Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 19 1 day in high school

Chapter 19 A Day in High School

Soon, the bell for the third class rang, and when the students in Class B of the second year of Didan High School were all ready to go to class, a person rushed to the door.

"It's Seiji, Mr. Miyai has already told me, come in quickly." The Mandarin teacher standing on the podium said with a smile.

Yes, Seiji told Miyai-sensei that she would study in Class B for a day after changing her clothes just now, and she also said hello to the teachers who will be attending classes later, that's why she appeared now This scene.

"It's Seiji-san!"

"Yes! I didn't expect him to come to our class!"

On the way Shengsi walked to Xiaolan's side, the whispers of classmates could be heard all the time, but Xiaolan was in a daze, never expecting that Shengsi would come to the high school to teach.

When Shengsi walked to Xiaolan's side, he whispered, "Lan, I'm here to find you!"

Xiaolan's face was burning like a fire, and she turned red. She quickly buried her face on the table and pretended to be asleep.

Since Shengsi spoke in a very low voice and the amplitude was not large, most people did not see Shengsi speak, so everyone was very puzzled by Xiaolan's actions.

However, due to the angle, Sonoko happened to see Shengsi's mouth move when passing by Xiaolan, and then Xiaolan buried her face in the book, summarizing her state today.Yuanzi's fire of gossip suddenly blazed, could it be
After Shengsi finished speaking, he also sat down in Xinyi's seat generously. The teacher saw that Shengsi had chosen a seat and said, "A new student came today. I believe you have seen him in vocal music class just now." Alright, Seiji will study in our class for a day today."

"My name is Seiji Miyamizu, please take care of me!" Seiji stood up from his seat and said.

There was a burst of warm applause in the classroom.

"Okay, let's start studying now. Please open the book." The Mandarin teacher waited for the applause to subside and started his performance. Oh no, it's class.

After the students all started listening to the class, Shengsi found that Xiaolan was still buried her head on the table, so Shengsi poked Xiaolan's shoulder lightly with his thoughts.

"Ah!" Xiaolan was already in a tense state, but suddenly she was poked by Shengsi and let out a moderate cry, which attracted the students sitting around to look at her.

Xiaolan looked around and found that the students around her were all looking at her. Xiaolan quickly responded with an apologetic smile.

In this way, Shengsi spent the whole morning molesting Xiaolan when he had nothing to do, and molested Xiaolan when he had something to do.

During the break in the third period, Shengsi planned to talk to Xiaolan for a while, but he obviously underestimated the enthusiasm of the students.

As soon as get out of class was over, the whole class surrounded him and asked questions, especially Yuanzi, who felt that the questions they asked were the same as looking for a partner, as detailed as they needed to be, Shengsi could only be perfunctory about it passed.

After class at noon, Shengsi declined the invitations of most of the class, and followed Xiaolan and Yuanzi to a restaurant outside the school.

Along the way, no matter what questions Yuanzi asked, Xiaolan and Shengsi didn't speak, they just made a simple self-introduction and got to know each other.

One was embarrassed to say it, and the other was afraid of Yuanzi's loud voice. It would be bad if the whole school knew about it.

After arriving at the restaurant, Shengsi chose a box on the inside. As for the reason, Shengsi, who had a loud voice in the garden, didn't want to see him again.

"Sister Yuanzi, Lan has been my girlfriend since yesterday, and she promised it herself." After the dishes were served, Shengsi said.

The sip of tea that Yuanzi had just drank suddenly sprayed out, and the direction of the spray was Xiaolan. Seeing this, Shengsi quickly moved all the tea on the ground with his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Xiaolan, I was just too surprised! Could it be that you abandoned Shinichi, and then..." Yuanzi quickly picked up the tissue on the table and wiped Xiaolan's body, with a gossip look on his face.

"It's okay, it didn't spray on me, and it's not what you think!" Xiaolan waved her hand, then approached Yuanzi and whispered, "Kid, coax him, wait for a while He just forgot."

Sonoko looked suddenly enlightened, "Oh~ I see."

At this moment Shengsi's voice sounded: "I am no longer a child, I will never forget, Lan is mine for the rest of my life!" When a three-year-old child comes to coax me, I'm already six years old!

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Xiaolan and Yuanzi smiled awkwardly at the same time.

"Shengsi, you're still young, do you know what a girlfriend is?" Yuanzi took a sip of tea, as if preaching.

"I know girlfriends! Girlfriends are people who need to be loved and cared for. Don't let her get hurt a little bit, don't let her worry about herself, let her be happy every day! This is a girlfriend!" St. Si Jiang recited verbatim what he said to Xiaolan that night.

Yuanzi was taken aback by Shengsi's words, and completely forgot what he wanted to say just now, "Yes, you are right!"

"Lan, look, Sister Yuanzi agreed, I don't care, anyway, you are my girlfriend, now and more in the future!" Shengsi began to act foolishly because he was a child.

Xiaolan's face was always red, really, a brat yelled for her to be his girlfriend all day long, she said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'm your girlfriend, can we eat now? "Just promise him first, he's just a kid anyway, Xiaolan thought.

"Huh?! Xiaolan, you actually agreed!" Yuanzi was surprised.

"Calm down first, otherwise what if he cries?"

"Well, it's too annoying for the kid to cry."

Shengsi couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard this, although the two of them spoke in a low voice, they still couldn't escape Shengsi's ears, how could they cry?Shengsi really couldn't help but smile.
Shengsi saw that he was almost molested, so he said: "Come, come, let's eat."

"I'm going to start."

In the afternoon, Shengsi also kept teasing Xiaolan, some books suddenly flew up, her skirt was ripped off, the table moved suddenly, etc.

Seeing Xiaolan's expression of not knowing what's going on, Shengsi found it very interesting.

The afternoon class time passed quickly, and on the way home from school, Xiaolan asked him and Yuanzi whether he had encountered a ghost in class today, and something was always moving inexplicably, and she looked scared when she said it.

It turns out that Xiaolan is still afraid of ghosts, so she can play tricks on her in the future, and then beat the ghosts away as a 'boyfriend'. Didn't Lan throw herself into her arms?
Thinking of this, Shengsi couldn't help laughing out loud, "Ahahahahaha."

"Is your new 'boyfriend' stupid because you took a class in our high school for a day?" Yuanzi asked Xiaolan suspiciously.

"Maybe." Xiaolan looked back at Shengsi with a silly look, and then replied helplessly.

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(End of this chapter)

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