Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 20 Shengsi and Xiaolan's Secret

Chapter 20 Shengsi and Xiaolan's Secret
After Shengsi waited for Yuanzi to walk away, a cunning flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hands to Xiaolan and said, "Lan, I'm tired from walking, hug me!" Xiaolan stopped calling her to Shengsi. I protested for sister Xiaolan, but it was useless, so I just let him go now.

"Okay." Xiaolan picked up Shengsi.

After Shengsi was picked up by Xiaolan, he immediately kissed her hard on the face, "Lan, let's go live at my house today. Dad said that if I find a girlfriend, I will bring her back to meet my parents!"

"Ah?! If it's like this, then fine." Xiaolan was startled and agreed straightforwardly.

Shengsi was stunned for a moment, this script is not right, shouldn't he refuse in every possible way, then make a request, and finally agree under his coquettish manner?

In fact, the reason why Xiaolan agreed so quickly was that she had the idea of ​​talking to Shengsi's parents. Shengsi kept saying that she was his girlfriend was not a solution, and his parents had to change his mind.

On the way Xiaolan carried Shengsi to his house, Shengsi suddenly found out that if Xiaolan told his mother that he had stayed in high school for a day, then he would find that he had lied to her and told her to go to school, and then she just had to be more careful. At one o'clock, I would find myself telling Mr. Kobayashi to ask for sick leave for a day, and then I would be miserable.
Shengsi thought of this and quickly said: "Lan, I remember that there seems to be no one in my house today, let's go to your house."

When Xiaolan heard Shengsi say that no one in his family was going to plan, Xiaolan subconsciously said: Then go to my house.But thinking about it carefully, if Shengsi said that he was his girlfriend in front of his father, it would be fine!So she quickly changed her words and said: "It seems that there is no one in my house. Dad seems to have gone out." Xiaolan felt a little guilty as she spoke, as if this was the first time she had lied.

For a while, both of them were silent.

In the end, it was Shengsi who broke the silence, "Lan, let's go out for dinner. I heard from others that this is called a date."

"Hmm" Xiaolan put Shengsi down and led him to walk forward. In fact, she didn't know what to do at this time, so she replied subconsciously.

After realizing it, now the two are going on a date!Xiaolan has a different feeling, is this a date?Feeling like never before.
The two of them were walking on the street thinking about each other. When they passed by a pretty good sushi restaurant, Shengsi said helplessly: "Lan, this is the one, if you go any further, there will be no place to eat." It's been around long enough
"Okay!" Xiaolan was taken aback for a moment before replying.

Seeing Xiaolan like this, Shengsi knew that she was probably thinking about Shinichi again.

Suddenly, Shengsi felt that everything he did was meaningless. At the beginning, he was holding the idea of ​​making Xiaolan happy, but now the feeling has changed, maybe it is time to end this game.

Seiji was eating the sushi in front of him without interest.

Looking at the opposite side, Xiaolan eats with gusto, the taste of this sushi restaurant is really good, next time I can bring Conan to eat.

"Sister Xiaolan, I want to tell you something." Shengsi put down the chopsticks in his hand and said suddenly.

Xiaolan was also taken aback when she heard the words, why did she suddenly call herself sister Xiaolan again? Could it be that Shengsi thought the 'girlfriend' game was boring and stopped playing?

"What's the matter?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously.

"Actually, Conan. He is Kudo Shinichi!"

Xiaolan was shocked when she heard this answer, and said in disbelief, "Impossible, Conan is just a child like you."

"Sister Xiaolan, I didn't lie to you! You know that my reasoning ability is very strong. I found a lot of doubts. I deduced the fact that Conan is brother Xinyi based on clues." Looking at Xiaolan's concentration , Sushi continued: "First of all, it is suspicious that Conan appeared as soon as Shinichi disappeared. Second, I went to the doctor's house, and the doctor said that Conan was the child of his distant relative. Loophole, third, when you got along with Conan, you must have noticed that some of his habits are very similar to Shinichi, right? Fourth, go and look at the photos of Shinichi when he was a child, it is exactly the same as Conan!" Seiji breathed out Talked a lot.

When Xiaolan heard Seiji say that Conan is Shinichi, she already believed it [-]% or [-]% because she also had some doubts that Conan was Shinichi, plus the four points listed by Seiji later, it is now almost certain that Conan is Shinichi one.

"Then how did Shinichi become Conan?" Xiaolan asked a crucial question.

"I guess it's because of some huge change, sister Xiaolan, you have to remember! Xinyi is a smart person, there is a reason why he doesn't recognize you, so you have to pretend that you don't know And the reason why I told you is because I don't want to see you unhappy again. So you should be happy in the future, and you should be happy for Brother Xinyi~" Shengsi walked up to Xiaolan and patted her hand. The face said innocently.

After listening to Shengsi's words, Xiaolan fell into thinking.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't bother, and after paying the bill, he leaned next to Xiaolan and whispered: "This is our secret, goodbye." After saying that, he walked towards the door.

When Shengsi came to the door, Xiaolan realized that she stood up and shouted in Shengsi's direction, "Thank you, Shengsi, I will keep this secret!"

Shengsi paused when he heard this, smiled, and walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

After telling this secret, Shengsi felt that the whole person was much more relaxed, Xiaolan should not be unhappy now.

After Shengsi left the restaurant, he happily returned home alone.

Open the door, and then my mother looked at him with a smile on her face. This is by no means an ordinary smile, it belongs to the kind that hides a knife in a smile.

When Seiji saw Ayumi, Conan, Mitsuhiko, and Genta sitting on the sofa, he knew what happened, and he didn't count them four!Don't look at it, it must be because of Shengsi's 'cold', so several of them came to visit Shengsi who was 'sick in bed'.

"Xiaosi?! Tell me, what are you doing today?" Mom looked at Shengsi with a smile on her face, showing no sign of anger.

But Shengsi knew that this was the calm before the storm.

This is the first time that Shengsi lied to his mother. My mother only knew that Shengsi did not go to school when Conan and the others came to visit. It has been nearly two hours since Shengsi came back. If my mother knew that Shengsi was a Little adult', she used to run out for a long time before, nothing would happen, she had already called the police.

Shengsi has been obedient and sensible since he was a child, but he lied and disappeared today. It seems that he will have a good talk with him in the future.

Conan and the four of them are also loyal, none of them left, they are all here waiting for him to come back, Shengsi looked at the four people on the sofa and thought.

In fact, Shengsi misunderstood them. Their main purpose was to have a meal here. Because Conan had never eaten Chinese food, Ayumi said that he would come to Shengsi's house to eat delicious food. As for visiting Shengsi, it was just a matter of passing by.
When Shengsi entered the door and heard his mother's words, he knew that his mother was angry.

At this time, Shengsi started to think about it, how to make up this lie?Yes, let Mr. Miyai take the blame
PS: Two updates will be resumed starting today, one at 6 pm!Please recommend!Ask for collection!
(End of this chapter)

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