher Miyai and waved to everyone.

"Well, bye, and remember the game, I will look for you!" Mr. Miyai told Shengsi.

"Goodbye, Shengsi!" This was the voice of everyone.

Seeing Shengsi leave the classroom, Xiaolan felt a little bit sad for some reason.Yuanzi said carelessly: "This kind of handsome boy has to be cultivated since childhood, so that he can be a boyfriend in the future."

"What?" Xiaolan was a little embarrassed, Yuanzi is really, and she is still a boyfriend, really.
Shengsi asked Mr. Xiaolin for a day off, of course he didn't just play the first piano and leave. He just went back to change clothes, and then came back to accompany Xiaolan to continue the class.As for the seat, isn't the washing machine not here?Just sit there.

PS: Please recommend new books!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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